>All games by a dev studio take place in the same universe or multiverse
their final game has all the previous protagonists team up to defeat the ultimate big bad
Things in vidya that make you cum instantly
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OP, and people like OP, why do you crop the porn down so much as to make people ask you for the source? Isn't that annoying? Why not just put black boxes around the fun parts and then let those of us who aren't savages look it up. Why. You fuckers.
>Things in vidya that make you cum instantly
Scenes that induce long-term controller vibrations, duh
The vibrator that came with Rez
>it's a no sauce thread
Well implemented and fun platforming mechanics make me cum.
Friendly reminder to report and hide all bait threads
I dont think that's the same kind of bait
shiwasu no okina obviously
I wish someone did this and OP wasn't full of shit.
That's literally R-Type Final. Go play the whole R-Type series now.
>All games by a dev studio take place in the same universe
My favorite book series does this. Any story that doesn't take place on Earth is in the same universe. It's great.
Good stories
Story>Gameplay>Atmosphere>Soundtrack>Art Style>Graphics
This is my unironical non-b8 post which describes what I look for in video games(also a fact,but you guys are in extreme denial so ignore this)
because then its just censored porn and not a reaction image you stupid twat
Whats the book series?
So that's the guy who did the nudist beach one? Cool. Too bad the animation is fucking garbage, tho that's always the case.
OK but I don't even register that as a reaction image because I can easily tell its a badly cropped porn image.
>you stupid twat
Ah, hit a nerve I see!
It's technically a meta-series, as in several different series/stories are in the same universe; the same literal dwarf galaxy, if we're being pedantic.
>Entire plot leads up to reveal of big bad that up until then nobody had expected there was one
>He was the one who orchestrated everything that had happened up until then
>The bad guy was one of the good guys all along and replaying shows just how much foreshadowing there was
AA5 did a really good job of this with the phantom and the DARK AGE OF THE LAW
>final boss
>music is a remix of the main theme
>music is one long medley of all the areas of the game
>it's a manga
Don't you mean art style?
An animation for the doujin was made not too long ago.
>Flashy anime-style super moves and shit, especially if they involve giant laser beams and dragging people across the stage to slam-check them into a wall.
I don't know why I like this shit so much. It's so hype though.
what game other than R-Type does this? I've though of shit like that for a while
looking for a good story before anything else in video games must be quite a hardship
Ubisoft does but hey that's just a theory... A GAME THEORY! THANKS FOR WATCHING!!!
I mean, at least you got gameplay pretty high up there. If I did the same thing I'd go Gameplay>Art Style>Soundtrack>Atmosphere>Graphics>Story. Regardless, I respect your opinion and I'm not gonna assblast you for it.
Not really no,
I don't hold them to the same standards as books
Video Game stories might not be as good as books but they're still entertaining
>it's a no sauce thread
>The final boss is a humanoid enemy with a moveset similar to yours
dumb cropped porn posters
>protagonist of a previous game is a boss in a later game
better than frog posters.
What does atmosphere mean in this case? Just how cohesive the different elements go together or what?
>Things in vidya
>not a common occurrence in vidya
never getting a sequel
Probably. Not him but I'm guessing it just means general feel/aesthetic.
>asshole comes and kicks your ass
>he keeps mocking you saying he's stronger than you
>time goes by
>he returns sure he'll be able to kick your ass
>you kick his instead and kills him
>everyone is impressed
I would say atmosphere is how well the various elements of the game fit together to meet a desired effect.
A horror game with goofy music is going to have a shit atmosphere even if the music is well composed and mastered, because it doesn't mesh well with the rest of the game.
>best girl from last game joins your party again.
>you can rearrange the order of your skills
It's funny because Sup Forums likes to say they prefer gameplay over everything, but their taste in video games says otherwise. Sup Forums has a huge chunk of casuals in denial.
For the majority of Sup Forums, it's probably Story>Art Style>Atmosphere>Gameplay>Graphics>Soundtrack. It's nothing to even be ashamed over, some people just play games to have fun and having some complex in depth gameplay isn't really necessary to have a good time.
Name several games that do this.
I legit don't give a fuck about story. I thought Undertale was one of the best-written games I ever played but God Hand is ten times better and definitely a candidate for my single player GOAT. If you're playing God Hand for the story you're really doing it wrong.
>You can make enemies join your side
Give me a Life Stone.
>Final Mission: Game's Title
>You get to use all your powers
>Previously invincible boss is now vulnerable thanks to the people you helped
>epic music that played in the cutscene continues in the final phase
Cool, another guy that loves MGSV.
Don't watch it. It fucking sucks. Berserk (2016) is literally shaft top budget animation compared to the hentai animation adaptation.
It is a case of being too true to the original while just being badly drawn.
You know how shiwaso makes insanely plump tits and asses? yeah it looks fucking stupid now. Somehow they fucked it up.
>You can grab enemies and throw them at other enemies, or at least knock them back so hard they knock back and damage them too.
Really? Many other games do that.
I completely agree with this ranking.
Also, I have two categories that I put games into:
>Story based complex-ish games (Last of Us, Fire Emblem, Pokemon [sometimes], Disgaea, most RPGS, etc) these are the kind of games where it's best to put 100% of your attention into them, like a book.
>Gameplay based, simpler games (GTA, Binding of Isaac, Resident Evil Raid Mode, Smash Bros, Megaman, etc). These are good for just killing time, having a tv or music on in the background while playing, etc.
I like both styles, but sometimes I'm in the mood for a good story, and other times I just want good mindless gameplay.
The best game IMO is be one that has an excellent story and is really engaging, but also has top-tier gameplay that can be mindlessly played over and over.