Red or Blue?
Pick a Side
>Sonic is Red
>Mario is Blue
>OP's a faggot
>and you are, too!
Is Red Tomb Raider NuRaider only, or is it the entire franchise?
Either way, Red wins by a land slide.
>he enjoys AAA swill
At least Blue is fun.
Mostly Blue
I'll take red
though blue looked initially appealing, red has more good game series
It should be Dragon Quest/Final Fantasy.
In that case, blue, man. Blue all the way.
Well Sup Forums?
Definitely blue, but I'd lament Resident Evil and Final Fantasy a lot.
>put all the good games on the blue side to make people feel insecure
never change Sup Forums
One has Metroid, the other has Halo. I'll pick both.
Fuck you
mario > sonic
mortal kombat > street fighter
call of duty > battlefield
crash > spyro
jak and daxter < ratchet and clank
uncharted < tomb raider
metroid > halo
silent hill > resident evil
saints row < gta
wow > lol
zelda > final fantasy
elder scrolls > fallout
pokemon < monster hunter
Prime trilogy sucked when compared to Halo, it's better to look at the better Metroid trilogy (Metroid, Metroid II, Super Metroid) over that Prime shit.
Mario will be a great lost Sonic is shit.
KOF is way better IMO.
>giving a fuck about FPS.
Spyro any day.
I don't really care about the following four.
Well fuck, I liked Metroid and Silent Hill.
GTA is better so ok.
Don't care about that two.
I will lost a good chunk of my childhood fut FF is ok too.
Don't care.
Monster hunter is actually the main reason behind my decision.
>zelda blue
>final fantasy red
Those are my favorite franchises of all time so it's actually really fucking hard...well I guess BotW>>>XV, so I choose Blue.
You put Mortal Kombal, Jak & Daxter, and Saints Row on the wrong sides. Also it needs coke under blue pill and pepsi under red pill.
Sonic's favorite color is red.
Literally all of them should be on the blue side, and chess should be on the red
If we're being technically correct
>pokemon < monster hunter
>I'm too m-mature for Pokemon!
>zelda over final fantasy
baka desu senpai
Sonic > Mario
Battlefield > COD
Crash > Spyro
Jak > Ratchet
>Implying I play movies
Metroid > Halo
RE > Silent Hill
GTA > Saints Row
>Implying I play MMOs or ASSFAGGOTS
Zelda > FF
>Implying I play bethesda crap
Pokemon > MonHun
Tie. My fav franchise is on Red team tho, so that's the tie breaker.
>Street Fighter
>Ratchet & Clank
>Tomb Raider
>(fuck this one's tough, coin toss)
>WoW is probably less cancerous
>Final Fantasy
>Elder Scrolls with Fallout's guns/mods put into its mods ;^)
>Pokemon (for its charm, haven't tried MonHun)
Fuck your pills, I pick what I want.
>Prime trilogy sucked when compared to Halo
You have the most shitty taste of all time, kill youself fag.
also 3d metroid>2d metroid
Halo is complete garbage compared with any Metroid either 3d or 2d anyway..
I think Jak and Ratchet are the closests to equal footing
red because of RE,GTA and FF
I can tell that you are a Primefag. Who puts a slow ass walking simulator with shit platforming and boring combat over the better 2D games? I think you're the only one here with shit taste user. BTW the Covenant is far more fun to fight than Prime's generic Space Pirates.
Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason
>anything over Zelda ever, ever, fucking ever
>projecting this fucking hard
Mortal Kombat
Crash Bandicoot
Rachet and Clank
Tomb Raider
Resident Evil
I do what I want, fuck you.
Also OP is fag
Zelda is way too overrated. Same characters for the most part every time, same plot for the most part. It's too samey. If you've played 1 Zelda you've played the all. The only major difference is the transition between the 2D and 3D games.
blue is the choice of numales
>Series with good games under blue
Super Mario
Mortal Kombat
Silent Hill
Saints Row
Legend of Zelda
Elder Scrolls
>Series with good games under red
Street Fighter
Resident Evil
Grand Theft Auto
Final Fantasy
8 to 6, blue wins.
But not mature enough to grow out of call of duty LMAO
What is your fav franchise, user?
Kill youself, retard.
What normalfag forum did you steal this from?
Everything on Blue is way better with the exception of Cawadooty, Uncharted, and Saint's Row.
Okay thanks for a complete lack of a counter to anything I brought up. I must be right.
Red, what the fuck
It's not like we're having an actual Metroid game anytime soon
Prime trilogy was good, but nowhere as good as the Halo trilogy. The original 2D metroid trilogy was also better than Halo.
I don't enjoy a majority of these games.
What games are in the green pill, because green is cool.
I legitimately do not understand how anyone could prefer Sonic to Mario.
