So what does Sup Forums think of Scorn?
So what does Sup Forums think of Scorn?
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I like the art style. I'm gonna keep an eye on it.
was excited but quickly began to think that it will likely be the work of normies with nothing to show other than 'giger is sick'.
definitely watching it though.
To be honest, that is a fair enough reason to be interested in it
interesting art style based on Giger's work but that's literally all they've shown off that's intriguing
And your attitude is a fair enough reason to be interested in you.
My name's user, what's yours?
Only partially Giger really, monsters and some environments are much too fleshy to be inspired by Giger. I'd say a mix of Giger+Beksinski, but that feels a little off too. Gotta be some other surreal artist that I don't know mixed in there.
>at all
There is not one lick of sexual imagery in what they've shown. This isn't giger.
The design seems good but i fear that it will be a walking simulator with a few puzzles here and there.
Yeah was thinking Beksinki too.
The environment is literally Giger
>surreal artist
Funny, that
Honestly if there is a great story I hope its that. They worst thing they could do is turn it into a serious sam/COD shooter.
Not its Beksinki
No its literally something scrapped from his 'Alien' artwork. You literally cannot deny this.
Some of the environments are very Giger, the creatures are definitely not though.
>They worst thing they could do is turn it into a serious sam/COD shooter.
>turn it into a serious sam shooter
Actually that sounds great
That sounds fucking aweful and generic and such a waste of an interesting premiste.
It looks pretty cool, I'll probably play it no matter what it ends up being, mostly a walking simulator or actually has a focus on the guns.
reminds me of the gun from existenz
From what I've heard it seems a more survival/adventure game, since ammo is limited and the level design is open.
Also it comes in 2 parts, part 1 slated for 2017
I wonder if being around in such repulsive and unpleasant environments will be tolerable in the long run, but it looks interesting so keeping an eye on it, hopefully it has more going for it than just the artstyle.
>ammo is limited
Considering the gun handle gets shoved into your arm, i assume your health is ammo