How did Persona get away with ripping off Jojo so much?
How did Persona get away with ripping off Jojo so much?
>How did everything made for a teenage male audience since the mid-'80s get away from ripping off Jojo so much?
jojo is like the tolkien fantasy but for cool things, everyone rips it off because they know they can't surpass it
Weebs and squeebs who wanted casual dating sims and got SMT-lite ate it up without question
real talk tho i fuckin love persona 3
It's in trinity of shounen along with kungfu mad max and anime wrasslin
In what way? Like the actual persona mechanic or something other than that?
『Literally Me』
The same way Dragon Quest and Pokemon got away with ripping off MegaTen.
Any game that references tarot is a Jojo ripoff
No one cared about Jojo until the past few years in the West.
>Personas are stands
>P4's story is basically Part 4's story
popular shit gets copied in varying degrees all the fucking time, not just Jojo.
Personas are Stands, and 4 has a fair bit in common with DiU.
Honestly, I think that's it
Wew lad. I guess it really is the MLP of anime.
What the fuck how they got away ripping off Araki like this???
You wish, hasbro shill.
No, it's the spongebob: That thing everyone is kind of familiar with to some degree, and people keep pushing dumb memes of.
How did Jojos get away with ripping off Hokuto no Ken so much?
How did Hokuto no Ken get away with ripping off Mad Max and Bruce Lee so much?
And like Spongebob, the earlier parts are better
Kill yourself.
Correct opinion
it should've ended after BT
>He hasn't read part 7.
Though I do think the artstyle gets worse after Stardust Crusaders.
A team of Japanese High Schoolers gain magical powers and hunt down a murderer in a suit who kills women.
Am I talking about Diamond is Unbreakable or Persona 4?
how did Phantom Blood get away with ripping off Hokuto no Ken so much?
I'm still mad about switching from a series about vampires to magic spirit battle.
DELET- actually you are right
I'd also compare it to Mad Max of anime.kinda how everything ripped it off mad max and no one knew.
DiU obviously
>Idea owning
Fuck off.
It didn't
hence why Jojo changed so radically in the follow part(s)
actually that makes sense
eyy bud fuck you too
Silence you creatively bankrupt mook
It would have been fine honestly if it showed some level of respect to the original style it had
Look at castlevania for example, it transformed what it was drastically, but it never started going BELMONTS?? WHO ARE THOSE WE ARE ALL ABOUT RPG MECHANICS AND BISHONEN SWORDSMEN NOW and that is why it wasn't a super jarring and artificial feeling change.
Part 3 had a good idea, it doesn't have to always be about ripple, new ideas are good. But it made reference to them to show that it was still part of the same universe and had some moments for fans of that stuff.
I would be fine with the direction part 4 took, if it didn't literally attempt to basically retcon the earlier entries and act like ripple and all supernatural shit that wasn't stands or stand related didn't exist and never did.
I don't even like Jojo, but have an extra (You)
Madoka is a ripoff of Kamen Rider Ryuki
and Gaim is a ripoff of Madoka
>yfw we've gone full circle
the only thing going full circle is foot up your ass
well Urobutcher did end up working on Gaim so it was probably conscious
Wouldn't Gaim be a ripoff of Ryuki then?
Well without vampires there's really no point in using Hamon.
But Dio was the last vampire. Ain't no use for an anti-vampire martial art when there's no vampires left. There's still references to older parts but they're kept to a minimum, since they're not straight sequels. Unless you wanted the assassin group in part 5 to be made up of vampire stand users to that Giorno could fight them with his hamon, which wouldn't really change much anyway except they'd be uglier.
Persona ripped JoJo
JoJo ripped Hokuto no Ken
Hokuto ripped Mad Max
Is there a continuation?
t. animefags
>But Dio was the last vampire
Literally nowhere does it say this, and Part 2 randomly introduced a new ripple vulnerable enemy anyway.
As an example, Pucci could easily have been written in to be a vampire. Equally, Jotaro could easily have been written to have learned some ripple from Joseph during the timeskip following Dio - it would actually have been a pretty sensible thing to do. It would have been a cool throwback to Parts 1-3 and I think it would have been well appreciated by fans and could have led to some interesting stand battles.
There is no real reason why ripple disappeared, as I'm sure you're away Araki just does whatever the fuck he wants, consistency be damned, and for whatever reason he just decided to never reference any of the content of parts 1-2 ever again.
This shit doesn't work anymore, the anime is too far in and we're well past parts 1/2 now.
depends, one has slice of life bullshit and the other's first half is entirely pointless
Only the first part copied FoTNS
Berserk is the MLP of anime
>Jojo invented tarot
Epic post my man.
You wanna talk about ripping off?
Pokemon ripped off SMT.
it will always work. right now its "muh shitty hair man" and in a year or so everyone will be spouting "it just werks" all over again
and then the anime will probably butcher part 7 with the tonal shift, if it makes it that far
Jojo invented spiritual representations of your soul that stand behind you based on tarot cards, yes it did.
Zeppeli was tracking the mask for decades and kicking vampire ass the whole time, then the mask got smashed shortly after Dio got turned. While it's never stated, it's easily inferred that at the very least vampires aren't a problem. Plus, stands make them obsolete as threats anyway, and are more varied than vampires could ever be.
Also, Pucci couldn't have been a vampire without rewriting his whole relationship with Dio.
man proving once again crossboarders between Sup Forums and Sup Forums have fucked up taste.
