Loved FF7 after playing it for the first time a few years ago

>loved FF7 after playing it for the first time a few years ago
>decide to watch the movie on blu-ray
>plot is extremely poorly told and badly presented, and is just an inferior rehash of the game
>everyone's characterization is wrong: never understood the "Cloud is le emo :^)" meme until now
>everyone else has maybe 5 minutes of screentime and that many lines, some of them barely have a minute each
>Reno and Rude are now just goofy clowns for comic relief and not the aloof yet comical badasses they were in the game
>Sephiroth boyband club antagonists are even more one-dimensional, annoying and pretentious than the original from the game
>even the action was bland and substanceless

What the fuck went wrong? Did this movie get even a single thing right? Why do people still have faith in Square Enix after this abortion?

>mfw I couldn't replay FF7 recently

It aged too finally aged past that point. Will the same happen to Ocarina of Time?

If you're talking about graphics then yes.


>watching an acion movie for the plot

>making an action movie from an RPG

>TFW this won't happen to Wind Waker.

>using an rpg as the basis for an acion movie

>some retard went out of his way to set this screenshot up to look impressive
>doesnt enable the widescreen hack

Just replayed OoT recently and although it was a bit more pixelated than I remembered, it was still surprisingly pleasant to look at.

The performance hicpus are an annoyance, though.

Make sure you play the NTSC version. The PAL version has a godawful framerate.

Fuck... that might have been it.

Welp, timeless masterpiece then.

Except most of the movie was just boring dialogue that's worse written than a 13 year old's fanfic, and when you DO get to the action it's underwhelming and not worth the wait.

same. I hated that movie. FF7 is a good game and I think the reputation FF7 has lowered because of it.

>not even a good action movie
Seriously, the only time I watched it I didn't understand wtf was going on, then I was like ">ZOMG FIGHT" and even that was like "that was it?".
0/10 Didn't rewatch

I can say with pride that I've never watched AC.
My first and last burn was spirits within.

Was SW really that bad? Granted I haven't watched it in at least 14 years but it didn't seem that bad besides having nothing to do with Final Fantasy.

When has a movie based on a video game ever worked out though

it was user
it was

Street Fighter. The anime, not the live action one.

That has the widescreen hack you retard.

Target audience


> it past that point, I can't play it anymore

You're like a little baby

I take it she hasn't seen very many sci-films at all.

That and Kingdom Hearts. Cloud's "muh sephiroth is muh darkness in muh heart" bullshit in KH2 was nothing short of utter cringe.

The Compilation did nothing right

They managed to turn Sephirotth from a crazy soldier who lost it after discovering he was an experiment to an edgy semiangel thing.


The game didn't age, you did. Into a faggot.

shit taste confirm, stupid bitch
glad i didnt play her game

Should Steve Burton be relived as Cloud's VA?

He clearly phoned in his lines during Kingdom Hearts, but actually made some effort for Dissidia.
Have some fucking consistency

Nah, I'd much rather have someone who can speak in a less monotone voice.

>"muh sephiroth is muh darkness in muh heart"

That's literally what Sephiroth is in FF7 though.

>One-Winged Angel was in reference to the big fleshy growths that just happened to look like wings on Safer Sephiroth
>Every other incarnation has given him a big black angel wing for NO reason
>Also he's basically an evil Cloud boogeyman now

No, Sephiroth was dicking with Cloud's mind by manipulating the Jenova cells in him, and at the end he both literally and figuratively kills what's manipulating him

Where did that fucking wing even come from? He's never seen with it before the final boss fight, and it's never explained in the compilation or anything else.

They're growths that came from his wounds after Cloud fucking rekt him at Nibelheim and he fell into the lifestream

Pretty much this. I've replayed it recently and it's fine.

Can we agree that literally everything that is associated with FF7 after FF7 came out is fucking pointless, trash, and retroactively makes FF7 worse?


Prove me wrong

make me.

Yep. I still can't believe how much praise Crisis Core received, easily my biggest vidya disappointment ever.

Which is why I'm extremely fearful of the remake.

Maybe just you, I put 150+ hours this year alone on it, which isn't too surprising since I had never played it before.

What makes it worse is that Cloud and Sephiroth were great in FF7. One can tolerate shit but its hard to do so if the shit was originally something good

I would say he's less emo and more concerned about the disease he's got that's rampaging across his body

I never liked how AC changed the hair.

I don't get why CC gets so much hate.
The gameplay is great and the story is...well, okay at least.

Fucking with Zack's death in a really retarded way

I hated the gameplay. I know I'm alone on this one but I don't give a shit, it was the clunkiest, casualized, most poorly-controlling and unresponsive excuse for an ARPG I've ever played, made even worse by that slot-machine gimmick popping up in your face and interrupting the gameplay every 15 seconds. Not to mention the level design is laughable and the encounter rate is the worst I've ever seen.

le religious reference

>Did this movie get even a single thing right?

2 things actually.
The soundtrack is great and can be listened to without the movie.
Also the movie is quite pretty, it's worth watching with the sound turned off and no subtitles.

Crisis Core was superior in everyway
Advent Chidren Complete was a fun Joy ride, I wasn't expecting it to have master piece level writing like Citizen Cane or Django Unchained
It's meant as a love letter to fans of the game

>Crisis Core was superior in everyway

Except story, gameplay and characters.

