Name a worse mechanic in video games.
Name a worse mechanic in video games
Random tripping.
not even close to the garbage that is Random Crits
There is nothing a dev can implement that is worse than a lesser skilled opponent defeating a higher skilled opponent
Don't get hit, learn to dodge.
Also, what competitive games have random crits besides TF2?
>he hates fun
Spoken like a true shitter
This. What kind of fucking autist thought that was a good idea?
In what game is random tripping even a good idea? What a shit fucking mechanic.
>Wiping the whole enemy team for one noob with a gibus to shoot a crit grenade and OHKO you
Kill yourself. The only people that think random crits are fun are people who are shit at games and need them to kill people that are better than them
It all comes down to rng. But thats what makes it fun sometimes, depending on how much bullshit the % are.
it's an RPG where grinding levels matters more than any actual skill.
>chance to hit
Pokémon isn't competitive, try again son.
Randomly generated dungeons
Yeah because you are always assured to hit in real life, right?
Fucking autist.
>every game ever made is a multiplayer first person shooter
This. I fucking hate when the hallway changes, we better have the same hallway all the time.
Fucking autist.
You realize there are yearly pokemon tournaments with thousands of participants, right? Top level play has been boiled down to formulas. Perfect IVs, EVs, etc. Websites like smogon amd battle showdown also exist. Or do you think that because you don't like it or because its nintendo it's not competitive?
>crits are bad meme
>muh skill meme
If there's no element of RNG in a game then there's no variation if you're facing an enemy you've faced before and the game becomes an annoying snoozefest. Do I get pissed when some babby demon crit-chains my ass in SMT: IV and smirks me to death? Hell yes. Would I prefer having the exact same battle every time instead? Fuck no.
Persona creation in Persona 2
kys retard
>reading comprehension
no u
you first
Stop playing shit games that become the same thing every time then. Sorry your game is awful and needs RNG to be interesting
amd implied Pokemon is not a competitive game. I proved them wrong. Why are you implying there is anything wrong with my reading comprehension
Vidya was invented around multiplayer. First vidya game was Tennis for Two, implying more than one player.
RPGs are inherently not competitive. You can go on about muh tournaments, but even DMC has tournaments and it's about as far from a competitive game as it gets.
>RPGs are inherently not competitive because I say so
Pokemon is a game for autistic manchildren who worship nintendo.
Pokemon's competitive scene is absolutelly boring and usually resorts to:
>he used x
>he failed
>you lose
>he used x
>it's super effective
>you won
If you want to fucking play something with 50% to win everytime you do something just flip a coin lmao.
If it's a turnbased game you literally need an RNG element for the same enemy to have a different battle, you dense fuck. Furthermore, if you're calling SMT: IV a shit game I will be forced to disregard your opinion on anything else related to videogames because your taste is horrendously shit.
Why exactly are crits bad? Why is luck being added to a game bad?
>muh skill
I don't give a shit about skill, I care about fun. Having surprising turns of events is better then everything being preplanned and formulated beforehand. Nothing you say can really change my opinion on this but you can certainly try.
>because I say so
The whole point of RPGs is that random numbers come into play. By your definitions, random things have no place in competition. By your own definition, RPGs are not competitive. Pokemon, being an RPG, is therefore not a competitive game.
Cool opinions dude but Pokemon is still competitive even though you don't like the games
>If it's a turnbased game you literally need an RNG element for the same enemy to have a different battle
Except you don't. At all.
>I don't give a shit about skill
Probably because you don't have any. Makes sense since you rely on random crits to win.
You literally have no idea what you're talking about.
get rekt
>you don't
Pray tell how two opponents facing each other twice in a row are supposed to be different encounters if there's no variation on their fucking exchanges?
>Probably because you don't have any. Makes sense since you rely on random crits to win.
You literally ignored my point and made an ad hominem about some bullshit. Stay mad you got killed by crits in TF2.
>not making Crit builds
>Implying that multiplayer didn't fuck up the game industry
>implying that with the removal of arcades multiplayer hasn't gone to shit
>The whole point of RPGs is that random numbers come into play.
The whole point of RPGs is to role play.
