has a game ever made you cry?
Has a game ever made you cry?
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I am a huge bitch and almost lost it to 999. I usually never get touched by sappy stuff but I must be losing my edge in my old age
I fucking hate video games
>implying video games are art
its a Sup Forums goes full retard episode
AC Unity at launch when i finally realized one of my favourite series have died.
I was relatively young when it came out and it was the first game that ever made me feel something,
It took you that long? After the opening part of AC3 that literally tells you to hold RT to parkour I dropped it like hot garbage. Sup Forums was able to trick me into AC4 but that was the last time
>not the ending of Season 1
Season 2 was balls, mate
I enjoyed 4 and i think Rogue was fucking awesome shame it was not the main game.
Cry is one thing, can't remember if I ever did.
But I'm the loser that tries to keep all the NPCs alive. In Freedom Fighters I've done a run without losing a single NPC and in games like Company of Heroes/Dawn of War I try never to lose a single unit. I'm the guy at the game store that names individual Imperial Guardsman.
no, but numerous VNs have
no sequel for the story ...
I honestly cried more with the Kenny ending in Season 2 than with the ending in Season 1, maybe because i was more invested in Kenny because of Season 1 and seeing him cry out of desperation made me feel?
But yeah, i agree, Season 2 sucked in comparison to 1
cried like the biggest bitch all the way to the end
i was at least happy that the game at least made me feel something.
nice image
Forgot image
Fuck you nigger I'm drunk right now
I'm a bit racist myself but I've always wanted a big black guy to slam me over and fuck the living shit out of me for enslaving his ancestors And call me a worthless little white boy who needs to learn his place and learn who his nigger master is please give it to me daddy.
FF8 in space
i cried
im not ashamed
I cried at both season endings, except I stayed with Kenny.
Red dead redemption. Didn't cry but I felt it like a blow
When I was 8 I straight up balled my eyes out when Gamma died in Sonic Adventure.
Since then I've only ever teared up. Mother 3 hit me the hardest.
Jesus christ this thread is full of cancer and faggotry. Y'all should be ashamed.
The ending of prof. Layton unwound future is sad as fuck.
Life is Strange is the only one.
Pic related.
I haven't cried in years and that makes me feel like less of person.
Not sad "muh dykes not accepted" meme. Lesbianism isn't real, many end up marrying men.
10 years here. I know the feeling.
am i dreaming
Mother 3, but that's it.
sexuality is all in your head anyway right? whose to say it wasnt real when real sexuality's arent real to begin with?
The ending of Lufia 2
Yeah and many gays end up marrying women you idiot.
A video game has never made
me cry however Drawn to Life The Next Chapter almost did.
Ending goodbye with all the partners in Paper Mario TTYD
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
Persona 3
The Last of Us
Destiny at launch
I remember crying after my first playthrough of Kingdom Hearts 2 as a kid because I realized I was never going to play it for the first time ever again.
basic trial and error + basic spacial awareness
If you cry to a videogame you are a legit maninfant
I can understand crying to a movie or tv show, but games is another level of soft
To the moon ( ._.)
Are you fucking joking me? This post is satire, right?
Claus fired an intense bolt of lightning!
Lucas’s Franklin Badge reflected the lightning
Claus took mortal damage!
>He just spams it at you until he dies
Why are movies and tv shows different?
Movies and TV shows will never be a legitimate form of art.
You must be so tired.
It's raining.
Pic related
I'm 30 years old. After the 10th time I stopped writing it off as happenstance.
Only girls that stay lesbian are 200 pound cows. They were all abused/traumatized by men but ultimately biology compels them to find a guy that doesn't trigger them.
Gay men are different in that they're just perverts and usually fucked since childhood. You think I'm crazy now but pay attention and you'll see the same patterns I have.
Yeah brahs annecdotal evidence proves it all.
Monster Girl Quest got into some deep-ass shit
>Gay men are different in that they're just perverts and usually fucked since childhood.
Confirmed for bait or literal retard.
Kill yourself.
>ITT: gayshits getting triggered by the truth
Stay fucked up, degenerates.
Only once
That cheesy scene in Too Human where a soldier is protecting his dead friend while a Valkyrie comes to collect his body, but she decides to save him from being eaten alive by zombies instead tugged on my heart strings a little.
Self sacrifice is about the only thing that makes my eyes water,
>sweetheart dies in an explosion involving a quantum device
>she gave Layton his hat before the event, which is why he never removes it
>she actually warped tears into the future
>effects are temporary and soon she'll be sent back, seconds before the massive blast that kills her- with nothing she can do to avoid it.
Stay delusional, braindead republican
I bet you also bought into the lie that global warming is a chinese conspiracy
>this is good... isn't it?
>the ol politics meme on every fucking board
kys my man
>everything that is true us also politically correct
How convenient it must be for the truth to fit your little kumbaya narrative!
Remember to report and ignore posts that break the rule.
Republicans don't have nearly as much crippling mental illness and rates of suicide as gays though.
I cried like a bitch when Vesemir died.
>gays have mental problems and suicidal tendencies because they are gays
>not because society actively despise them
I cried like a bitch, I remember sitting under my covers at 2 in the morning sobbing quietly. Tears streaming down my face, I fell asleep after crying tired me out.
This was the only scene that invoked such a powerful emotional reaction in me, everything in this scene was done perfectly. The song just added to the mood, the song is really what got to me.
Do not reply to posts that break rules.
Waiting patiently for the sequel
The ending in Secret of mana for the SNES back in the 90's did.also the beginning of LISA the part were you stand over you're sister's crib got me eye's a little waterd up.
Are you talking about straight white males?
Pretty sure gays are completely hedonistic in modern western society, they get to skip around and fag about in people's faces, and asking them to tone it down is a hate crime... unless muslims do it.
Fuck you.
Thanks for the spoiler, asshole.
>Silent Night starts playing at the end of Yakuza 2
>Kiryu and Sayama in a final embrace before the bomb goes off
Fucked me up a bit.
DSM says hello.
the bad end of this game make my cry like a litte bitch
to me it is important to recognize that both sides like to give you the shaft.
Republicans are more transparent though, where as democrats like to never tell you how hard they are fucking you with their information blackouts n shit.
Personally I think that you have to be brainwashed into thinking the democratic party is anything but a shady rigged manipulative system that only tells you what you want to hear.
Republicans will always be open about supporting big businesses, they usually fuck around with the flow of money because of that dysfunctional trickle down effect they believe in; It obviously doesnt work.
Democrats however dont just fuck with money, and they do support big businesses, they fuck with social workings on top of fucking your economy.
In example: Obama did absolutely nothing but exist, he stabilized our economy and did a lot of fucking information blackouts between various scandals between banks, public quality of life, and other things.
They are both awful, but you have to be retarded to think the democrat is the good guys. Do you expect the bad guys to tell you they are bad?
Media doesn't make me cry too often, not sure why. But there are a few cases
Mother 3 was a big one, made me tear up. Undertale almost got me, but I was more hyped than sad
The only piece of media that's made me straight up sob was a book, and a cheesy teenage highschool love story at that. But fuck, did it get me
I cried during my read through of Gravity's Rainbow.
still have literally no idea what the fuck is going on in that book
It didn't hit me until I heard the credits song
almost a deeper response than BB's words
if you had a fucked father son relationship, those were bone chilling last words.
The game released last you you fucking nigger.
I cried at the ending cutscene to MGS3
People always talk about explorers of time/darkness.But this shit hit me hard when I was 10.
until you find out you get to stay anyways, but I thought I had to leave my Charmander bro behind.
Never cried because of a book.
Did want to kill myself after reading The Road though.