How do you defeat Poison, Sup Forums?

How do you defeat Poison, Sup Forums?

kick him in the balls


An antidote.

Haduken spam


With The Power Of Tacticool.

For what purpose? I'd rather Poison would beat the shit out of me instead

suck her dick

Shit. It's been a while.

This was always a bad matchup for me. My big key was to keep 1 stock of meter at all times so I can ready EX Headbutt. Getting in on Poison as Rog is a piece of shit, because slow fireball kills TAP. The name of the game is "Get the first hit and sit on your lifelead"

Let Poison dress me up forcibly as a girly slut and then letting her fuck me in the ass as I squeal.

Bend over

pull out my rolento

Hadouken to the balls.

Masturbate instead

Force that faggot to grab this Tobleroneā„¢ with the help from its wrapping.

run him over with a car

Why did you save my stuff, OP?

OP isn't going to do a thing unless someone suggests some kinky shit.
Ya'll know how these threads work.

Damnit meant WITHOUT using the wrapper.

Feed her until you can't see her abs!


OP stole my stuff. Off course he won't do shit. He just posted what I make in the past but I can't draw anymore because my tablet is DEAD.

>that feel when no domme gf to punish me


>missing out on a chance to service a nice big feminine penis

Your loss. I'll service hers and she can service mine (feminine) afterward as well.

Persona time?


wut if I were you I'd be flattered to have someone reposting stuff I made

Suck her dick.

anyone know where all the porn of these threads is located

Those live action trailers for 3 and Reach were pretty damn cool. The ODST one was pretty good too.

Teleport then fireball/dark inferno.
Repeat until victory

oh shit, it was a real gun
good thing your ghost is a trap police officer too