The roles should be reversed. Sweden is the modern, clean, educated nation filled with autists. India is the dirty, smelly, low class, cheap, dirt poor, technologically inferior nation. Blizzard thinks all the third world shitholes will somehow become first world while western nations regress. But they have some hardon for Nordic dwarves so they have to put him in there to appeal to their dwarf fetish.
It should be: >Indian Pajeet >Short, muscular, cheap, dirty, hoarder, speaks with a heavy accent, rude
They needed to make a dwarf, but couldn't fit it in the lore, so made a midget viking instead.
Blizzard are not the best writers, especially now.
Chase Reed
>Sup Forums says this nah literally in the comics she says she is on the spectrum, word for word.
Daniel Foster
No, peace is a meme
Julian Peterson
Christopher Carter
It's ok to be racist towards white people!
Thomas Gomez
Link. I'm not NEET enough to read the comics
Kevin Wright
Who cares, Symmetra is a shitty unlikeable character while the dwarf is actually funny and interesting.
Tyler King
Symmetra seems like a bit of an idiot. In her comic she pretty much gets told she fucked up a bunch of people's lives but it's okay because it helps the evil corporation she works for. And her responses is pretty much "Yay I'm helping!"
I'm a Lucio main so I might be a bit biased.
Cooper Reed
oh.. i don't think that means what you think it means.
Zachary Taylor
Torbjorn also works with live machines and repairs them, with grease, and oil, and other fluids Symmartra uses weird bullshit that's cleaner than an elf's ass (she doesn't even have to TOUCH her devices to prop them This takes about as much difficulty to process as breathing while typing.
Brayden Morgan
>Blizzard thinks all the third world shitholes will somehow become first world while western nations regress. The latter is true. Sweden is sinking, with rest of western Europe. Daily terrorist attacks and record immigration numbers every year. The first world is indeed failing.
Jaxson Jenkins
Isaac Bell
The comics also portray Roadhog as a mute, they have no relation to the game.
Dominic Morris
that is literally what "on the spectrum" means though. and since her entire characters weapon shit revolves obsessivly around straight lines or some bs like that it seems close enough.
Dylan Gray
Maybe he had laryngitis that day
Jayden Sanders
Pajeet, ready to work!
Jace Evans
user, if you payed attention to the backstory and worldbuilding you'd understand why India and the rest of the world seems really nice while the first world is surprisingly white.
Omnics were used to bring economic equality to the world, that was their function. Muslims are no longer invading Europe because their countries are just as clean and pleasant as Europe, so they have no reason to displace their families or leave their culture.
Cameron Robinson
>giving people personalities is now considered racist
Quit being retarded, user.
Samuel Russell
>b-b-but muh whites :(
Liam Morgan
>Short, muscular, cheap, dirty, hoarder, speaks with a heavy accent, rude All of those except short and the heavy accent one fits swedes pretty well.
Mason Torres
>asking Sup Forums to not be retarded This entire thread proves that Sup Forums gladly engage in willing ignorance just to get a few cheap 'oh I made you angry aren't I cool' point, and then wonder why this place is such a shithole.
Lincoln Martinez
>should be
No. Who cares you fucking faggot. They can make their shitty game any way they want.
Brody Nelson
They wouldn't dare have a Pajeet be the comic relief. That would be racist. But yeah the Swedish guy can be the comic relief while having bo Swedish lines or anything whatsoever.
In fact, Blizzard has been bending to SJWs for some time now, going as far to add an old muslim granny because SJWs complained.
Bentley Reyes
Aren't dwarfs scottish tho
Kayden Mitchell
I don't remember them complaining about the lack of Ana before hand.
Jason Ramirez
She is a fun character, but I hate that I can't play her because of that accent.
Years of customer level jobs when I was young make my asshole slam shut at the sound of it.
Jacob Brooks
Really? Last I checked they didn't poo in the loo in India. Never saw a person defecating in Sweden, even their refugees poo in the loo. Also never seen a Swedish student build shit with junk. Usually those kids come out of India, remember that kid that built a forklift with fucking straws?
Nolan Torres
Check Neofag. Massive SJW bitching that the oldest girl in the game was a hot aryan just right before Blizzard announced Ana.
