Final boss just wanted to be accepted

>final boss just wanted to be accepted

Other urls found in this thread:

This retard deserved everything. She was literally retarded.

I'd like to see you become a street whore faggot


i have a thing for meganes getting wrecked

How does a normal person become a street whore. Oh they dont. Only retards and druggies do.

>final boss is the man who sold the world

Emergence by shindol

Why is this literally worse than NTR?

But it is terrible. A shy boring girl wants excitement and gets turned out by everyone. Random guys, homeless guys, little kids....shit is pathetic. Honestly one of the worst things I ever read.

>glasses and twintails
why is this combo so good

Just read this after hearing about it from the other thread. Few questions.

What the fuck, mom?
What did the glasses in front of the mirror symbolize? Did she kill the guy for his glasses or something?
Was it a dream/hallucination? Did she wake up?

Yeah you'd say that wouldn't you

I felt bad for her she didn't know better

at the end when she overdosed it was a dream/trip from the drugs

>everything turns out okay for the final boss in the end

God, ShindoL is so overrated.


no she wanted to be a slut

The glasses and mirror is her finally coming to terms with what's happening. She's gonna die as an abused forgotten junkie and she's putting on her old look to comfort herself.

>Did she wake up?
She died.


>Final boss doesn't have friends

oh, this meme again

1.- its a hentai, not a drama for fucks sake
2.- She deserved it
3.- you are a retard for posting this meme again


Fuck you, its literally art.

Her raging out is also her realizing what horrible decisions and things have happened to her and made her give up. It drove her to euthanize herself.

I'm still looking for source on this one
image search shows no results
>please ;_;

>pajama sam

I'm looking for this now, too. Nothing seems to result.

I have no friends user.

>Animu porn comic
>Attractive anime whore defies all reason by having no friends
>Her gigantic tits/adorable features somehow net her no friends
>So she becomes a druggy/slut/whatever abhorrent plot figure this mango is throwing at you
>People actually feel moved over this shit

>hentai is art now
nice senpai

>being surprised that Sup Forums shits itself when someone posts literally any "new" doujin since the inbreds here can't even find video games on their own

every time I see a shindol thread my desire to come to Sup Forums ever again decreases

fuck your shitty meme edgelord artist

>because it has sex it's invalid as art

Sure thing user.

okay so everyone is such a whiny little bitch about this porno, what's the story in a nutshell?

some good girl becomes a total unlucky whore without any hope?


>I have no friends
me nethier, but friends tell source

>final boss totally redeems themself and lives happily ever after
It's not that good honestly.

Delete this

>ShindoL a ahit
What else is new?

>final boss is a skellington

Even Mizuryuu Kei isn't this edgy.
you're welcome, found the source earlier today in some funposting thread

Her mom deserves just as much blame as her.

Read it yourself, source is in the thread.

yeah it's fiction you thick cunt

I wasn't being sarcastic
it was like: nice, actually nice

Except it is good. Faggot

>attractive so girls are jealous
>guys are intimidated
>approaching guys you like is seen as weird (most unlikely aspect)

It's more likely than you think.


I want these under aged summerfags to leave NOW

I'm really glad he gave her a happy ending for once


And people are still moved over this tripe. It's not a riveting story, it's just numales and Sup Forumsirgins feeling bad for a criminally retarded slut.

I have seen that girl in hentai sites. Never read the manga. Is it really so fucked up?
It seen like Sup Forums always post it to trigger.




link me the panda and I'll skim through it, ain't nobody got time for reading porn but I'll look at it like a picture book

What the fuck are you talking about

>not intentionally feeding Emergence to make some normalfag feel sick

>In real life, you'd say a girl this stupid deserves everything she gets for being a turboslut
>But it's animu so oh no it's so sad what a moving, realistic plot about how terrible humans are to each other don't you see she just wanted people to like her

it's just edgy garbage by an overrated wannabe-jap gaijin

Just read it and you will see.


Just because you can't get friends doesn't mean you go become a crack whore.

The point is that it's just a hollow porn mango that no one should feel anything for. It appeals to those that get off to illustrated despair.

>She deserved it
no, she doesn't, at least until the point she become an addict, thats totally her fault beyond that point.

>Is it really so fucked up?
No, Sup Forums just loves blowing everything out of proportion.
Some fag will inevitably reply to me with "wow so edgy" because I triggered his fat ass.

>final boss is nowhere near as good as you expected

I was spoonfeeding an unsauceable doujin, blow me, nerd.

Did you like it?

I don't know if I can handle it. I got affected really bad with Berserk's eclipse.
I'm a pussy ok?

Mizuryuu Kei just loves happy sluts, he's not a sadist like ShindoL.

Will this ever be topped?
I watch dead children without flinching but this made me stop and think.

This shit wasn't even half as heart wrenching as the concrete girl debacle.

Don't worry, it's not all that bad. She even gets a happy ending

saving it for later, but thanks

she is dying and hallucinating.
thats why people that almost died think heaven is real.

If you have the ability to empathize with fictional characters like a normal human being, yes it will fuck you up.

Not him, but come the fuck on.

This is why I don't post more doujins.

You spoonfeeders ruin everything. Fucking faggots.

>hey! lets go out with this total random person I just met, get drunk and lets do drugs!

the fuck, fight me

Is there any source for this in english?

haven't found any website that has it.

Fuck off Sup Forums

She didn't had a happy ending, she was hallucinating a happy life before she died

You call it "edgy" but things like Saki's story can and have happened a shit ton of times before. It's hardly shock value

i speak from experience too

go to watch a Disney movie then, all of them have a happy ending.

Yeah, the end result is just impossibly over dramatic. In reality, she'd probably just go out clubbing, get drunk, and have a one night stand.

Check sadpanda

The reason dead children do nothing to you is because you don't have context.

Even if it tells you why they are dead it doesn't mean anything to you because it's just some random strangers you don't know or would ever know.

yup its on

She never stood a chance with a body this thicc

>oh noes! I'm not longer an special snowflake that knows """obscure""" hentai
>my words succumbs!


I'm a pretty tolerant guy.

I can understand scat, snuff and gore.

But NTR? That's just pathetic.

It's a real shame so many good artists happen to draw that.

Don't post anymore of this.

Brought into prostitution
Raped by guys
Raped by homeless guys
Raped by teenagers
Beaten badly by teenagers
ODs and imagines having a happy ending with her kid
Dies pregnant and alone


Girls just wanna have fun.

I can smell the passive aggression from here.

No I refuse to believe you and your lies

Please delete this post

"More likely" as in "it's easier for me to find an excuse to think this happens"

i want to go steady with her and wait till marriage to have sex with her

Now Asanagi/Fatapulse is sadistic at times, but still not that edgy. Also his females are way cuter than ShindoL' and don't look weird with the sidemouth (something you can tell ShindoL is a japanese raised in the US. His style has this weird weeaboo touch to it).

I seriously hope no one falls for this tomboy bait

To me, this hurts because the artist takes the qt virgin waifu and shatters every last bit of it.