So this shit is on sale for very cheap on Amazon right now. Been wanting to get it for a while now and I figured at a little over $20 I can't really go wrong. Plus I haven't played a game in like a week and a half now because nothing I have interests me. Figured it's time for something new and I wanna play a jrpg. It was either this or FFX for about the same price.
How'd you guys enjoy it? Is there a lot of grinding? The team combinations any fun? Feel free to discuss the game I guess. Try to avoid posting spoilers though.
So this shit is on sale for very cheap on Amazon right now...
its pretty good collect-a-thon. bought at laucnh and had a great time for weeks. go for it
I guess I'll bump this for you
I haven't played it myself but a lot of people on Vitagen and /r/vita I know liked it but that might be due to lack of big releases on the console
I'm interested too OP.
Just a little bored of my Pokemans and a lot bored of my PS4, so if this really is good i'm in. Plus I need to order a car part and shit.
I actually ordered it at launch but cancelled it figuring I could wait a few months for a steep price drop. I figure it's not gonna drop lower than $23 for a new copy. If only it went on sale during that PSN summer sale a few weeks ago. I prefer physical, but this is a title I'd not mind owning digitally.
I wish it came with cross buy. I wonder how good it remote plays.
It's one reason I'm buying it. I wanna get more use out of my PS4. Not that I don't use it right now, but more use is never a bad thing. As for Pokemon, I wanted to do a Nuzlocke run after watching TFS' Nuzlocke, but I'd rather just be entertained watching them do it. If I'm gonna spend 40 hours on a game I'd rather it be one I've never played before, you know?
Those fucking character designs, man. My dick can only take so much.
The game has waifu's?
It has attractive female characters
I played it in April. I went in expecting it to be decent but nothing special, but it ended up being one of the few games I enjoyed enough to get the platinum trophy for. I had never played a Digimon before and expected it to be a total Pokemon ripoff, but it felt more like Pokemon plus a more casual version of SMT. It's a fairly easy game but there's a good amount of depth in terms of monster customization and team setup. It plays much more like a traditional JRPG than Pokemon. The characters are decent and the plot is surprisingly fleshed out compared to Pokémon stuff. The music is excellent as well.
Every game has waifus. Don't underestimate our ability to turn something into a waifu.
Its a turn based game, I would assume it would remote play quite well. That being said, the only game I've remote played for any length of time was Neptunia VII, which is a JRPG, so take my opinion with a bit of salt.
I liked it, but it mostly made me just want to play Persona 3 FES since I'd never beaten it.
You should beat it
It's a good game, but if the phrase "turn-based Digimon JRPG" alone didn't sell you, you won't like it. It does nothing new or innovative, just a solid take on time honored mechanics with a standard JRPG plot.
Is the character artist the same artist who did the Devil Survivor characters? The breasts for the females look pretty similar. That is, gravity defying.
Sup Forums lied to me when they said this game was good
Yes, Suzuhito Yasuda
last digimon game I played was digimon world (200)3. Is this anything like that? I loved digimon world 2003.
Oh shit thanks for the heads up OP. So how is this compared to Digimon world dusk? That's the only one I played.
It was one of my least favorite games this year gameplay wise.
The only thing i enjoyed about this game was the digivolve every fucking thing but the gameplay was a goddamn shitty drag with eater battles and pierce2win bosses.
God forbid you play on hard boss battles with their insane parameters.
Did you like the game/digimon?
If so get it, this game has less grinding than the older games but still a substantial amount
Honestly the phrase "turn based digimon" is what made me want it back when it came out. So there won't be a problem with that.
Yeah it was fun, I don't remember much about it, but I hear grinding was a big problem if previous Digimon games.
No dual audio no buy
I guess the digimon shills earlier this year failed to generate any interest in this shit franchise. Oh well.
This game is full of sluts
One more pro for this game then. Sweet.
So how'd the game end up selling. I heard they'd bring a new Digimon World game over to the west and PS4 if Cyber Sluts sold well
Its localization is shit, so keep that in mind
It's voiced entirely in Japanese you fuckwit.
Shit how exactly?
Good thing I checked this thread when I saw a new reply. I almost bought it until I read this. Thank you for saving me for buying it!
Grammical errors.
I'm almost willing to bet you're the same guy.
Who translated this game, a team of interns? I doubt that's gonna make or break the game for me though.
Grammatical errors, broken text boxes, some TL errors, script not being edited for the female MC, etc.
Nope; only other post I have in this thread is this one:
Tons of grammatical errors, quiz question had the wrong answer, sometimes it sounded like a machine translation, and sometimes the shit character says makes no sense like where to go and such.
Check out the archives in march/feb to see some of the shit
Im guessing its interns. Its bad but not "Fuck are they saying?" bad
The translation does it's job fine. Nothing is butchered.
It's just that it's amazingly amateur work.
Its localized by Bamco, do you have to ask how?
Do they still make Digimon World games? The ps1 game was awesome
I bet the Vita version never got the updated script
It did not.
Thanks for the heads up. I placed a order for one. I've been waiting for this one to go on sale.
Make you sure play as the girl so you can get that sweet yuri action
Yeah but no english audio
To be fair... you posted the asain translation. The US and europe translation is actually fairly better.
No, that was the translation from the version that was released in the US and is currently available for purchase still on PSN. Go download it on your vita and play it, you'll come across the "You really think this good" like two minutes in followed by "That's, that's got sent to the other world?" ten minutes in.
No problem. I don't think a week has gone by where I've not checked amazon for the latest price on this game.
I was gonna choose between FFX HD and this since I've not played either. For some reason Amazon seems to be out of FFX. Says 1-2 months for shipment haha.
On one hand I'm tempted to play as a grill, but on the other hand yuri is boring as fuck.
Gotta say, the characters design are better than Re:Digitize
>No, that was the translation from the version that was released in the US and is currently available for purchase still on PSN.
No it's not.
That's fucking Dark Cloud tier, if not worse.
That image has been passed around before the US and Europe even got the game.
You mated with what? I'm the one who made that image and I first posted it on Vitagen as a result of someone asking how bad the offical English translation for it was.
Literally day 1, maybe 2 I can't recall if I was busy on day 1, screenshot here.
The western release used a slightly different script based on that translation so
While we're on the subject, I also bitched in a later thread that some random bitch stole the last hit from me, saved it and would much, much later find out about achievements in that game.
God damn, going through screenshots for that game is just pissing me off with how bad its translation was.
It is more like digimon world 3 , not like digimon world 1 at all
New Order localization when?
It's exactly like digimon world dawn/dusk