Christopher Peterson
Just as long as its from 'the north' it's checks out
Leo Wood
I think one of my brain lobes would pop if they made an Indian wow dwarf
Jackson Barnes
Give me a break Ana was the only non playable characters in the OG Overwatch group shot, you have to be stupid not to think she was on the list for "characters to bring into the game"
Jacob Nguyen
Blizzard has shown it does not mind pandering to SJWs with their indirectly racist characters.
Elijah Reed
Okay, so they added Pharah's mom in because she was a character that was alluded to in the game.
What does it look like the next character is going to be?
Xavier Barnes
At what point in development did OW become SJW pandering? I remember the first designs released were fine but then suddenly poo in loos and mudslimes everywhere.
Ethan Rogers
I still find it incredibly amusing how the two non-white humans is a literal edgelord (Reaper) and a fun-loving Brazilian (Lucio.)
There's not a single Rage of Africa in the game.
Ryder Adams
Not to mention that one of her highlight intros has her literally straightening the camera.
Parker Ramirez
Go to bed Torb, stop shitposting
Jacob Scott
>Indian character >supports her team using technology >literally an indian tech support character How does blizzard get away with it?
Blake Hill
>A new Street Fighter comes out which has always had super stereotyped characters >Nothing
>Western dev makes a new game with super stereotyped characters >SJW OMG SJW MISREPRESENTATION RACIST SJW RACIST
I wish Western devs would learn from our Japanese brothers and just ignore you shits completely.
Carter Lewis
No, no, think about it guys
>Indian tech 'support'
The fucking madmen at blizzard actually did it
Carson Parker
>At what point in development did OW become SJW pandering?
The only pandering I've seen is Zarya, and the only thing they did to her was pink hair.
That's it, that's literally it. Why the fuck are you guys whining about the non-whites when they're hot brown girls.
William Flores
Sombra. An Omnic who hates humans for some reason. They've been mentioned in the Ana trailer (flashing code at end) and in the latest comic. Also documents in the Watchpoint map.
Luis Brown
Ana was the only freebee, anything else is going to likely be directly from Blizzard's ass
Brayden Long
You realize that OCD and Autism are completely different and mutually exclusive mental disabilities right?
Ryan Morris
Are Swedes even white anymore? Or am I mixing Sweden up with another Nordic country that loves muslims and promotes racemixing like no other.
Samuel Hughes
Please point to evidence of Blizzard bowing to the SJW.
They're one of the few gaming companies big enough to ignore that shit, and more importantly the crowd they're pandering to *literally does not care about the progressive movement.*
You think casual gamers and Chad care about what some hamplanet thinks?
Jaxon Green
>he says while likely being a filthy hybrid himself
Samuel Moore
Symmetra looks more like a Latino for me
Nicholas Price
>comparing SF designs which are meant to be appealing and not just virtue signalling to TumblrWatch characters Just stop
Christopher Cruz
>An Omnic who hates humans for some reason.
>Be Omnic >Everyone hates your guts >Australia actively terrorizes your people and Russia's in a war with your kind
I wonder why one of them snapped.
Joseph Phillips
Reaper has an unused (currently) voice line saying "Where's Sombra when you need her?"
Pretty much confirmed for the next playable character.
Jose Bennett
Nope, I'm a pasty white ginger.
Matthew Brooks
Ana was released following SJW outcry that there aren't enough old mudslime women in the game.
Grayson Gonzalez
They aren't mutually exclusive, I have a cousin with both.
William Ortiz
Just because you add the word 'tumblr' to it doesn't make it a scathing witty remark, it just means you are looking for a cheap win by hoping to shame and frighten the opposition into not arguing for fear of being labeled an sjw
Matthew Taylor
She was going to be released anyway, she was literally one of the few characters built in to be released later on in the game.
Jose Price
Yes that's Sweden. They could've made Ana Swedish and it would be a fairly accurate representation.
Dylan James
And Irishman? I tell you to go to hell but being an irishman is already a hell.
Luke Harris
Quit idealizing Sweden. It's not the 60's anymore.
Anthony Clark
Still doesn't change the fact that SF designs are meant to be appealing and iconic while OW roster is about crossing the SJW checklist. Do you think any character in OW is going to end up as iconic as Chun-Li, Bison or Ken? Nope. Because that's not the primary purpose of OW characters.
Christian Diaz
>They could've made Ana Swedish and it would be a fairly accurate representation.
