Invite friend over for video games

>invite friend over for video games
>he brings his gf

Other urls found in this thread:

Wife beaters are the biggest pussies in the world

And you're a bitch for using a meta OP

Kill yourself anytime whiteknight betacuck

>invite wife over for video games
>he brings his bf

Kill yourself you wife beating nigger

My friends bring their girlfriends over all the time. Keeps my girlfriend occupied. Get you a girlfriend op. Can't jerk off to your waifu all the time.

>t. redditor cuckold

>friends gf laughs at me and calls me a loser virgin
>go to the bathroom and jerk off while crying


Men deserve to be punched as do women.

They're not magical creatures exempt from reality.


t. monkey nigger sub-human

>beating your Wife is ok

when did Sup Forums get filled with muslims?

>Can't jerk off to your waifu all the time.

>go over to friend's house to play vidya
>he starts fucking his Mom

>brings gf over with him
>they start fighting

reddit is that way ->

>Text friend to come over
>"Cool can I bring my GF?"

What do I say? Straight up "no"?

She's not annoying but it's awkward when shes here

>beating up men is okay but women are snowflakes
kek hows that friendzone treating you?

Not an argument

>fuck off
It's as simple as that folks

>beating up anybody

But why?

How about I spend time with my girlfriend sometimes, and spend time with my bros at separate times? No need to inject your significant other into literally everything you do, it's likely to end up obnoxious and frankly not good for a relationship.

that really made me think about how you're a sub-human

when did I say beating up men is ok you retard?

>dude come on, we haven't had a bro day in like, forever


>beating up men is ok

actually that's called assault and you could also go to prison for that too user.

happened to me before; seriously what the fuck i just wanted to enjoy our party game and whoop ass with jigglypuff

Point me to the argument you posted

oh wait, you're just a retard.

>>beating up men is okay

no it's not you dumb fucking idiot? So wife beating niggers also think violence against men is okay too? You're not sexist, you're just a fucking psychopath. Kill yourself so you don't harm others.

>Why are you bringing her? I only want you
text this

>bringing your gf to hang out with your single friend

Why would anyone do this?

Anyway, the answer is "B O I Z N I G H T"

>m-muh pure aryan wifu Amber dindu nuffin

And then your friend leaves you for talking like a fag

>Keeps my girlfriend occupied

We aren't fucking pets you disgusting pig!

>be fat slob but fun
>friends gf hates me
>workout for a year
>friends gf wants to suddenly hang out all the time
>fuck her and call her a cheating worthless whore afterwords
>instead of getting mad at me my friend just laughs with me and breaks up with her
>still friends to this day

>girlfriend brings her boyfriend over
>she expects me to feed him snacks

>i don't see any grandkid, just a big pair of titties

oh god i can't stop laughing

Why is that girl holding her hands and looking down?

what did she mean by this

>cuck brings cuck over
>expects me to cuck him cucks

please give me (you)s for this original joke


>It's only guys tonight man, it'll feel awkward.

If their gf flips out about it, it's time to leave that relationship post haste

seeing as how hes got a gf, send him some normie memes


Cause Willy Wonka wooped her ass

I'll give you a (cuck) instead, my gentleman.

tfw no bros except Sup Forumsros

Looks like the lady friend i sleep with

Is this a video game thread is the girl in OP the latest new current event we're not-so-subtly talking about?

>"hey let's play xyz online together"
>play for a bit, have an ok time
>"hey I got a friend that wants to come"
>well we've been playing for a bit but I don't mind helping him catch up
>"oh that won't be a problem"
>[ELITE]McRapeCanon the level 2000 Demi-god has joined the party!

Nobody gives a shit

>Can't jerk off to your waifu all the time

The hell I can't.

>invite friend over
>he brings his loud dudebro brother over

How do you guys hide your piss bottles from your gf?

Social is for faggots.
Enjoy being single when the time comes, because it'll be soon. You don't have to spend every waking moment with your woman, but you're supposed to spend free time with the woman.
Tits or gtfo.

>his gf starts flirting with me like he isn't there
>she gives me her number while he's in the bathroom
>she gives me the anus at the first date while he never had it

Perfect night, boys.

Kill yourself normalslime

>invite friend over
>he makes you his "girlfriend"

>"She's not going to have fun."

Sometimes I'll bring my gf, sometimes I won't. It's never really a problem, we just play vidya and get drunk, eat shitty food. Pretty cozy.

Damn. Based Wonka keepin' hoes in check.

No but seriously, what couls bring someone to hit a women. Absolutely ballsless.

>People on the internet think im cool
Please get real friends


>you cuck all your friends
Feels good man

Sup Sup Forums

There was probably an argument, where she started swinging first.

Amber Heard has gotten in trouble for domestic violence before.

>How about I spend time with my girlfriend sometimes
Learn to read, betacuck.

>cucked all your friends not knowing they all liked the same girl
>this has happened at least 3 times

I mean it's not really cucked if they werent dating, but the fact that it happened so many times makes me wonder what the fuck theyre thinking

Oh that's amber heard? Fuck that bitch. Hope she gets a real beating psychopathic cunt. She needs to be gassed.

Those are the allegations. But there is no proof. And even eye witness to the contrary.

>Can't jerk off to your waifu all the time.

What did she do, other than try to ruin poor Johnny's career? I live under a rock.

>normalfag chads posting on Sup Forums
What the fuck happened to this board?

>invite friend over
>he brings his wife
>she's very chill and plays board games with us
>friend doesn't give her any special treatment, and plays like normal
>they also have a 4 year old daughter who's adorable when she attempts to play
Find a good girl, anons, they apparently exist but not for me

Schoolgirls are getting more bold in skimpy fashion each year.

>Reunion with close friends you haven't seen in years
>Girl brings up boyfriend nobody knows and acts retarded

>friend brings gf over
>the four of us get wasted and play Mario Party


Is that a jojo in the shadow?

Some women really extract a man's misoginy out.

unless his gf brings a friend of hers that you can hook up with

This week on 'Thing's that never happened', starring user.

We're growing up and going on dates, user. No more boys club


>work out for a year
>still fat
>just really strong now

>Say user, do you have anyone that you like?


>I just got here
Kill yourself

Then dont reply

Eat less

t. fit guy.

Not that guy, but I came into this thread to call you a fag
Neither the husband nor wife should be hitting the other unless they're into that kinky shit.

We have always been here. What's next are you going to tell me Redditors aren't here either? We rule this board kiddo.

>jus go up and talk to her bruh, remember to bee urself

>I don't want her user.
>I want you.
>No one holds my controllers like you do.
>Basically user what I'm trying to say is that you're more than a friend to me.
>You're my partner. My equal.
>Would you do me the honor of being my Player 2?

I'm going to kill you

Eat less. Reduce out sugars and carbs first.
Healthy foods such as fruit also have lots of sugar.
Replace starches with potatoes.

No one cares if normies lurk, or post about video games.
No one wants to hear about your girlfriend though. Or your friend's girlfriend for that matter.

Not an argument

Is the image supposed to be upsetting or something?

Beat people up

You can't be stopped anymore

But women still don't want me
