Blacklist > Phantom Pain

Blacklist > Phantom Pain
We all agree?

Fuck off

not ever

Seeing how I have over 600 hours on tpp on sp alone and only 236 hours on blacklist, no.
I still enjoyed blacklist, but its not as good or flexible as tpp.
also mgs always a more interesting story to tell than sc, even by tpp standards

Not a single splinter cell game is better than a single MGS game.

TPP is god tier. Hating on it is a reddit meme.

I don't, I loved Phantom Pain for what it was but them getting rid of Ironside was worse than Hayter imo. I liked Conviction a lot but didn't even feel the urge to play Black List.

Guess I'm Kojima's bitch but I like almost everything in Mgs it had humor and it's good fun.

I think I'm going to replay Mgsv but only using basic equipment and just rolling with the flow apart from the blow tanks up mission because fuck that.

Might go DD for man and his dog but yeah it's your opinion OP.

Actually, a lot of redditors liked the phantom pain.


but the upcoming ghost recon will btfo TPP
screencap this

>Not a single
You're right. The whole SC line is better than the horribly controlling anime cluster fuck that is the Metal Gear series


tom clancy games are nowhere near as deep as MGS games

Her face seems But I wanna kiss and cum all over that stomach

At least tpp made sense even if he was barely used, changing Sam had absolutely no payoff whatsoever, nothing about the story or situation showcased the need to change the va and its not because he can pull crazy moves in gameplay at his age and not fitting because the motherfucker did the same shit on the other games, actually less, he seems to be doing more crazy shit the older he gets instead of backwards., also it sounded weird when he talked to his grown ass daughter while sounding almost as young as her, while looking like commander Shepard with white hair.
Still hoping one day they pull a kojima and address the elephant in the room, his Benjamin button's disease.

>asking a meme board if an actual good stealth game is better than a Meme Gear Solid game

No though.

memes > stealth


>division 2.0

I'm fucking serious. Look at that definition and say you wouldn't shoot a huge load all over that

Her stomach's great, that's not the issue here though.

>hideo kojima is deep
Haha... hahahaha! You fucking what?

Why would I be mad? I play good games.

i would love to give joost my solid snake if you catch my drift

Both games are disgusting and a spit in the face of the fans of both franchises. At least jewbisoft didn't turn to pachinko.

I rather save my load for a cool big booty pawg wooty video compilation I have bookmarked

Chaos Theory absolutely blows MGS4 and 5 the fuck away

I had a dream about Stefanie last night. I bumped into her at some random grocery/supplies store. She was being super friendly with me, and just me, in a very flirtatious manner. She was on check out and and just chatting with me about her car and how cool it was to work on Phantom Pain. We sat down at some picnic tables setup outside the store and she was showing me her tattoos, for some reason she had a ton of them on her hands and forearms. It was just us two sitting at these tables on a cool autumn afternoon, bright blue sky, light breeze, and there we are just chatting and I'm holding her hands and looking at them, looking her in the eyes, and it was like we were falling for each other.

Then I woke up when my girlfriend walked in my room. She is not the Joost. Oh well.

It's Ubisoft montreal's mangum opus, they'll never make a game as good as that again.

You need to replay that game, not as good as tpp.
Actually don't, you want those good CTmemories to stay intact.

No. It's probably the best splinter cell game. That puts it a notch or two below the worst mgs game.

I recently finished TPP

It's no where near as good as CT

Chaos Theory>Blacklist>Pandora Tomorrow>1>Double Agent(old gen)>Conviction>Double agent(new gen)

how shit am I

Honestly? Yeah. I enjoyed Blacklist more than TPP. Shame it has so little missions, it's the best splinter Cell since Chaos Theory, although Conviction had it's own charm.

Not better than the best of MGS games, though.

I loved those tapes and the ashes scene. I still really like Phantom Pain it's just a fun game.

I do miss throwing animals at people to kill and incapacitate from 3.

I wish one of Bowie's songs was in game but whatever.

Splinter games are far superior but they lack the meme power to ever win over Sup Forumseddit.

I will never play the Phantom Game ever again in my life.
Meanwhile I'll be replaying Chaos Theory more than a few times.

If the MGS series is superior, then why were they always one step behind the splinter cell games? 3 even had to re-release to rip off Splinter Cell's camera to make it actually playable. V is such a ripoff of conviction and blacklist it's not even funny.

>actiony boss battles
>in stealth games
Who thought this would be a good idea?

>WORDS = deep

every time

Only lying to yourself.
But that's fine, you win.

Don't forget the best part of Blacklist

But I'm not. Any game that forces me to repeat missions, particularly extremely boring ones such as this isn't a good game.

It was going fine to around the point Skull Face showed up.

Dear fucking god yes

Blacklist was almost Chaos Theory tier.

Blacklist>Da new gen>>ct>conviction coop>the rest

>new gen da over CT
you are fucked up

ITT:people who haven't replayed CT
Go and replay it now, see how long you last before you fall asleep on your keyboard.

This. SC doesn't hold a fucking candle to MGS, it never has and never will.

