Name 10 good videogames made by a CS student
Name 10 good videogames made by a CS student
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So computer scientists are smart guys and computer engineers are manchildren?
And you're a little cunt?
Pretty much, also checked.
It's more computer engineers getting pointless shit done while computer scientists think about pointless shit
Says you, that motherfucker that got Doom running on it knows more than the faggot spouting garbled gobbledy gook
Scientists in general deal primarily in thoughts and ideas. Engineers deal with practical problems.
Why would you need a screwdriver this big to run doom on anything?
Didn't know porting a 23 year old game to a machine of limitless potential was a practical problem.
Wow. Trip'd 'em all with a successfully baited line.
to put your chip with doom in the machine circuitry
a flat head screw driver is more of a crowbar in many situations, probley needed to pry things open
This sounds correct.
Perhaps the implication that are mostly useless on their own, but good luck getting them on the same page.
>making your own software work on a machine built by another species
you don't even think before typing anything do you?
engineers fix your computer
scientists think of a way of making a better computer
...then engineers build the better computer.
...after the scientist refines it.
How can scientists even compete?
>dumb guy is indian
>smart guy is white
racist shits
The best way to understand how something works is to hack the shit out of it.
What does a computer scientist actually do in the real world? Like, what are the jobs of a computer scientist?
imagine if the "ideas guy" actually got a job for being one
OK, that's a nice quip you made there and all. But it doesn't actually answer my question.
they usually end up at retail jobs in hipster coffee shops and the like
OK, again, nice quip there. But what are the jobs they are actually qualified for? Like, someone must be putting that computer science degree to use, right? What is that successful computer scientist actually doing with his degree?
Serving coffee, and the like. Handling the register.
Most people that take CS end up doing Software Developer jobs or the like.
probley making computers but the only successful computer scientists are also computer engineers
Computer scientists are the people thinking of new ways of computing, and of interacting with the computer.
Computer Scientists at Nintendo came up with the idea for the Nunchuk controller and the Virtual Boy.
Until management contacts Infosys and brings in the army of $5/hour Pajeets to replace the expensive CS kids.
Led by sw engineer project leads
SMBC literally just makes people random shades of white to brown. Actually one of the better examples of diversity because it's never addressed.
I'd like to think 2 of the 3 games I made in a game programming class I took as an elective for my CS degree are good. They're unfinished but still probably good.
Here's one
>no asians
racist as fuck
Name me another good game made by a math PhD
My mom's boyfriend has a bachelors in CS and does some shit at nvidia.
I think he makes around the 200k a year range
i've always found it a little pathetic how much NEETs project their disappointment in their life unto college programs.
This thread is already too pissy
post videos of DOOM running on weird shit
CE students tend to have excellent technical skills but be complete autists and in a company are way more easily replaced. Besides people with business backgrounds, most of the management I've seen are CS majors.
>source: work at a top 20 Fortune 500 tech company
>practical application for people too stupid to handle theory
really makes you think
>People dont understand that scientists discover new information and engineers apply that new information to practical effects
Just a reminder:
never upload an image more interesting than your post
more MORE
>Daily reminder that engineers are stuck up douchebags with a superiority complex
t. somebody """"bad at math""""
The CS people obsess about theoretical shit and get nothing done, like spending an entire week arguing amongst themselves which algorithm is best suited for a particular task and the only difference between the two is that one is 0.14% more efficent, but the other is 0.28% better at handing edge cases.
The engineers end up doing shit that is "neat" but ultimately useless, like figuring out how to make the coffee machine show up on the network, and then figuring out how to make it host a Quake server. They spend the rest of the week trying to figure out why the server crashes whenever someone tries to brew a new pot.
The only people actually accomplishing anything productive are the new hires who lied about their experience and bluffed their way through the interviews with HR who don't understand any of it, so now they're trying to write production code in a language they don't understand on a system that hasn't been properly maintained since the late 1980s.
>being this newfag
My point exactly. Stop being such a faggot. Not everyone has your same interests, get over it.
Engineering by far, with the few exceptions is just a terrible career choice and I don't know why people go into it.
If you end up CS or some other codemonkey role, you will have to be hyper-competitive in college, just to share offices with managers that ran business school with straight C+s telling you how to do your job.
That is if you don't just get replaced by pajeets.
Hard engineering is basically waiting for the old engineers to retire so that you can enter an Engineering job at 40 and then be stared at angrily by the younger generation of engineers.
If you go into "artsy" engineering like CAD or something you basically spend your whole life freelancing while never getting paid because companies are under no legal binding to pay you.
is this the best webcomic of all time? can anyone even compete with this guy?
To be fair whether C+ or A, all grades mean in a school is how good you can remember things you're taught.
Yeah but I'm saying that getting an A still requires marginally more effort than getting a C+. I should know. I have a good memory but I'm not interested in anything I learn at all, so I barely pay attention to lectures.
And a lot of the engineering fields are pretty competitive, even once out of College.
I don't know how pure Mathematics job prospects are but considering how hard the graduates brag I"m willing to bet they aren't good.
That's a shit stereotype. Worst SMBC comic ever.
Computer engineers can be serious and computer scientists can muck about with their hobbies and stick shit on computers.
Neither of those things are related to engineers or scientists. They're generic traits of individuals not of profession.
oh yes, because God forbid anyone have an actual interest and drive in a specific field instead of just doing whatever user thinks is the most "prestigious"
CS isn't codemonkeying. That's computer programming. Computer Science is more accurately described as computational science, it's a lightweight subset of mathematics. It's like saying someone in Topology Science is a code monkey. All areas of mathematics make heavy use of computers because it's the most practical way to test out or bruteforce shit.
go to bed Zach
Its not as good as it used to be
wtf? does computer scientist mean something different in the US?
In the rest of the world computer scientists are IT students that take some engineering and maths units that end up just making them really good programmers.
they aren't designing wii controllers, they're programming robots or parallelising enterprise systems or some-shit.
Probably not a whole ton of pure mathematics, but that's easily solved by simply applying your pure mathematics to non pure mathematics jobs that can benefit heavily from them.
It's sort of like there's not much in the way of pure 'strong man' jobs outside of competitions. But you know, you can usually apply your strength in basically all areas of labor.
Not really, you're just misinformed or wherever the fuck you are has bad education.
Seem like IT with some maths? No. Not that you can't apply compsci to networks or engineering as well.
Here's a description and you can see various other subsections of computer science.
That's pretty much what CS means at my university in America.
Such waste of trips
That's not true. The scientist puts out a theory with no idea how to apply it. The engineer makes the application possible.
also to the people saying "this engineer made something pointless". Porting doom to something is like the next step after a hello world.
>The scientist puts out a theory with no idea how to apply it.
That's false. They MAY do that. They might also have quite a few ideas how to apply it. They might not or actually apply it themselves.
For example
This interpolation method I'm pretty fucking sure Edwin Catmul, founder and president of fucking Pixar knew had some ideas how to apply it.
Computer Engineers are half electrical engineers and computer scientists. They don't 'fix' your computer. They likely could, but that's not what computer engineering is. Computer engineers ARE the scientists who think of ways to make computing better. They often rely on the work of strict scientists or strict engineers as well to do it.
Theory without application is wank.
Hell, it an application can't even be worked out, then it may as well be made up.