Golly Sup Forums, what could it be?

Golly Sup Forums, what could it be?

Other urls found in this thread:




weeb shit for sure


Dragon dildo


vidya gaems?

Cut your fucking hair. Or at least post feet.

I hope it's some kind of robot to cut your hair.

Damn, you are creepy.

>showing your actual face on camera
no one wants to see your shit hair style

why is his face filled with chicken pox? Is he alright?

Op is a jew

>being an elongated skeleton


i think you are cute

It's a jewish Michael Jackson in a red sweater?


God damn it, you showing off your 360 again?

I literally cant tell if youre a really ugly man or a middle aged woman from the 70s

A Jew

in the current year (s)he might aswell be both

>middle aged woman from the 70s
lmaooooooooooo. my first thought too.


damn you're right son

Aren't you that Killer 7 dude?
Give us dick taken updates plz.

You are skinnier than I am.


This is why nobody likes jews.

Newfags everywhere.


Your face is annoying

Spot the Sup Forumsirgins

So many newfags


You didn't pay $349.99+tax for this did you.

You kind of look like a brown-haired Richard Simmons.


you look like a jewish lesbian

op why the FUKC


Oh God...you stupid schmuck. You went & got the customized version of that pos? How much did you flush? $390?

frig off



>This fucking thread

Yeah, this place is dead.


are you howard sterns son


You are so fucking ugly. Like holy shit not even joking.



349.99+tax and tip, user. Why?

mad nigger spotted


ok so what the fuck is it. some kind of gaming machine? an overpriced steam machine or some vr shit?

so what is that shit suposed to be? a way to play your consoles outside your house?

You know when you're watching a reupload of a youtube video and people in the comments are responding to the uploader like he's the guy in the video?

Yeah. Sup Forums is that retarded.

It's a fanny pack for your xbone

Is your name Dean James or are you intentionally trying to sound black?



a mobile console case that lets you play your console on the go

Good for you bro, fuck all the haters.Enjoy yourself.

>all these images have march 2014 in the name
>people still replying






nm, an xbox 360 gaming laptop. interesting. so the screen size is what, a 21.5 inch?

Slow night.


fucking uncanny


This thread is as good as dead.

A bit smaller than my cock.

so now you can be homeless and play xbox all day in safeway or starbucks. nice.


This thread wasn't exactly stimulating to begin with.

I think I'll go back to rewriting that Resident Evil smut fic I've been going over.

I'm so glad I opened this thread

interesting fetish. do you pay for this service?

What the fuck is even going on anymore


Its Pat?

At least you have a good taste in games.

I really like Paragon. There's a double XP and Rep week event going on right now, and I've got two Founder's Packs to give away if anyone wants to play with me. I'm on both PS4 and PC, and there's crossplay ofc. Just have a mic and a PS4 or a PC that is capable.


I don't believe you'll come across many other anons who'll understand that reference.

>Not knowing DJ Orwell
Cmon faggots jesus. I get some of you are knew, but keep up.

Anyone who is above 23 should.


Are you a trap/crossdreser?


What the fuck is going on here?

You filthy fucking slob



Someone is reposting something from 2014. A lot of newfags can't read a filename and respond as if OP took the pictures.

It's a Sup Forums on Sup Forums thread.

Again, you'll not find many Anons who'll understand the reference.