What games did you play while your parents fought?

what games did you play while your parents fought?

Gauntlet legends for ps1

vice city

Guess I'm lucky, my parents get along fine.

A game called my bed and sleeping pills

I just played games on my iTouch

Everithing its better since he left :)

Probably due to their open relationship. It's not weird or anything to have you wife sleep with other men. Humans were never built for having one partner years on end. It's not called cheating, it's listening to nature's call. And it makes for a much healthier relationship.

Mine get along fine now but they used to fight a lot. In 2008 when the economy tanked my dad didn't make as much as he used to (200k per year) because he was in the business of mergers and acquisitions. Now we do fine though.


It was every day so I spent literally all of my time depressed enough to get HWL.

Kill yourself.

Ocarina of Time. Then after my parents got divorced I played a shitload of Diablo II and Ragnarok.

Mine never really spoke to eachother. The only time they interacted is when I was dropped off at my moms every other weekend and even then they never said a word to eachother.

Banjo Kazooie or Jet Force Gemini

One time when dad left the house after an argument my mom sat in my room watching while I played Windwaker, which was unnerving

I'm a retarded for hating the combat system in this game? I even went through tutorial mode and still had trouble learning the controls. I remember renting it, getting pissed off at the shitty controls and combat system then returning it.

Tenkachi had simple and great controls/combat system, Burst Limit was like "Let's make it as complex as possible to combo and shit for no reason."

Divorced when I was little and my dad would argue with his girlfriend I'd play Battlefront 2.

Got arrested a couple of times made my grandmother sick and she'd have panic attacks and fall on her ass and I'd have to pick her up.

110 pound 13 year old picking up a 260 lb old woman fucked my back up and I hate my dad to this day and when he tries to talk to me I just grunt like an autist and ignore him much as possible.

There's nothing worse than being a kid and hearing your parents argue loudly, practically scream at eachother. Glad i never have to go back. If i ever get married I'd never escalate the situation to the point of screaming.

sly cooper

Anyone else hear voices of your patents fighting even though you have your own apartment now?

Please say yes

I don't know man, anger's a powerful and compelling emotion. I wouldn't assume that until you're in a marriage.

Ocarina of Time

>be me
>not you
>8 years old
>sitting in room playing Glover, taking turns with little bro
>dad comes home pissed as shit
>yells at mom, makes her cry
>stomps around the house screaming
>decide to just stay in our room and keep playing
>literally slams our door in and breaks the frame
>yanks N64 from the TV, fucking up the cables and pulling the tv off the dresser and crashing to the floor
>gets even more pissed, starts kicking shit around the room
>hauls tv up and fucking throws it out the front door
>demands my brother and I run to the newspaper box 3 blocks away and get him a fresh news paper
>we debate amongst each other whether we should just run away on our bikes
>actually pack cloths into our school bags and plan it out
>never actually do it

Years later I learned on my own (through recalling of memories and putting pieces together, as well as confirming suspicions through my mom) that my dad had huge cocaine problems when we were younger, and was why we were always so poor all the time with no electricity or water.

Tomb Raider on the Sega Saturn. Is all that comes to mind.

I remember nine year old me shouting "shut the hell up at them" they continued

I don't give a shit about other people and their problems, I'm not being edgy or anything, I just can't.

I try talking to them to make them feel better, they listen for a while then they return to the same shit, some don't listen because I'm younger, some because they think they know more about the subject when it is apparent they don't, they wouldn't have so many problems if they listened.

It's hard to be surrounded with people way less intelligent than yourself, they always feel threatened, I try to act as simplistic as possible to make them feel comfortable, but then they start treating me like I was retarded.

wooh boy. i can only imagine what was going through your mind. she probably wanted you to comfort her. you know, mothers grow a huge attachment to their kids and want nothing more than affection and love. I'm sure if you spent more time with her things would've turned out differently

My mom is already dead inside and so am I


Sadly domestic violence is rampant and common in our society, even in America. Women are just as capable of it as men are, it's more common with men but I don't want to exclude women out of it either.

My parents argued a lot when I was kid, it was mostly screaming. My parents are still together and have been married for over 30 years now, but I know they still sometimes argue to this day but they never got divorced or anything.

Shit man, this thread is making me depressed. Just came to comment my two cents.

>this thread, immediately

I'm really sorry

I made shitty maps in Cube 2: Sauerbraten.

being honest with you, when i got that game i didnt give a shit about graphics, what console its better or controls, i was just like
but remembering now it wasnt that bad of a game the controls are better than the ones of the original tenkaichi buts thats all i can say since i havent played it in years.

My dad died when I was still very young.

oh user, have you never had a girlfriend? people fight ALL the time. there is no perfect relationship.

I'm pretty sure I played Runescape

Lucky you

rs2 was good

Fucking chinks.

