XCOM 2 any good?

XCOM 2 any good?

I rarely get any game when they're just released, because it seems to be the fate of modern games to be riddled with bugs, in need of patches and optimization. So I waited a few months to pass from XCOM 2's release and now here I am, asking your opinions on it.

Give me the cons.

Give me the pros.

I don't mind buying the game, so long as it's actually good.

What has it improved upon from the previous game? Where did it fuck up? I want to hear all about it, the good and the bad.

I'm genuinely interested in this. I love UFO: Enemy Unknown and thought XCOM: Enemy Unknown was fun but was hampered by shitty tabletop mechanics getting in the way of my fun.

This game stopped getting hyped on Sup Forums really quickly after the launch.

>This game stopped getting hyped on Sup Forums really quickly after the launch.

Yeah, that's what worries me.


When I played it at launch it was pretty fucking terrible, enough so that I haven't touched it since.
It was horribly optimized despite not looking great.
It took way too fucking long for EVERY SINGLE ACTION, with dramatic slow motion on every single action you take, moving takes way too damn long
The Vipers are unbelievably annoying as are pretty much all of the special alien enemies
It was more bullshit in general, like the isometric games

Feels like a proper sequel, they change the tone of the game to be more serious and they add a lot of new mechanics which makes the game have more depth to it
Huge character customization options, from hair to clothes to accessories and helmet, A lot more voices and accents to choose from this time
Hacking has some depth to it gives you rewards for how high your skill is in it
Good amount of enemy designs/variety
You can get weapon upgrades to increase your skills of your soldiers (increased crit, aim, mag size, reloading without taking a turn) but it's a risk reward because you have to get the loot from enemy soldiers
The game doesn't feel as smooth as XCOM: Enemy Unknown, it feels like it takes forever to transition from the enemy's turn to your own turn, you can download a mod to speed it up but it still feels pretty clunky in the aspect and it gets pretty frustrating after a while. (I haven't played it in a few months but I don't think this is something that will ever get fixed)
Base building is toned back from how it was in EU and you don't really need to think strategically about placement anymore, other than placing 1 workshop to give adjacent buildings more manpower, because you can fit in every building in game into the alloted spaces.
Meks don't return from EW
No Shivs
Early armor in game looks really cool but once you upgrade it, each tier starts to look less interesting
You might never run into certain enemies if you beat the game quick enough as it sort of scales to your level
It feels more RNG based in the meta than the previous game. I went a full game without getting a UFO intercepting my base ship and my first game didn't have many snake enemies during the missions, they maybe appeared 4-5 times in 30 hours.
75% missions result in having to rush objectives because you have a time limit and it goes against what XCOM was all about. I really think it would be impossible to beat Iron Man without ever failing a mission because of this

Well, shit.

Guess I'll wait until they push out an expansion or something, maybe it'll get somewhat good by that time. And if not, I guess I'll look up fan-made mods first before buying to see if the cons stuff could be remedied.

Thanks, anons.

>you'll never get hugged by a snake woman

Mecs do return, in a 10 dollar DLC thats only major addition is just bringing Mecs back.

Bought it on release, but lost interest quickly. It had so many problems that it just wasn't as fun to play as the earlier games. Maybe the inevitable expansion รก la Enemy Within will fix things, but I doubt it.


Because any game with any hype after launch usually moves over to /vg/.

The season pass thing dropped it's last thing of DLC not long ago and the dev team isn't saying anything about another proper expansion pack.

>Early armor in game looks really cool but once you upgrade it, each tier starts to look less interesting
This right here pissed me off
>finally get access to Warden armour
>it looks like shit
>grab mod that lets me put Kevlar (and Predator) parts on it less than five minutes later

part 2
Vipers can pull you out of full cover easily
I think there is a lot of bullshit in this game but if you were to put effort into learning mechanics it could probably prevent stuff like that.
There are different grenade types now so you can use flashbangs to reduce enemy aim and movement and prevent some abilities from being used, or use EMP to disable robotics.
I felt that everytime I got a certain soldier class there wasn't much reason to not make them the same skill build as everyone else I had because there were skills that were clearly a lot more useful than their counterparts, so it seemed kind of pointless, but maybe that was just me

I liked playing the game but I can't really think of many things I liked about this game other than what I already listed. XCOM EU was probably one of my favorite games at the time, it had a really great atmosphere and felt comfy to play. I liked how it didn't take itself too seriously and had a sort of goofy artstyle. The music was great too, in XCOM2 it's just generic action movie shit.

It doesn't look like there will be an equivalent Enemy Within expansion for this game either because they are just pumping out shitty dlc for the game, some of which includes cosmetic crap that's clashing with the artstyle.

