Does the west have something like this?

Does the west have something like this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Might as well consider the wests focus on MAME and emulation in general as a movement for preservation.

Without MAME so much shit would just be gone forever.

Or just Jeff Gerstmanns garage, that's probably a preservation society.



>Kloah is actually getting better
Our future is bright.


What's this thread even about

Preserving anime titties

That's nice.



Well fuck me, they are documenting literally everything.

Yes it is


I'm sad that they didn't explain why they need the Ouya

Preservation of a cube-shaped scamstarter project, perhaps

Please stop.



It's basically bunch of OLD shit that run OLD games I can play with Dosbox. I don't see what's the fascinating about OLD computer (or console) hardware imo. The shit gets OLD faster than camera optics / synthesizers / cars / that it's not even funny. Anyone clinging to OLD shit is just autistic, seriously.

Spot the Gen Z faggot

>old stuff that has no inherent value since it's basically just computing power, not design
>old music gear / old lenses still have their appeal
>old cars have their collectors
Tell me again why I should care for OLD hardware?

>not design

Objectively wrong

Some people dig the way things used to be made. I have a 35+ year old hand-me-down fan from my folks(I can't even find its exact age because it's some kind of copy or rebrand model of other brand fans.) This fucker has never been maintained for shit, never been oiled, never even been cleaned as far as I can tell, until I finally got off my ass to do it last year.

Yet it's never not worked, and it's always been powerful as fuck even covered in decades of neglectdust. Meanwhile I've gone through three desktop fans, and seven other standup ones before I got this one, because people have seven year old parasite factories in fourth world shitholes throw them together with duct tape nowadays.

I'm not obssessed about fans, and I could care less if the one I have is worth 25 cents or 25,000 dollars. But I respect old craftsmanship, and little faggots like you whining about autism while needlessly capitalizing OLD every other word should too.