What's so wrong with this game?
What's so wrong with this game?
Content padding with backtracking
Still my favorite game of all time. Just beat my 8th time though, decided to do a danger run, shit's cash.
For starters it doesn't have stickers and there is too much dialogue
Also my GOAT game but backtracking/Boggly Woods can be a bit much
There's too many interesting characters and intriguing scenarios that really works with the genre
I always got the impression they were strapped for time or something and had to cut level design given three chapters are heavily back track focused and Glitz Pit is primarily just fights.
You know when a game is fundamentally good or has good core gameplay, but at some point you get to "THAT PART" that just sucks out all fun? Usually it's a difficulty spike or escort mission or water section etc.
Imagine a game like that where "THAT PART" happened like every 30 minutes. You're having fun and the game is GREAT and then "oh look it's Twilight Town time to backtrack along an obnoxious road that's a million miles long multiple times".
Wonderful 101 has a similar problem.
>no stickers
>world isn't made out of paper
>too much dialogue
>all the npcs aren't toads
>nothing even looks like its made of paper
its fucking trash
A few of the chapters fall flat.
Not much of a post game.
>when you realize the original Paper Mario's title was originally an allusion to the game's characters being 2D sprites navigating 3D environments
>series slowly shifts to be about literal paper characters as it goes on
I wasn't the only person who hated this right?
Your taste
this. the game just loves to waste your time
>incredibly shitty balancing issues
>fanfic-tier character designs
>annoying battle mechanics
>has been shilled to oblivion
too short, final boss is kind of a let down, not enough areas to explore.
Madame Flurry fucking sucks, all the partners that are actually based on Mario enemies are good though.
Keep in mind this game is what spawned all the fanfic bullshit, not the other way around
Vivian's a QT. We won't talk about the whole gender thing here
it's a good game
You can't really shill something from 12 years ago user. Any praise it gets these days is for FREE.
I don't get it, how are the paper marios anymore literal paper than the first one?
Super paper mario even had an entire gameplay mechanic based on 2d characters in a 3d environment
The biggest offense is the cutscenes not being skippable. Some of them are rather long and this is just obnoxious are multiple playthroughs.
what is idle try is hurts my throat when I think about it
You are the left one right?
No man I have to later what are you doing
the cant have with stacey she is a good lass yes. I m not gonna do the vote tho
Better than nothing.
Pencil pencil pencil pencil
Dont do a 5 on me
It's too much of an RPG, should be focused on puzzle solving because we already have Mario & Luigi for RPG fans.
What the fuck?
The worst part of this were the flower enemies. It would be okay barring that
Not enough people bought it, so we'll never get another like it.
>unwinnable battles
>train chapter
Otherwise a 10/10 game
>train chapter
>the first chapter was boring
>the second chapter was tedious
>the third chapter was mostly just fights
>fourth chapter was backtracking
From then on, it was smooth sailing though
Remember when it was considered a game most of Sup Forums loved? The way common opinions change in just a few years is always interesting. Hell, the "people only like TTYD as a meme" dude wouldn't be considered as much of a retard if he made that post today.
2 also got the whole thing of turning into a paper plane and stuff but aside from that it didn't constantly beat you on the head with paper jokes like SS
source please
Where have you been? We've established it's a bad chapter because it's worse on replays.
Doesn't mean it was bad to begin with, I'd say the only fair way to judge an RPG is on its first playthrough unless it has new game+ shit.
>running around talking to very specific characters to do shit sidequests with a story that got shoved out of the way for a hivemind with no backstory that appeared for 4 minutes
i remember watching reviews on the run and tommy just shat all over the game
He hated SM64 too.
>chapter 5 was good
Nothing really
But now that I'm on my 9th playthrough, the first 2 chapters bore the shit out of me
The chapters get worse the more you play it. The first time through, they're great because you don't see the twists coming and feel like big adventures.
Playing again, you start to notice all the blatant padding that bloat up the time spent in each chapter. They're actually very short.
>Playing again
why would you replay a story based RPG?
I dont get you people.
Those dumb retards, am I right? You only play a story based game once, then throw it away.
>Throw away
Do you even trade/pirate?
Anyway, I don't really replay games unless the plot is hard to get or w/e, I prefer to experience more games with that time.