>but nowhere as good as the Halo trilogy
How? Halo1 is a fucking cringefest, and from 3 on every Halo game is complete generic garbage at the same level that CoD, literally the only good Halo game is Halo 2 and it's not even as good as the worst Prime. Fucking kill youself, fag.
I'd like to state that I, the person you were responding to, am not this cumchugger However, I stand by what I said. The rehashed elements of the series aren't enough to bring it down when the games are of such incredibly high quality from a design standpoint. Zelda is still the best and picking any other series over it is for nerds.
Green pill list:
EVE onlline
DCS world
Dwarf Fortress
Farm Simulator
>any prime better than any halo
holy shit lol I'd even say 5 was better than the prime series
ill take the cyanide pill
>Sonic's favorite color is red.
I'm honestly amazed someone even cared to keep that random piece of trivia in their mind
I'd take Johnny Bravo down to mid tier and evil con carne down
this list is all kinds of fucked up and missing important shit like fat dog mendoza
>left side only has 2 good games, crash and jak
>right side has fucking monster hunter
The option is easy as shit
Not him but I'm pretty sure you're this Prime faggot here You want to know why the Metroid Prime Trilogy sucks compared to Halo here you go Halo had very unique weapons, incredible AI, brilliant sandbox, fun vehicle combat, large open levels, and great storylines filled with mystery. Comparing the Halo Trilogy to COD is an insult but seeing as how you considered your boring ass Prime games better than the 2D Metroid games it would make sense that you would come to such a conclusion.
Move fosters down, and add Class of 3000 to mid and it's perfect.
>Johnny Bravo on High
But I didn't even remember the ones on shit tier, so I guess it's fair.
>Still playing videogames
>Comparing the Halo Trilogy to COD is an insult
>comparing a casualized FPS that damaged the genre to another casualized FPS that damaged the genre is an insult
The classic games are definitely close. The 3D games, Mario has Sonic beat in a landslide.
It's legitimately hard to decide whether S3&K is better than SMW
It's time to move on children
>5 out of 10
>British animated TV show
Stop reading the wiki there.
Red: 4/13
Blue: 2/13
Both are fucking terrible.
Samefag. you're tastes are shit.
Johnny Bravo is where you see Cartoon Network become the cancer it is today. Compare art, jokes, color scheme, episode lengths between first episodes and last episodes. No one likes polygon Susie.
Here's a warning for you nerds
Definitely blu-
>Monster Hunter
If you take red you are retarded
>Shitty fighting game
>Dudebro shooter that gets boring after 1 hour
>Spyro is nostalgia goggles and it actually sucks
>Only decent game on the list, but still not amazing
>Weak boring adventure game
>Halo reach is good the rest are pretty awful
>Resident evil has always been lame to me
>Its ok but the newer games are really bad
>Not even gonna bother
>Garbage games for the most part
>Not even gonna bother
>Weeb shit that no one cares about
Pills should be switched, left is mpre characteristic of the redpill and therefore superior
>lists only 360 games
I'd rather complain on the internet than subject myself to that.
Did you seriously get baited like that?
FFS Sup Forums
>good franchises - blue
>dead franchises - red
real hard op, 10/10
better library than the PS3, tripfag
>Great Gatsby
>time squad
2000's sucked no wonder these kids cling to the 90's
I wish I had a 3ds. But I have no pc so what is even the point if I can't pirate
>There are people who unironcially like MK
apply yourself
Red, only really missing out on The Elder Scrolls.
might as well warn you of another dangerous habit while I'm at it. No need to thank me.
Is that Chris Pratt far right from Quentin?
>almost every game the 360 had was ported to either the PS3 or PC
I guess if you really like Halo and Gears
That's a shitty fucking pic, OP.
>MK or SF
Both are shit. Hell, MK is barely even a fighting game.
>Uncharted or nuTR
All the same shit. Also includes TES or Fallout, since I guess you mean BethFO.
>Metroid or Halo
Why? What could cause a man to think that such different games are in any way comparable? Same goes for Zelda/FF and Pokemon/MH.
Guess you are one of those angry shitheads who is mad Doom 3 copied Half-Life and System Shock 2 right, because if I remember correctly no FPS played like Halo. Keep trying faggot.
Samefagging huh, here is the other guy and for proof that me and him are two different guys I will send you a screenshot Primefag.
This is himAnd this is me
Now here is the screenshot I promised Primefag.
How about,
Only the good games from each side?
>•Mortal Kombat
>•Street Fighter
>•Silent Hill
>•Resident Evil
>•Vanilla WoW
>•Monster Hunter
He has a point in the last panel desu
better than Infamous and ?????? that the PS3 had
I agree with this
Going with the sanic side
>MK is barely even a fighting game
The PS3 had a lot of great Japanese titles and decent to mediocre first party stuff, it's definitely better unless you're a dudebro
Blue. I'll miss Final Fantasy and Street Fighter though
>weeb titles
please list some good first party titles because I can give you 3 right off the bat on the 360
>PS3 has no gaems meme once again