Sorry anin

>playing NES with little brother
>taking turns playing Super Mario Bros 3
>dad gets pissed as shit at mom
>literally picks her up by the throat and pins her against the wall
>don't remember what he said, but was apparently because my mom made a comment about taking us with her to her mothers to get away from him

My dad was abusive as fuck and had explosive personality disorder.


>high school
>playing WoW with friends after school
>dad always comes home pissed off as shit
>goes around house finding reasons to go off on everyone
>goes off on me for not going out and being social and basically doing everything he did as a kid
>shuts internet off for 2 weeks
>friends are all raiding BWL and AQ while I sit miserable in my fucking room doing HW and watching TV every night
>come back, raid spot filled by some new recruit
>didn't get to clear Naxx trash for trash drops / tier scraps that week

Still not too big on my dad. He's still as much of an asshole now as he was then.

>don't remember parents fighting once
>still ended up a virgin loser NEET at 20
What went wrong?

wow your parents are spoiled assholes. my dad raised 5 kids on $50,000 a year.

maro bros 3.
Super mario world.
super Mario 64.

sometimes i think i will be less fucked if they just had divorced.

I can still hear my dad yelling for every little thing
in the back of my mind

Being an engineer he was anal about everything
and everything was always everyone elses fault

I remember having my n64s and super Nintendo collection pawned. When my step-dad threw my wii against the wall. How my mom screamed at him Christmas morning to get out of bed, but his lazy ass wouldn't and he stayed there all day listening to mom scream. When he hit me because he thought I was lying about everything, I miss that n64.

if that's not bait or a copypasta, you're arrogant as fuck.

Nice, my dad made practically no money and my mom had to commute to work 2 hours round trip.

My mom is incredibly passive and gentile, and has this complex where she only would date alpha dudes and assholes, so it's no surprise she's still with my dad, who still treats her like shit, and acts like a 22 y/o douchebag tool who is incredibly racist and offensive, and acts like a man child.

Moving out was the best fucking shit ever.

>I'm a retarded?

Guess so

Your played on casual mode.

they fought, but you are repressing the memories.

Either playing DS games or GTA, listening to music, or reading fanfiction.

When they started I couldn't stop crying, but after a few years I just couldn't be bothered and tuned everything out. They're in the golden years for marriage too.

All of that just makes me think that romance seems like a giant waste of time.

>parents never fought
>could still tell they didn't really like each other and were only together because of me

that sounds a lot different than "not making as much as he used to".

Dude, my dad did the same shit. Always complained I wasn't going out enough or making friends, but I had 4 friends at school I played WoW with at the time, and at least 6 others in game that played with the 5 of us.

During TBC we all made our own guild and did Karazhan, and even grouped up with another guild to do Gruul and SSC.

My dad's one of those people who can't stand seeing people do what they want to do instead of what he thinks they should be doing. He's a huge control freak.

imagine coming from a broken home lel

>parents never fought

what are you guys even doing playing games this old then?

>tfw would play vidya with my brother while my mom and stepdad fought
>step dad one time came in and blew the fuck up on us because he's an uneducated deadbeat piece of shit that can't hold a job to save his life
>took our PS1 and chucked it out the second story window and smashed our TV and left without saying a word
>guy was a huge cunt to us but threated his kids like they were literally perfect (when they got shit grades, skipped school constantly, never did chores, would just act like entitled cunts)
>my mom would never say anything

>playing N64 on the TV
>always so poor all the time with no electricity or water
I think the reason your dad was upset was because his children were using some form of wizardry to power their electronics

Yeah I misspoke.

>Yeah well MY dad made worse life decisions than yours!
You sure showed him.

The Zelda series was always this magical escape for me.
I had a small TV in my room, I would just play through all of the Zelda games again and again, exploring and learning new things every time.
The yelling outside was significantly subdued by the chimes and yelps from Hyrule or Holodrum. It's amazing.
I hope that Breath of the Wild helps kids now like the older games helped me then. I'm imaging their sense of tense glee as they snowboard down a hill, every hit note drowning out a beat from a beating.

Parents were planning a divorce, I wouldn't stop crying. Literally a week of me just crying. I don't know what came over me, but it wouldn't stop. I pretty much saw the end of my world, but to them it was just a petty war.

I only get games when it's a super special day so it felt weird when my dad suddenly asked me if I wanted to go buy a video game from circuit city. I said yeah sure, but I felt completely hollowed out. I think that was a real mistake on my dads part and a tip to any future parents: when your kid is going through some serious traumatic shit, don't bring up their favorite hobbies in an attempt to cheer them up. Because I went to circuit city, picked out a game, and went home and played it without smiling once. It was the most hollow experience ever and really hurt my relationship with video games.

Also, the game I bought was pic related. It's a shitty game on its own, but my point still stands.

I am black so I didnt have a dad :DDD