Melee thread? What are you guys working on?

Melee thread? What are you guys working on?

I'm on netplay with my shitty sheik if anyone wants to play me! I've been getting crushed by stupid foxes and bullshit samuses all day.

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Do you go to tourneys at all?

sheik doesnt look like that

Sheik is a girl? Holy fuck. Why did nobody tell me this?

I wish there were Shiek buttjob pics

Have you guys noticed that Sheik and Zelda have the same voice actress? It's kind of weird.

Anyways, my favorite stage is Venom, that shit should come back as DLC.

Well, they're both girls, so why not?

I went to my first tourney a couple of days ago. It was casual garbage and no one could take a game off of me. Won a $15 gift card to a retro gaming store lul

Sick, I've been playing for two years now, got good placements at nationals and taken games off of some really high ranked players! Try going to a big tourney sometime soon, it's 100% worth it.

I live in bumfuck nowhere, OH so even weeklies are rare here. I did see a big tournament in kentucky though about an hour from me, maybe with some more practice I'll go and see what I can do.

These guys on netplay are insane. I'm used to playing my decent friends, not getting waveshined from ledge to ledge... Still won though lol

anyone else have the fantasy of being 15/16 and meeting this cool guy that likes all the same stuff you like, has the same sense of humor, but you and he don't really fit in with anyone else and end up spending countless hours together, and people call you a fag and a loser in school but it doesn't matter because you have a best friend and then one day at a sleep over you kiss him but you kind of regret it because you're not a gay and you stop talking to him for a few days but you realize it doesn't matter that he's a guy and you apologize for being a jerk to him and his dadwho is a widower takes you both on a fishing trip and one night you tell him that you love him but then he lets his hair down and he's actually been a girl the whole time so you're actually not gay at all and you have sex with your best friend who is actually a hot tomboy?

sheik reminds me of that haha

How do you get people on netplay?

how to Yoshi?

>In the end is not gay
Shit story.

Majority of the new players I encounter in pools are all tech and no brain, don't get discouraged and keep practicing and try attending a national if one comes around. Check on this site if theres anything in the coming months near you, it regualry updates with new tourneys all the time.

Who is the second easiest character to play after Link? I don't mean at top level, I just want to know what characters a complete drooling retard could play and still win a few games at locals.

L + R + A + Start Fox

Work on DJCs, make use of D-Smash, up-air is good to juggle, parry and get better at edgeguarding since Yoshi has a hard time killing. That's all I know.

In melee? Marth. Just outspace them and F-smash. Sheik is easy as well but you need to know how to punish approaches and tech chase.

Marth and Sheik, I wouldn't consider link easy to play because he gets outclassed heavily by the characters in the high tier. Link lacks the amount options in play compared to the characters I put.

I guess I'm glad I had my friend to teach me about mind games and constant side dodge wars, I had a fox rage quit against my sheik because I side dodge down smashed every time he tried to approach me with his drill shine bullshit

Heres an example on how far mindgames and having a smart play can take you lmao, I believe he got 9th at the last national he went too, Apex I believe.

forgot to mention, borps playstyle is to play as simple as possible and use as little tech as possible

I need to work on edge guarding and egg play then.

Holy crap. That's exactly how I play. I mean, I'm still working on it but yeah. It's ugly but it gets the job done. Thanks for showing me this, I'll have to watch more of this guy.

Yeah i've watched some of his vods, people get really frustrated with spotdodges lmao, good luck with your future tourneys!

I'll try Marth. I've played some Sheik but it's impossible to short hop or dash dance with and it's really hard to move around the stage without wavedashing and chaingrab/techchasing is too hard.

I realize that Link isn't good in top-level play but it's easy to execute his techniques, you can spam projectiles, and his lack of mobility isn't a big deal if you don't have the skill to control a fast character anyway.


See, that's the thing. There is not much skill in melee unless you're at the very top. It's just about practice. Honestly any character that you put a little time into will win locals

What character do you use when you're at the top of the skill ladder and people below you aren't worth your time in friendlies?

I fucking hate it when people think like this. Sometimes, I don't want to play my main 100% of the time, they're fucking friendlies.

Tell that to Tristate,FL, and Socal players.
There is definitely skill in melee even at mid level play.


learn how to skate as ganon

Apex sucked this year and borp isn't even the best in his local scene. I'm not saying to be a mindless execution/tech monkey but you are delusional if you don't think bnb's and basic execution aren't necessary even at mid level play nowadays.
Too many stupid as fuck Fox/Falco mains practice multi shines instead of learning good movement and consistently l canceling shit.
Mango's tech skill isn't even impressive nowadays, he just has insane game awareness coupled with good execution.


>Learn the chaingrabs he has.
>Do more slippy sliddy wavedash shit.
Literally all you can do with him. There is a reason why Kage quit Ganon.
If you don't care about winning go ahead. But don't cry we you get camped by literally any decent player.

There is not enough Shiek in general.


Sheik is a cute sub.

You should play to improve as much as possible. Usually I play my main in
tournament friendlies since people there are trying way harder to warm up for bracket and you get good practice in.
In Smash fests I play who ever though unless you are seriously trying.

What was your guys' win/loss ratio for your first tournament?

Went to my first last Saturday and went 1-2. Feels bad.

And playing characters you aren't as experienced with helps you improve them. How else am I supposed to improve other characters? Friendlies are called friendlies for a reason, I shouldn't need to play them like tourney matches.

What region user?
Different regions have significantly different skill levels at locals.

this, it's a nice mixture of the two. Mango definitely isn't as flashy as some of the even lower-tier players. the only thing he really does is moonwalking which is more efficient than anything. best edgeguard option as fox imo. but it's not like you see mango multishining too often.

i fuck around with fox/falcon. falcon more recently because ive gained a heavy deal of awareness about the game/matchups and i find his movement easy to lock people into certain DI/tech chase options. fox is hard to play consistently at a higher level, i tend to use him for the falco matchup

does 20XX 4.05 work on netplay?
if so does anyone want to fuck around with SD Remix characters with me?