> By your definitions, random things have no place in competition.
They don't
>By your own definition, RPGs are not competitive.
Where did I say that competitive games cant have random crits? Plenty of them do, and it's awful in every one of them. I never implied a game cannot be competitive without them, I said they do not belong in a competitive setting. Or any setting, for that matter.
any other build is the wrong build
ITT: user gets killed by a critical hit, goes to Sup Forums to shitpost about it
What are some games where I can make the most fun Luck/Critical hit based builds?
>something is still aroun so it means its still good!
No you dense piece of shit, pokemon is the call of duty of rpgs and its defence force are fags like you who delude themselves into thinking that their tournaments are fun.
>"LOL I spammed double team 5 turns and the enemy can't hit me haha!"
The whole meaning of pokemon was to journey on a adventure without knowing what the fuck is going to happen, that's a rpg nigger.
When you make games who are complete clones of one another the people get bored and the competitive scene is boring as fuck aswell.
Crits are, for the player, a fun mechanic especially when they're something you can build a character around. They're rarely more than overkill so are just a fun, big number.
Against the player they can be a pain or a huge pile of fucking bullshit.
One of the absolute dumbest parts of playing Fire Emblem is having to redo an entire mission because your enemy had a 1% crit activate and one shot one of your guys.
It's not something you can strategize around beyond only ever letting your generals get hit and playing the game at a glacial pace. So you either risk a very unlikely occurarance or play a very boring strategy...
And what does it add to the game? Surely the strategy element should be accessing enemy damage and position, not about randomly getting fucked by RNG?
Even Stella Glow did it better, with crits being a guaranteed active. You knew when your enemy would crit next attack and could plan around it.
>Pray tell how two opponents facing each other twice in a row are supposed to be different encounters if there's no variation on their fucking exchanges?
Well, assuming both opponents aren't braindead, they'll have learned from the first encounter and the loser will have changed tactics. You are fucking retarded if you do the exact same shit in the second encounter.
In this post: user that is bad at video games defends the one mechanic that grants him the occasional victory
Crits in Pokemon are kinda fine now that they're 1.5 damage. The fact it ignores defense boosts makes it a good mechanic that keeps battles interesting and reduces the viability of certain tactics that make the game less fun imo like PP stalling. The damage reduction means that crits can sometimes make no difference when they land, some 2HKOs stay 2HKOs etc but obviously everyone gets fucked by a crit at one point or another, it's just accepted by people who play the game.
>These games are not competitive because I don't like them
I never thought of that before.
So, I guess Soccer isn't competitive, either. I never cared for that, so it must not be playable at high levels.
If I as the player have already won once handily against the AI, in your videogame that would mean I will literally never be challenged by that enemy again. Sounds like you're the one who is bad at videogames.
>against the AI
HAHAHAHA stopped reading there
Crits are only shit when they do an stupid amount of damage.
I've honestly lost fights in Devil Survivor because civilians have died to a critical hit from a demon encounter they're supposed to survive.
>game with exploration as its major gameplay
>every battle makes the game harder
>RNG has no place in strategy
Planning for the worst to happen is literally the first thing a good strategist does, though.
You previously stated that crits belong in no games whatsoever, are you now backpedaling to only mean multiplayer games?
He's talking about competitive you retard who gives a fuck about vs AI
iframes are literally the worst mechanic in video games
But there is. Catering to people with mental disabilities like autism. I played Tf2 since release and im almost always one the best on the map. Ive never once bitched about random crits. Why? Because the universe is random and shit happens. You can't have a counter or plan for every outcome. What you're actually upset about, is that you don't have the mental fortitude or gaming skill to handle the unexpected. You and players like you are usually very poor skilled players with momentary strokes of luck (ironically). The random crits give a your out.
>"It can't be me, It has to be the crits, because I am the best player and noone can beat me!"
Poeple like you will ALWAYS have an excuse for your failures. To directly invalidate your point. The dumb peasant armed with the pitchfork can still kill the knight, because sometimes shit happens.
>I said they do not belong in a competitive setting. Or any setting, for that matter.
Get fucked.
Yes sure, I addressed that in my post.
