Your thoughts on this image please

your thoughts on this image please

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>mario hair

Both are death to me now for all propuses

N64 was the peak of both companies, especially rare

>3d mario platformer by RARE never
>Banjo,Conker,Jago & others never in Smash
>DK will never be a flagship franchise again

DKC's """""""art"""""""style really did age like shit.

Nintendo sold rare for being more succesful than themselves. The narrative is a lie. Rare was making games faster than Nintendo could and were being better recieved. Nintendo sabotaged Rare

What the fuck is in Mario's mouth

Rare's promotional art is the best

is this true ????????

I really hate nintendo for ruining my rare

And yest you still play NSMB

OP, it is quite unbecoming to bump your own thread from your phone. Have a pity (You).

Makes me think of the No Hopers


I don't miss those days.

Your tears empower me.

Ruined? They were mostly LJN's fuccbois before Nintendo fixed them the fuck up.

My first vidya-related fap at age 10.

Look at that booty though.

How the mighty have fallen.

Post your favorite Rare Girl

not really. just Rare, really. Poor Rare.

I have faith in sea of thieves

looks good man
is this a shoop you made?

Sequel when?


It's the best SNES DKC.

Rare has been reborn sort of.

>tempting chad

this is why video games are shit today

but it was a fun ride down the shit chute thats 4 sure