"college was, mostly just a place for students... to learn themselves, figure out what they wanted to do with their lives"
Was he right Sup Forums?
"college was, mostly just a place for students... to learn themselves...
Other urls found in this thread:
>that file name
what did he mean by this?
it is correct, if anything
For a lot of people its like that, but you dont have to go to college to figure out what you're gonna do for the rest of your life.
And you're not necessarily going to figure that out if you do go to college.
Joel never went to college how the fuck would he know anything about anything
I went to college and all it did was make me realize how much I wanted to be a marine biologist
It sure as I know helps, though.
try taking out your name first before samefagging your own post
I'm in college
I don't know what I wanna do in life
I've never know what I wanted out of life
I just wanna be a dad to five kids with a loving wife
Do you think their crotches smell of each other too?
Do you think they... Shared... Scents?
>wanting five kids
Oh, so you're just a legitimate idiot.
No, it was a good post
user they did more than share scents...
good boy, taking care of ur wife sons
>five kids
>loving wife
Pick one
Probably smells like years of collected smegma
No shower in 20 years for Joel
Jesus Christ actually...
You know you can bathe in a river or a lake right you fucking moron
whatever floats your boat
4 u
Still no shower in 20 years
You fucking idiot
this guy gets it. Plus you only really "find yourself" if you get a dorm and actually live there. I lived at home and commuted and it sucked ass.
The town he was in had electricity dude, running water was probably there too.
It's not that bad. The body has its own cleaning mechanisms. It will propably smell but it wont smell like smegma and rotten oysters.
Winter > Summer > Fall > Spring
Double nignog zombie a best
The one with Tess?
Sounds plausible, but electricity? Bullshit
I fucking hate it when people go to college, stay undeclared/liberal arts or do a major like art, don't get a mentor, internship, assistantship, or lab position of any kind, graduate and then bitch about how college is useless.
What the fuck did you even bother going to college for? These stupid fucks are all over the internet trying their best to convince people not to go to college because they were retarded and wasted money without trying
Winter was objectively the best part of the game
Or pittsburgh
Haven't played the game in a while but pretty sure there were working lights there. At least the military did but I guess there was nothing showing that it was available for everybody.
That's black people for you user
>the body has its own cleaning mechanisms
Like what
I see failed youtube people bitch about it all the time like every youtube animator ever and sam hyde
>Sam Hyde
He has a huge cult following and his own TV show now
he failed at school though like a fucking retard and lives like a rat.
I love most of his vids though
thats how i would explain it to some uneducated children too
i would sniff her ass too
What tv show?
>Linking to CuckPillPhilosophy
Kill yourself.
>living the way you want to makes you a failure
I'd call that success m8
>m-muh arbitrary standards of success projected onto me by the media and big corporations though!!!
I've never seen a more click-bait title
same here user
I would destroy ellie's perception of shitty reality with muh dick
never said he was a failure. He knows jackshit about education but preaches about it all the time, though.
>that title
>that numale beard
Jesus Christ I wouldn't be surprised if he works for Buzzfeed.
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: World Peace
I don't watch him you faggot, but it was pretty spot on with what the other user said(unless you're him, bitch)
>I see failed YouTube people
yeah, he failed at higher education
I don't fucking know, quit replying to me faggot.
Your eyes for one thing and im pretty sure vaginas are self cleaning to a degree
Huh? Wha-?
On what channel/network?
if it's a YouTube show
It doesn't count
You heard me, faggot. Didn't I just say to never ever reply to my post again unless you want your mother to die in her sleep tonight?
Adult Swim
I gave you the name, why don't you google it?
Just googled, nvm
Holy shit Sam Hyde made it
Yeah, I did not learn shit in college.
Thanks for staying on topic dude :)
College isn't about learning anymore, it's now a daycare for emotionally-stunted millennials.
what was the best TLOU moment
and why was it the giraffes
I have a diplom and a master and this user is right.
"boss" fight with David
The cutscene after
At least in the US.
Most uni people I've met from Europe were a good deal more intelligent, and went to uni with a good idea of what skills they wanted to learn to do something later in life, things other than earn money.
Coming from an Asian family, this concept blew my mind. Talking to my mother about going to college, her only reason is essentially for the sake of it.
t. dropout
college is shit and I hate it
The end of that game made zero fucking sense.
Joel tries to rescue elli from being killed by the scientists who are trying to find a cure.
In order to stop Joel, the fireflies put up an entire army of their troops to stop Joel from reaching her.
But wouldn't it have made more sense for them to kill Elli BEFORE Joel even arrived, so that way he would have nothing to fight for?
Makes no sense.
they needed her alive you goddamn psychopath
a dead brain would have been useless
Where are students supposted to figure out their lives if not college?
Jotaro you are too old to be on Sup Forums.
t. jotaro
What even happens at the end
How do Joel and Ellie get separated? Don't remember
By living in the real world outside of safe spaces?
You can't achieve anything in life without college. College is the true pathway to financial success and getting a life.
All those people that never went to college are wageslaving at McD or neeting their lives away until they die at 30.
Ellie gets taken by the fireflies so they can operate on her brain to find the cure.
Joel tries to stop it but is escorted out by the fireflies.
He goes full rage mode and decides to literally end humanity as we know by killing all the fireflies and innocent scientists in order to save Ellie.
Sex scene with ellie
Oh wait...oh no..
>I was a pampered little baby by my parents my entire life: The post
> MFW I own a business
> MFW I make 80,000€ /y
> MFW I dropped out of college 1st year
> MFW I read your shitty post
Are you aware that there's such a thing as T R A D E S C H O O L S?
Tradesmen can make quite decent livings and their skills are only growing in demand.
The funnier thing is, I see a lot more successful people who didn't go to college than those who did.
College isn't a sham, but you're the only one who can make yourself succeed, college or not.