Have you ever felt affection for a video game girl?

Have you ever felt affection for a video game girl?
Have you ever felt unworthy of her?

Best Girl.

I get easily attached to certain character types and always devote everything in the game to that one person even if it's a terrible idea gameplay wise.
Yes, I am always unworthy.

I find the fact that she'd never be interested in me to be both sad and hilarious at the same time..

I want Lightning to use me as a table for her boots.


femdom thread everyone?

I might actually have a shot with Malon.

Do you have any farming experience?

Yeah, actually. That's why I thought as much.

Nope, but I'm always fascinated by people who do. Do they think of them as real people or something?

Not nearly classy enough for her though.

Are you implying ideas aren't real?


You can't care about fictional characters? You've never wanted to protect a Vidya character?
You've never felt like you're unworthy of being in their presence?

On the bright side, since she's likely a hikki she probably doesn't have very high standards.


You don't even like Futo


No I'm fucking great.

Always dreamt as a kid I could go on a boat with her and the gang and go on adventures

Meiling-sama is so cool!
I wish I wasn't so lazy so I could be fit and awesome like she is

I suppose the closest I've gotten is with Trillion, where against all odds I ended up liking Perpell a lot and ended up thinking of her as my daughterfu. As expected, she died. I was not aware that Trillion could change forms and was woefully unprepared for his brand new attacks.

>tfw you will never have a fit qt tomboy older sister who will love you unconditionally

I want Pharah to protect me.

>implying harle isn't superior
shit taste m8

Everyday for ten years now.

Kid is pretty cool or whatever, but I just want to live in Arni, holy fuck that island looks perfect to just live a peaceful life.

I love Reisen!

>tfw lost 30 pounds for my waifu

fuck off rg

>thinking of her as my daughterfu
That's the feeling user, like you want to protect them and wish for a happy ending even if they aren't real.
I've never felt like I wanted to date any Video game characters though.

Trillion has permadeath, doesn't it? You poor soul.

Yes, and then no.

But only because she's not a lot of guys' cup of tea. Only because she's so tall. Or maybe the hair.

Whatever - she's perfect.

That's ok user, I love you for who you are!

Good job user!
Did you replace that fat with muscle?

You should try out that couch to 5k thing.

Yeah, I know I have shit taste.

I got fit after accepting yuugi as my waifu

I'm a grill though so now nobody will love me but my waifu

Fit girls are pretty in. I'd fuck most of the girls I see at the gym. Unless you're on a bunch of gear, that can be kind of gross.


Don't be silly user, girls can't love girls.

No, but I'm not just fit,i have muscular arms and calves..... I do a ton of heavy lifting at work. I'm not just all ass and abs, unfortunately

I will love whoever I want and you can't stop this forbidden love!!!!

Not me,but my cousin. Introduced him to starcraft,now he wont stop jackin it to kerrigan hentai.

She has a game technically

You only have shit taste if you think you do.

What game?

Serial experiments lain for ps1.

Overrated on women. Smooth belly a best.
You may or may not need that, but it depends on your appeal and body structure.
...also, how do you not have an ass if you do heavy lifting? You lift with your legs and have calves - is everything countertop or assembly line height, or something?

Anyway, do squats. You'll have thighs and an ass like mine after a while. Women love it.

Only said i had shit taste because i usually get told that in waifu threads when i post Flandre .
Just preparing for the replies .

Oh, relax user. This isn't Sup Forums.
Be proud of your waifu, even if others insult you for having her as one.
And remember, at least your waifu isn't Koishi.

Not for a videogame girl, but for a videogame man. I feel unworthy of him sometimes. It happened more frequently with my previous husbando, though he made me become a more mature person.


Unworthy until I beat her, which I still haven't.

it's not shit taste she's probably my favorite too

also i've never beat her



Yes, but not only affection, but love.
Unworthy?, not in in the least, I've saved more lives doing what I love than the majority of people. Her and my job are what keep me going

>that spoiler
I wish the Koishi fans werent so bad. Her Nendoroid is so fucking cute though I had no choice but to buy it


no you're pathetic even in your escapism

Play as Marisa A. Do you have any trouble with any specific cards?


I've been playing as Marisa A, I get further along with her than Reimu, probably because I can't dodge too well so killing bosses faster is the best option.