>It's meant as a love letter to fans of the game

More like it was an attempt at milking the FF7 cash cow for all its worth.

>Love letter
A very ugly, sad and bad written one, from the ugly chick nobody liked.

>Except story, gameplay and characters.
The story was clearer and had a more impact full ending than ff7
Gameplay was better as it was action based and the summons were top notch. I hope the remake uses the same combat engine
Characters in Crisis Core are way better, Zack is a Edge lord who turns emo(I still love Cloud)
Zack alone is better than the whole FF7 main cast let alone Angeal and the rest
>from the ugly chick nobody liked
I bet you're an MRA

>Zack is a Edge lord who turns emo
Crap I meant *Cloud is

>what went wrong?

Advent children is 100% pure fanservice. That is all. It was never meant to have a plot or continue the story of tbe games characters. They wanted to make some more money off of ff7 that didn't include remastering the game(again).

>Cloud is an edge lord that turns emo
This is the kind of person that actually likes Crisis Core

Open your fucking mind man, FF7 is just as enjoyable or more so as the year it came out.

That looks way worse than FF7 to me.

Oh yeah such memorable characters like "generic shounen protagonist", "guy who has no character to speak of and is only there to hand Zack the buster sword", "Sephiroth 2.0: extra faggotry and pretentiousness edition" and of course my personal favorite, "girl who is almost an actual character despite having at most 5 minutes of screen time and no relevance to the plot at all" mean while the characters who were returning had all their personalities flanderized, the worst case being Aerith. And the gameplay was the most uninspired attempt at ARPG action combat I've ever seen, it makes Kingdom Hearts look masterful.

>The story was clearer and had a more impact full ending than ff7

It had one job: expand on FF7's story. It still fucked that up.

You fucking plebeian.

This, I fucking replayed FF7 last year and I still had fun with it.

>Zack alone is better than the whole FF7 main cast let alone Angeal and the rest

Zack had no backstory to speak of, we know nothing about why he wanted to join SOLDIER other than him simply wanting to be a hero, and that's literally it. Even Cid has a more complex backstory and personality than that.

Not at all man, not at all.

>Ocarina of Time
I tried Ocarina of Time for the first time a few years back, It was okay at best.
Even for it's time I can think of countless better Rpgs that came out of the 90's

>if you call a woman unattractive, you are unattractive!


Sage for offtopic

Yes. I get frustrated and depressed thinking about it. What has been done can never be undone. Fucking sucks. I can't even get excited about the FF7 remake because it's probably going to be shit.

>Muh cartoony graphics r shit!1!!

150+ hours? Holy shit. I've done literally everything there is to do in that game and didn't take half that long. Granted it was your first playthrough but still... what were you doing, hanging around in comfy spots?

Or his level of gayness (from 0% to 100%)

He was pretty gay in the game though.

ACC was great, faggots.

I've seen better action scenes in fucking RWBY.

What's your problem asshole? We're allowed to have different tastes you know.

OoT isn't an RPG, so I'm not sure why you'd make that comparison.

Oh no, it's the OoT is (not) an RPG discussion again

Excessive amount of senseless jumping.

He's literally becoming a parasitic life form like Jenova. His wings are just his weird tentacle things, but being that he has this god complex thing going on, they formed that way. That's how I take it anyway.

>Only good action scene, seconded by the barely passable one with tifa at the begining

Only one I liked was the motorcycle chase on the highway. I love how fast-paced and over-the-top batshit ridiculous it is. The rest suck, especially the boring, drawn-out DBZ shit between Cloud and Sephiroth at the end.

i really like the ancient forrest fight.

Did they add blood? I remember AC being oddly bloodless.

Also i can hear their swords clanging like a keychain

No it wasnt Nomura-kun.

It's not a discussion, you're just an idiot.

bazztek pls, save it for the XV threads

Who? the fuck did i even say about xv?

I've seen you defend AC in multiple threads now with that webm. how much gay autism semen is Nomura forcing you to choke down.

Was AC ever more popular the FF7 itself at some point? It felt that way sometimes with the amount of people saying they love FF7 despite only watching the movie or some youtube AMVs.

fresh from deviantart?

Actually Nomura, Kitase and Nojima are the only ones to blame since they were in charge.

The only point worthy of praise is the CGI production.

Apparently Nomura only wanted to make an animated short featuring Cloud fighting Kadaj, then he would meet a woman who looked like Aeris outside the church. It was Kitase who wanted it to be a feature length film and Nojima who wrote the angsty faggotry.

>We're allowed to have different tastes you know.
Not when there gonna be that shit.

> AC in multiple threads

First of all, the post you're replying is not me autist.

>multiple threads
I made that webm myself, i haven't posted it anywhere in 2 weeks. Keep sperging.

But the shitty direction and faggotry is Nomura's fault too. Nozue (AC co-director) went on to make Kingsglaive and it suffers from none of the AC problems.

AC and CC were what really made normies and underage non-gamers "love" FF7. The difference in the fan community before AC and after was staggering.

shut the fuck up xv-kun

FF7 was at the worst point of 3D, can't get over the blocky models

I enjoyed Dirge of Cerberus

So did I
It was also a fun game