See This is a world where immigration is done because you want to, not because you need to. Whoever is living in Sweden because they want them welfare bux can now move back to Somalia and live happy, comfortable and violence-free.
Omnics cured global economic inequality, this is canon. The destruction of global economic inequality means the destruction of any reasons for mass immigration.
Matthew Reed
What if Mercy was black?
Nicholas Gray
Oh yeah, Soldier and Mercy, they just fill out so many goddamn tumblr check boxes it's unreal Why can't you just realize you're an irrational douchebag who wants everything to be sjw so you can go "I WAS RIGHT, I WAS RIGHT ALL A LONG"
Tyler Phillips
This is true. Sweden has massive immigration numbers, soon making up 20% of the population. Sweden isn't a white paradise anymore. It's rather a weird blend of third-wave feminism in the inner cities and muslim values in the suburbs. The country is splintered and getting more and more segregated by the year.
Brandon Lopez
I read >uses futanari technology
Man that'd be something.
Carson Thompson
No, it shouldn't be you autist. Overwatch has it's own universe.
James Gonzalez
>Not knowing about glorious Brown Town Science.
Jace White
Symmetra is stupidly sexy and her coffee colored skin and silky black hair definitely fucking help. So I'm totally fine that she's Indian, get over it.
Landon Sullivan
>tfw you can't have a brown character announced anymore without people like him wailing that it's SJW.
Still didn't answer my question. Will any OW character end up as iconic as the SF roster? No. The answer is no. Which is why SF gets a pass when it does it. Simply because SF does it the proper way and not the SAFE FOCUS TESTED shit in western games.
Camden Perry
Do you niggas really not get it? Symmetra is literally a joke.
Indian Tech Support.
Jesus fuck.
Josiah Martinez
It's nice to see Symettra with a normal skin color.
Tyler Diaz
Ask me in 20 years, if it's not around, you can tell me you told me so, you smarmy douchebag
And Chun-Li is fucking shit and babby's first waifu.
Jacob Martin
Still would have worked better as indian midget man.
Ethan Anderson
>babby hating on Chun-Li Should've known I was talking to a fag. Go whine to Blizzard to add more mudslime grannies in your game.
Angel Garcia
Why isn't the Muslim character gay?
Gavin Adams
She's not annoying enough though.
Landon Hughes
Bitch please, Xianghua is the better china girl and you know it, and she doesn't need oversized chicken thighs to do it. But go ahead, keep being retard.
Daniel Campbell
>The comics also portray Roadhog as a mute He just can't be assed to speak, mate
Easton Butler
Don't you have some sun-tan lotion to put on?
Logan Martin
But she's not the comic relief, she's the straight man, and one to a fault. You can't have everyone be comic relief, you idiot. I can't believe this place has fallen so far that everything is now racist to you fucks, which is hilarious considering this place gives no fucks about being racists themselves.
Christian Brown
Sunscreen* Sun-tan lotion is for people who want to look like mudpeople.
Matthew Cox
Junkrat are Reaper are the comic relief though
David Bennett
>The comics also portray Roadhog as a mute no they don't, Junkrat reacts to stuff he says, they just didn't put in the dialog for some reason
Eli Howard
Symmetra is the worst brown girl in the game
John Walker
Agree to disagree.
Eli Gomez
Newsflash, fiction is fictitious
Kevin Campbell
20%? Don't lie. We have 1.5 million non-swedes and most of them consist of Finns and people from Yugoslavia.
That's just above 10%, so the Arab population makes even less.
Chase Young
>Lucio's backstory is literally him being a thief >Symmetra is Indian tech support >Pharah is an arab thar blows things up How do the madmen get away with it?
Logan Evans
Last year alone Sweden took in more than 100k refugees. That's 1% of the population in one year alone. Sweden is fucked. Politicians sold you out to EU interests.
Oliver Miller
>betacuck triggered by slight change of brightness
no wonder white male shooting is more rare than brown, whitey is such beta faggot
Xavier Parker
Never got the Irish meme, explain?
Andrew Barnes
She's still really ugly
Henry Bell
Symmetra is like that because she has lots of money and works for a "kill the poor people" styled organization. Torbjorn is the way he is because he's an average guy who happens to be an engineer as well.
Bentley Morales
Holy shit. You care more about these kind of things then the actual fucking gameplay?