You can reel off platitudes all day, but it doesn't change that they make the game dull and add almost nothing.
It's the same reason they removed fog of war, because it just rewards the single most boring slow strategy ever.
With crits the only counter to randomly losing 45 mins of progress is to only ever let the guys who can't be crit get hit, which aside from putting way too much exp/kills on them is fucking boring and incredibly slow.
The game would be more strategic without them because you could open up more strategies. You would be playing against the enemy position and composition, not randomly getting fucked by bad luck.
Except there is always something a good strategist can do to avoid the worst possible outcome. Random crits are unavoidable.
And please, tell me how you prepare for a random crit that one shots a unit at random?
No, you were going on about how two encounters would play out the same way without RNG and then you mention AI. No fucking shit the same thing is gonna happen, you're fighting a braindead robot. And you're braindead too, if you use the same strategy over and over again. You clearly have no idea how high level play works and now I can see the reason why, you're a low level scrub that only feels comfortable fighting AI since you get rekt by human players.
"Oh, that enemy is four levels above you? Enjoy massive penalties to accuracy, damage and other combat parameters regardless of what yours and its stats actually are!"
I can kinda understand it to gate content in an MMO, but it's utter bullshit when a single player or lobby based game does this like Borderlands.
>every creature has a random critical hit point about a pixel in size
>hitting it/clicking on it delivers critical damage
>STR increases the point's size, DEX increases its visibility from no-difference to neon
could work with any camera position
even with sprites
>dark bead spammer salty about getting outplayed
>mfw I lost the first fight to Gary in pkmn blue right after you get your starter because he got 2 critical hits in a row and then another the turn after
If you're the guy I was originally replying to, you directly stated
>they do not belong in a competitive setting. Or any setting, for that matter.
I replied with, basically, "Actually, there's a setting in which crits are fun."
To which you replied with
>I-I meant c-competitive games c-casual!
DEX is literally useless, in a heated brawl it's going to be nigh impossible to hit the bead even with high DEX because your target is moving around like a tard, whereas high STR makes hitting the bead much more likely and easy. Also, once the players know where the crit spots are that also makes having DEX irrelevant.
There is NOT always something a good strategist can do to avoid the worst possible outcome. Are you fucking stupid? How the fuck do you avoid a monsoon coming out of nowhere and wrecking your fleet? The most you can do is put yourself in a position where it's least likely to happen and cross your fingers. That's what crits represent in a game.
>Invisible walls
>"You are leaving the mission area!"
Let me explore or put in actual walls or cliffs or something, don't give the illusion of exploration.
t. pubstar
I love pubstomping retards like you.
>How the fuck do you avoid a monsoon coming out of nowhere and wrecking your fleet?
What enemy are you fighting that controls the weather?
Every darkest dungeon mechanic
Mash X to do Y
>He hasn't defeated the weather gods
Are you seriously dense or just baiting for (You)s at this point? Crits represent, in a game, bad luck. I just used an example of random bad luck, you autist. How about
>your enemy shoots an arrow and just manages to hit a joint in your armor which is a weak spot
Is your autism sated now?
Even ice can be good in specific scenarios. Tripping? Never.
Pre-emptive attacks in rpgs.
Exactly. And especially because FE has the counterattack mechanic, unless you can defeat every enemy in one hit, without them ever getting a chance to attack back you're going to risk that 1% crit going off.
Even worse when you consider misses, you can't always guarantee 100% chance to hit (especially not against bosses or higher difficulty)
Your Myrmidon attacks with 95% hit chance... Miss!
Enemy tailgates retaliates with 20% hit chance, 1% crit chance... CRIT! OHKO!
Oh man, I got absolutely out strategized there.
It doesn't add anything to the game to have that happen.
It adds tension, which creates excitement
your move
Randomized points per unit.
>nigh impossible in a heated brawl because your target is moving around like a tard
Regen healing is for faggots and little girls.
>Crits represent, in a game, bad luck.
Yes, and any element in a competitive game that takes control away from the player is shit.
>It adds tension, which creates excitement
High level play in most games is already tense and exciting. If you need LOLSORANDOM OVER 9000 DAMAGE garbage to make your game more fun ,maybe pick up a new game.
