>Player_X has sent you a friend request
Player_X has sent you a friend request
Other urls found in this thread:
Decline and move on.
I have never received a Friend request in Overwatch
>tfw you don't know if it is someone salty or someone who genuinely wants to play
>Play a good match
>Player has sent you a friend request
>Play like shit after they invite me to a group
Every time
Kek. Fucking this
>number1sonicfan has joined
Nobody ever send me requests
>Destroy an enemy team single handedly going 8.5 in the process
>Message from enemy teams top player
>Hey man, you destroyed us that game! You're really good.
Fuck, what do I do.
Say "thanks bro, wanna squad up?"
Send friend request before they reply
What if I'm already playing with friends?
No one will send me a friend request
>carry a game as zarya at the start of the ranked season.
>someone on my team adds me, i accept.
>don't play with them ever, just never came up
>check his rank today, hes 35 while i'm at 65
i waited to remove him until he went offline.
>know girl
>is a tomboy
>puberty hits
>she becomes girly
Then just say "Thanks bro, add me if you wanna play some other time"
Send friend request before they can reply
>RandomPlayer has sent you a party chat invite.
>number2sonicfan has joined
Is McCree still viable after today's patch?
Could use src on that
Is this porn or what
Can a Sup Forumsirgin get a sad panda link?
I get lots of adds on OW for some reason.
I'm also on mic, so many that's why.
It's still weird though.
>be mediocre at the game
>get a cheeky 5 man kill with McCrees ult
>get a friend invite from someone looking for a group for competitive
>sure why not hopefully I might make some friends
>do shit during the round and lose
>they get mad at the guy that invited me and argue in chat
Its NTR shit don't even bother the less people read cuck shit the better
Alright, thanks.
Post the sauce.
Thanks from keeping me safe from plague.
I'm a bull so I want to make fun of cucks give the source
What's NTR?
I was doing okay as him on quickplay. Just got to play to his strengths, and get close enough. Flanking is good with him.
read it awhile ago
I don't think it's that good though. Barely remember it.
Don't listen to this man.
Its not NTR.
>play a few matches with one player
>I buff their D.VA with my Mercy
>we tear shit up
>send them a friend request
>they accept
>hop online a few days later
>see they're on and send invite
>they join
>we play the same way and do well yet again
>we now usually play together when we're both online
Is this what making a friend is like? I've never even said a word to them apart from a few messages like "gg".
I have 40 hours+ on McCree. But the patch looks decent. People rarely use FtH these days anyways. You can usually 2 shot squishies once you flash them. So idk
user, you promised it's not NTR!
I'm surprised I don't get more requests when I play lucio.
I tend to get triple gold, and my survivability contests points for much longer than it usually would. Not to mention that statistically I'm in the top 15% of lucio players which isn't too shabby.
That's not NTR, who the fuck would associate himself with a cuck, not with a sneaky alpha?
>it's not scat if you fap to the cunt, not the shit on it
>it's not zoophilia if you fap to the girl and not the dog
>it's not furry if the genitals aren't covered by the suit
>it's not zoophilia if you fap to the girl and not the dog
I thought people fap to the whole scene, no one gives a shit about a mutt.
Pls bruh, im trying to not kill myself here
Spoon feeding retards, good job.
Has anything ever used the "fufu" laugh and not been porn of some sort?
>try to inspect another player
>invite them to a party instead
>routinely hang around in Org after getting my T2 and some damn beautiful weapons
>happens to me every day
I got heatenings just thinking about it
This is why I don't play MMOs
you madman
He asked for not porn.
>mfw joined a friends party to play quick mode
>mfw 5 friend request
>mfw I learn the true potential of Ana
Today was a great day
>Player X has sent you a friend request
>removes me from friends
Always surprised when a friend request doesn't lead to that.
At first I really thought someone would like to make friends with me online.
You don't want to be friends with these people anyway.