Not really any problems with specific cards, I just need a shitton more practice dodging shit and reading patterns in general. More often than not I'll die and not even realize that I walked right into a bullet.

i bought a bucnh of archaeology books so i could pretend to have something to talk about with her

Fair enough.

It might help to watch a replay, to get some idea of how to do some of the cards.
And I mean a good replay off a site like replays.gensokyo.org, no shitty replays from youtube.

Taking an interest in her hobbies is a good idea, I guess.
Hypothetically speaking, I mean.

You are very kind, Marisa-user


and I can see her again whenever AA6 is out

>Waifu Gardevoir
>Play Y when it comes out
>Get a female Ralts lickity split
>First thing in Pokeaime it asks me to do in the facial recognition thing was make a kissy face

It got a bit too real there for a moment.
She liked my kissy face.

Gardevoirfags are the absolute worst.


They're better than lopunnyfags.


Bunch of touhoufags in this thread.

What about Blazikenfags? Who blazikenfag here?

I mean, at least Lopunny has curves and looks sufficiently furry. Gardevoir gets drawn so differently from how it really is that it looks disgusting.

Did you just recently fall in love with Marisa?

How is it that every time I see one of these threads they're fairly shitposter free?

/jp/ has been leaking a lot recently, not that it bothers me, though

Not as bad as gardevoirfags, but a little bit worse than lopunnyfags.

I am a blazikenfag too so yeah. and nice pic
I agree but bunny furry stuff has always felt weird to me. I guess I'm not one to judge though

It baffles me too.

Dick Unity

Needs more furry in this thread

Well, I do prefer proper anatomy-voir, but I was also trying to pick a quick image with lovey-dovey tones in it.

"Through Dick, Unity"

waifu love brings people together

Nope, I've loved her for a few years now.

It tends to happen in waifu threads.

I wouldn't say that, but thank you Okuu-user.

don't know if you're being ironic but I agree

Still, falling in love with a Pokémon? They're not exactly human-like because they can't talk like furry characters.

Closest thing is pic related.

I felt bad for her though. Was genuinely sad at the end of the game. No real affection though.

Agrias, she's a hard worker, I like that

Oh, so why are you making threads about her now?

Well, I can't claim it's normal and/or healthy, but it was better for my state of mind when it all went down.

Having been shit on by 4 people I trusted and doing nothing but sitting in my room playing pokemon, having something I can always have faith in not betraying me was a nice change.
Even if it was just a virtual character.

You just need to have faith.

Most I saw when I used to regularly browse these threads were Reisenfag and the occasional Marisafag.

Whatever. It seems that these threads are still pretty comfy, which is nice.

Marisa is a hard worker too!

Well, I'm not exactly making threads about her, these are threads for discussing waifus in general. And I do it because I enjoy waifu threads.


It's always nice to hear of someone finding peace in a video game. I respect gardevoir lovers a bit more now.

I'm sure yours loves you back.

What if I have a vidya waifu but I don't play the game she is in?

Why not? Don't you love her, user?

>Having been shit on by 4 people I trusted
Sounds shitty
I don't know why people have qualms about what other people get their rocks off too, barring extreme cases. It just doesn't make sense to me.

Shooting game is too hard for me and I won't even bother to touch them

Not him, but my waifu is from a genre that I did try to get into, but could never particularly have fun with. I've distanced myself from the fandom as a result, and don't really talk about where she's from. That hasn't stopped me from loving her.

I try my best to be worthy of her every day

Not him but Maze of Love gives me trouble when she goes in the other direction because it feels like it's going faster that way. I got my first hard 1cc recently so I'll probably go back and try again to tackle Flan.

Not even for her?

Don't worry, that's how my love for Patchi is. And I'll always love her.

Chihiro best P3 girl. She has my favorite social link

I only love the person, alright?

She's sweet and pretty miko!
I want to give her donations then kiss afterwards.

They're not as hard as they look, user. Trust me. I thought they looked daunting at first, but I really enjoyed them when I gave them a try. And playing Touhou is how I discovered her.

Who's your waifu?

Yeah, the second phase of Maze of Love is weird. It's not that it goes faster, but it's easier to get caught by those walls of bullets that Flandre is firing, there's less leeway. It's one of those rare cards that's easier with Marisa.

You should at least give Immaterial and Missing Power and Scarlet Weather Rhapsody a try for her, user. She's playable, and they're fighting games with story modes that aren't too hard.