Not them, but I agree with them in terms of a game that has perma death. I don't think I could get behind playing most of a map and then an enemy gets that 1% and kills a unit making me restart. Especially since crits are 3x powerful.
That said, I just use the casual mode and set it to Hard to compensate and i have a good time.
It adds bullshit which contributes to people playing on easy mode, because they know they lost not due time strategy but the game wasting their time.
Was refreshing as hell playing another SRPG recently, I lost a unit due to bullshit but since there was no perma death it didn't matter. Was like "Man, that's really just fine".
FE games should be played with perma death on, but deaths should be due to failure not "lol a monsoon in the middle of winter, in the Sahara!"
Stun and slow in any high reflex game or FPS.
>competative pokemon
Its rarely anything besides a nuisance.
>Yes, and any element in a competitive game that takes control away from the player is shit.
Why? You're just stating this opinion as if everyone's going to accept it as fact. Anything that takes control away from the player? So any type of debuffs or movement impairing weapons are shit? Fuck off.
>High level play in most games is already tense and exciting. If you need LOLSORANDOM OVER 9000 DAMAGE garbage to make your game more fun ,maybe pick up a new game.
Your argument essentially boils down to
>it's already fun enough! We don't need more fun!
Fuck off x2.
If we're specifically talking about FE games, then crits tend to be annoying because of the permadeath, sure. But the argument is about crits as a mechanic, and they definitely have good points.
And then a big muscular man bursts in and calls them shit-eating plebs who needs to play real fighting games like Darkstalkers 3.
They can represent whatever you want, but remove your abstract thinking and what they actually do is waste players time and make them restart an entire map, pissing away the last 45 mins of their life.
When you lose because of only bad luck it's a shitty feeling and makes you wonder why even bother playing on perma death mode? Your strategy was fine but the game randomly decided that you lost anyway.
Whatever you say they represent in reality doesn't really matter because in reality a general doesn't restart a campaign because one tank had bad luck. And games have to be fun anyway
It's OK when it's a JRPG and you do crits, but it's fucking obnoxious when the enemies get to do it too.
>they're not fun for me so they should be removed
Is essentially what your post is. I like crits, so I'll keep them, thanks.
As I started in my first post, they're good for the player, they're fun and generally just overkill. You getting a random crit and one shotting some enemy changes nothing.
Against you, they're bullshit as fuck because if they happen then you suddenly randomly just lose all your progress.
Just make them a player only ability and call it a day.
It's the same as poison in most RPGs. Worthless for you since you'll defeat enemies faster without it, but really strong against you, because you then have to wander around losing all your health every step.
There's a reason most modern RPGs deal with poison mechanics completely differently to old school ones
>ignores the entire post and strawmans the spoiler
>I should win and nothing should get in the way of me winning
I'm sorry I appreciate when games have a semblance of challenge.
>>it's already fun enough! We don't need more fun!
No, more fun is always welcome. Which is why random crits need to fuck off forever. Just like you.
Alright, I'll memetext it for you.
>waste players time and make them restart an entire map, pissing away the last 45 mins of their life.
Literally your opinion. In mine it's not a "waste" of time to replay a level on the off chance I get screwed by RNGesus. And that's not counting all the times I've NOT had to restart because I was SAVED by RNG.
>When you lose because of only bad luck it's a shitty feeling and makes you wonder why even bother playing on perma death mode?
Again, in your fucking opinion. I know exactly why I play permadeath: I enjoy the fucking challenge. And when I lose due to bad luck, that's part of the fucking game.
>Whatever you say they represent in reality doesn't really matter because in reality a general doesn't restart a campaign because one tank had bad luck. And games have to be fun anyway
I was just defending crits so I explained them, I'm not an autist who justifies things with
>well in real life...
>Random luck is challenging
It's a strategy game. That's the point. You win if your strategy is right and get punished if it's not.
Randomly having a unit die isn't more challenging, it's just stupid luck.
As described in this post
The retaliate mechanic puts you in a position where you will sometimes do everything right but still have the game decide you lose.