So this..... is the power....... of the PS4...
So this..... is the power....... of the PS4
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Those grapes weren't any good anyway.
What the fuck
I'm not baiting and I missed out on the type-0 demo or whatever game it was bundled with and thus only had platinum to play. How are people excited for this? It's just KH: Boy Band Edition.
>looks hype
>then it zooms out to the FF15 cast
After seeing the engine at work today i am 100% on board with this game.
Yeah, Duscae looked pretty good. Was it running on consoles or a PC though?
Thought it was EDF from the thumbnail.
Looks good what's the problem?
This game could be genuinely alright, I just fucking hate the four leads. I don't want to be in a boy band.
Did i miss something?
Not really hyping for it nor have I tried the demos, but if the scale ends up being as good as it looks it could be fun.
The cast looks pretty gay though.
It started out as a PS3 game. What were you expecting?
For the technology to progress and look more like a PS4 game.
It does look like a PS4 game. Perhaps you should go back and play some PS3 games
how many of those things will actually be in the game
why dont you put more recent footage, not that pre beta bullshit
the game will release in 2 months. why would they show things that wont be in the game??
>standard issue weapon for the soldiers in an LMG
>why dont you put more recent footage, not that pre beta bullshit
He has to damage control the Tegra somehow.
To get retards to buy it
They're just assault rifles with extended clips
The X1 is better than the piece of shit soc in the PS4, and NX likely uses the new X2. Go fuck yourself.
Nice, never saw that backflip dodge against the Behemoth before
Swimmimg confirmed boyo.
"we used physics on magic"
>storm blows in, tons of wind
>grass doesn't move
they're literally begging us to shitpost
wind physics
It's FF15
Sup Forums wants it to be the next "Tortanic"
We riding on train's.
It's not a wind system if you can't generate it., that's just a canned animation like Skyrim.
I'm glad this crap is hyping you up but this is basic game shit.
FFXV's characters hover above the ground and the shadows are fucked, the tech is crap.
Legit say in the vid grass sways with the wind trying hard to save face after the engine presentation im laughing lad.
at the conference they talked about a wind system that influence even cloud formations
>why would they show things that wont be in the game??
Did you read ? Because it doesn't seem like you did.
>storm blows in, tons of wind
>grass doesn't move
That isn't a wind system. Stop buying into really terrible marketing.
>believing that Eurogamer source
and they say this place isnt sonygaf
Marketing for a confrence not intended for the general audience. most of the confrence was math equations. Wew lad now your reaching
>That isn't a wind system
I have to admit, that's pretty cool. Very few games really bother with wet hair
who is ready for cloud porn(no pun)??
Is this your first day with the vidya industry
I don't want to buy a PS4 for this game, but I am super interested. This for me is the only game worth getting on that.
Ffxv-kun now has enough ammunition after today's conference to deflect all shitposter's im scared. Sup Forums
It's like you can't read. This is amazing.
Because it's a waste of money and adds nothing.
>you have to hate the game as i do
Why does it look worse than GTA V?
If you actually fly through the clouds in your airship later on I'd understand it. But otherwise I really can't fathom why anyone would ever waste both development resources and finite hardware resources, on fucking cloud physics.
cause it is
nice skybox
>can't even top rockstar
>>why would they show things that wont be in the game??
Already confirmed that it's final engine build. Keep up
>those legs
>those textures in the distance
that is disgusting
dead on arrival
Doesn't matter; it's a nice touch.
its pretty nice
thanks for showing me this, I just preordered it
>Anonymous 07/26/16(Tue)21:07:38 No.346360680 ▶
>>>why would they show things that wont be in the game??
>Already confirmed that it's final engine build. Keep up
It was a joke, the skybox in this game is god awful.
I just need Cid SFM model, everything else is a bonus
I thought this was EDF lol
That's pretty godtier