I'm the only sane person in this thread.

sounds like stealth games arent your thing. you must be an MGS fan

Yeah, he needs childish cutscenes playing every ten steps talking about HALO insertion drops and how cool they are or some dude pissing themselves.

Teenager idiots tend to think navel gazing is deep and meaningful.

>Yeah, he needs childish cutscenes playing every ten steps


I replay it every few months, it's an absolutely brilliant stealth game. Just like MGS 1 is a brilliant collection of minigames and boss fights.

I can agree.

>236 hours on blacklist


kill yourself child

Then why do you play sc?

No because SC games went to shit after ChaosTheory. Fite me fgt

so you were born into the gen where you could skip cut-scenes. Now I know why new games appeal to ADD cancer patients

>MFW that image

And Metal Gear games went to shit after Metal Gear Solid 1.

>everything I dislike or disagree with me is reddit

>Implying 3 wasn't good
okay champ

Does Splinter Cell have a Joosten?

Its a good game. Unlike MGS games.
Improve your reading comprehension.

>muh boss
>muh jungle in the soviet mountains
>muh snake eater

Still more than blacklist

Those are nice things

didn't mean to defend blacklist
well I'll respect that

MGS2 > Chaos Theory = MGS3 > MGS1 > Double Agent (6th Gen) > MGSV > Double Agent (7th Gen) >Blacklist > MGS4 > Conviction > Peace Walker > Pre-Chaos Theory Splinter Cell

>SC1 and Pandora Tomorrow are shit
some people's opinions, man

SplinterCell was never relevant or good. It was for those who couldn't understand anything more complex than "bad guys must die"

>Double Agent (6th Gen) >
This is the moment I stopped agreeing with you.

That's funny I thought they were the exact same game.

>spy thrillers are "b-bad guys must die"
>compared to Hideo Kojima's "stealth" action where you fight people being evil for no reason with some piss poor philosophy behind their antics like misunderstanding the Boss's basic bullshit

Why are people sharing chaos theory? It had fucking Amon Tobin.

By deep I think he meant the amount of actions you can do in the game.
Like interacting with the environment to play with the stealth elements
Metal Gear Solid > Splinter Cell
It has better AI that progressively gets better in each iteration

Does anyone care a Joosten?


Only reason anyone liked Metal Gear Solid's story was because Kojima would throw in his oddball humor. The entirety of Metal Gear is a meme ranging from japanese animes, Johnny shitting his pants, people urinating themselves, dudes with superpowers like the power to control bees, porn magazine distractions, and Hayter's shitty voice acting. If you don't appreciate dry humor then that's alright, but Metal Gear Solid has no meaningful story at all. It's like some sixth grade "war is bad" trite that Kojima has you slurping up by the load, with /k/ wankism thrown in because Kojima is that much of a westaboo.


Phantom List > Black Pain

Blacklist butchered Sam Fisher as a character but if you just want to talk about the game it's far superior.

MGS4 and 5 are the biggest disappointments in video game history.

it was very relevant when the original Xbox was current gen, back when tom clancy games were still popular. not only for the campaigns but pandora tomorrow and chaos theory had good multiplayer.

>comparing an openworld action game with optional stealth (TPP) to an open map stealth game with optional action (BL)
Apples and oranges tbqhwyf.

Me with the red beret.

oranges are objectively better than apples

Lol k

I disagree, you can't beat a good apple
I think you need better apples, don't buy Delicious Reds
they're not delicious at all


Everyone, point and laugh.

This could almost be true if MGS2 and 3 didn't treat you like a retard and interrupted the gameplay every 5 minutes with a long ass cutscene+codec combo explaining you what just happened, and repeating it to you over and over.

MGS2 has some fucking tight gameplay, but its campaign is hindered by what I just mentioned. It has VR which is great, but it is also a mixed bag; since the stealth and pseudo missions are god-tier, but its target practice is a shitty gimmick mode that you are forced to complete to unlock more missions.

For me it would be CT > MGS2 > MGS3 > the rest

>Like interacting with the environment to play with the stealth elements
MGS doesn't even begin to touch the amount of fuckery you can do with the environment in splinter cell games, thanks to context sensitive actions.

2kki > Nikki

Every single fault in that game can be traced back to the writing and excessive cutscenes. It was Kojima unhinged without Fukushima, and it suffered every second for it.

You are why I don't ever want a girlfriend. How would I ever live with the fact that she dreams of, even masturbates to hot celebrities? That's shallow and retarded. Fictional characters are fine, but fucking celebrities? Really? I hate myself for even imagining a situation in which I'm in a close relationship with someone who has celebrity fantasies.

I know there are people who do not, such as myself, but how would I ever be sure?

There are so many things to blame for the direction MGS headed to.

Konami's jewery, Kojima's pride and ego, the fanbase's denseness, and the fact that Metal Gear was supposed to end after MGS, then MGS2, then MGS3 and so on.

shit > your taste

TPP may be terrible MGS, but it's still amazing vidya
comparing this sandbox gameplay masterpiece to corridor """stealth""" game is not even fair

>Fictional characters are fine