>jojo invented tarots
>jojo invented the "murder mystery in the boonies" plot
part 3 sucks
part 4 is golden
part 5 might not suck with a good translation and scan
part 6 was all over the place in terms of quality
part 7 was just as good as 2 and 4
part 8 is confusing but good
No, it ripped off DQV, learn your vidya
Well you also gotta remember there's only so much you can do with Hamon. With stands you have limitless potential. Stands that shrink you, stands that blow things up, stands that turn you into paper. Anything Araki thinks would be a cool power. Its more interesting since fights aren't just "I put the hamon through x and hit him with it" anymore.
>part 8 is confusing
rokkaka, equivalent exchange, 4 balls, damo tamaki takes forever to die
as far as im concerned, thats all that matters
Megami Tensei I came first, dingus.
holy shit, triggered
Part 5 will still suck even when the good translation is done.
The flaws go beyond mere dialogue.
I'm on the last episode of part 3
Why is Dio such a fucking asshole holy shit who decides to fuck with a family for generations just because they were born poor
MT is more of a "negotiate with them to make them join you", while DQV is basically Pokemon's formula which is essentially "beat them to make them join you"
But honestly, your guess is as good as mine.
There's still some good shit though.
>This whole fight
Both aren't fully equivalent, but I'd say SMT's system of trying to convince them but it basically being a crapshoot if it works is also analogous to Pokemon.
I was memeing though, all three systems are fairly different from each other.
I liked part 5 a lot better than part 4. I think Giorno had better development before he turned into "guy who heals everyone" and was never mentioned again, than Josuke, who didn't really have that besides the gambling part which was pretty good.
"graytfuro... deado..."
read the mango and you'll understand his goals
this fight and white album were pretty much what saved part 5
this fight was definitely the only time i sympathized with some random mooks in the villain of the week parts
Gaim was written by Urobuchi too, so...
Well at the end of Part 1 he did admire Jonathan in the end. Sucks Araki forgot about that and just threw in Dio because it would be a cool twist.
>part 7 was just as good as 2 and 4
> as good as 2
I don't care how much you like joseph, but 2 has some serious problems.
Part 7 is above and beyond any of the other parts easily.
the train is where like almost literally everyone I know that tried part 5 dropped it for an extended period of time
Kill yourselves.
So far it just seems like he wants to rule the world because of an inferiority complex his dad gave him which spiraled into narcissism once he had the power to back it up
>read mango
>he's basically a dick because his dad was a dick to
No matter how shitty of a dad you had, fucking with a family that took you into their care for generations to come is far worse than a dick move.
that fight was Di Molto
Part 4 is my favorite and 5 is my least so I want to slap you right now, but I'll try to be rational. Giorno has terrible fucking character development. The parts of Vento Aureo that actually showcase Giorno best are the beginning chapters. Giorno's introduction is great, he actually exudes that Gangster attitude, his interactions with Koichi are great, and Araki actually incorporated the backstory of a mysterious savior in Girono's backstory that he tried for Josuke except pulled it off better this time.
But after the gang starts on their journey to deliver Trish, all of that disappears. Giorno just becomes 1 of the gang members, he has no further development, he just feels like a background character instead of the protagonist. He has some cool moments here and there but nothing that other side characters don't get too.
And just like Araki incorporated some of Josuke into Giorno, I felt that he did the same with Giorno to Jolyne and I feel that Part 6 did Part 5 but better.
>was a dick to him*
He doesn't try to fuck with the Joestars at all really, it's the other way around. He originally did so because he wanted the family's fortune, but after becoming a vampire he no longer cared about that.
However than Jonathan, Joseph and Jotaro all go out of their way to fuck him up.
As far as I can see Jonathan is the only man he ever respected, but because he got BTFO so hard from such a position of superiority he was shown to be extremely wary of Jonathan's descendants in Part 3 and did pretty much everything he could to avoid actually confronting them. Dio wanted nothing to do with the Joestars.
>Jojos is created
>the universe is created
>Berserk is created
>all human culture and forms of entertainment and media follow suit and are derivatives of the above
is this accurate?
there was a vampire enemy in part 3, on dio's mansion (nukesaku?)
also he's but mad because jojo got everything for free, where as he had to work for it. If his goals seem, too simplistic well it is a manga from the 80s. He is given more context in part 6 tho.
yes sempai
>I think Giorno had better development
yeah man, all "im a gangstar" and not really showing any bit of character at all other than "story needs to move along so I do X"
great fucking development
Literally everyone else in the group developed more than he did
more like
>mad max is created
>the universe is created
>berserk is created
Yeah, him, Vanilla Ice and Dio were all vampires.
It's not at all outside the realm of possibility that Dio made more, or that there were some Dio didn't even know about.
Mad Max ripped off Berserk
t. Dio
made by dio
by this point, it was assumed that all the masks and every way to develop a vampire were eliminated, and therefor there was no point in keeping up with the training
They just kinda want to live their lives
This is exactly why Jotaro doesn't train Star Platinum's The World, even though it's like legit one of the most powerful stands
>Dio wanted nothing to do with the Joestars.
t. speedreader
I completely agree with you. I really dislike the character development after the beginning. I think that part 4 did the same thing. It really irritated me how Josuke went from a cool guy with development to a guy who heals people and does nothing else.
Actually come to think of it, I like part 5 better because I think it had better high points with stand fights than part 4.
Why did Kira need to restart time. He would have won without pointless time manipulation powers.
face it without jojo we wouldn't have had the greats like Persona, shaman king, or deisel