XCOM 2 feels more frustrating than anything, if you play smart you still get fucked over because you're either forced to rush or some bullshit happens to you.

I thought it was better than XCOM:EU. In particular, the changes they made to combat are all QOL improvements that make the game much better.

But it was still pretty average all things considered. You do xcom things in xcom2. You fly the ship around, pick missions, crawl towards the thing you're supposed to kill/protect/hack/etc.

At no point did I feel the game tried anything new. There's new enemies, but the scenarios are all barebones.

At one point, the game tells you to pick a couple of soldiers to go destroy a TV station signal. It really feels like this is a suicide mission by the way you pick the team and the briefing. It was real intense, you have to pick people that can get the job done, but you also know they're not coming back. I was very impressed by this mission up until I blew the requisite thing up. Then the mission ended and all the soldiers came back. All the tension, all the grief, all the strategy is meaningless.

By the end of the game you're fighting cyberninjas, ATSTs, hentai tentacles in giant cueballs, etc, and it isn't much different than when you were fighting alien robocops in the first missions. Everyone has longer healthbars, but you have stronger guns, so whatever.

Is this the game you're going to put 100hours into replaying on ironman over and over? Probably not. But it's "okay" for one playthrough. Even though you spend 3/4's of the game fighting alien robocops.

Phone post so excuse the autocorrect.
I played it when it came out and I can assure you that you will have a better experience if you wait for the inevitable "goty" pack when all the dlc will be out. I haven't played it since I finished it but it was a hot bag of FUN garbage. So many glitches, so many bad mechanics but I'm a sucker for the turn-based strategy. Just wait till next year so you can play the full game.

probably wait for the expac and also keep an eye out for a solid version of long war.
And yeah the Timed missions really kill the methodical approach

The equipment and weapons are great though, squad customisation is the best its been, visuals are upgraded

Honestly i would like it if someone could somehow do a mod that combined the two games like the new vegas fo3 mod. somehow im sure someone could make that work.

its good
not great, not a huge improvement on EU/EW but its a sequel
if you love the previous one you will probably like this and if you liked the previous one, go get long war and play that until the goty comes out.
or just pirate it and try it yourself

also snake tits

It's the GOTY so far. Heaps better than EU /EW, modded and with the dlcs it's starting to approach LW, but it's not quite there yet.
Don't listen to the memery about timers.

>>finally get access to Warden armour
>>it looks like shit
How's it feel to have literal shit taste, senpai?

Also, I'd like to point out that the concealment system did nothing but frustrate me.

First, nearly every mission has a time/turn limit. You start out concealed thinking "oh great, I can sneak past the enemies and get to the whatever in less turns!" Except there's always enemies stacked right on top of the whatever. So all you're doing is setting yourself up for a fight on both sides, the people you have to kill to complete the mission, and all the people you sneaked past to get to the objective when they come at you full force the second you actually try to complete the objective.

Literally the only use I got out of the concealment gimmick is positioning myself for the first shot on the first group of aliens. Which is pretty pointless, you could start every mission with the enemy on alert and it wouldn't really change the way I ended up playing the game.

None of this is a significant criticism. Just a warning that when you get introduced to the concealment feature, be aware it's a trap.

I dunno, you tell me.

It was okay but if I had been given the chance to play for 5 hours and get to know the game I wouldn't have paid the $60 I did. Solid 30 buck game. Lots of flashy visuals but lots of design flaws. They execute the design flaws well but damn they're not great decisions. Other people have covered a lot of them (most missions are timed, RNG provides an even more inconsistent experience).

yeah pointless is the best word to describe it because concealment is only useful for positioning for the first strike. you can't go around shit.

great for abusing the AI though.

I loved the concealment ambushes, felt a lot cooler seeing the patrols and I didnt have to waste time overwatching every turn at the start for when i catch a glimpse of the first pod

Wait, what? Why was my image in the OP deleted? It wasn't NSFW.

I mean, yeah, I'd rather have the thread up than the picture, but this just confuses me.

>I loved the concealment ambushes,
You mean "ambush," singular. You got one per map, and then every alien on the map knows exactly where you are and makes a beeline towards you.

In some other game, where you could knock out guards, or completely sneak past patrols, this would be a very useful mechanic. But XCOM doesn't do that. There's no MGS style "wait around until they lose their hostility" function.

So popping out of concealment is good for a single ambush at the very beginning of the round. Which isn't worthless, but is very misleading also.

And when you're on a turn limit, you really don't have time to fart around trying to position your squad for the perfect angle for a surprise attack. It's easier to just rush in, grab good cover and start blasting.

I didn't expect the game to ram my asshole for not picking rookie but I just couldn't take doing nothing anymore so I'm having much more fun progressing. I'm sure I'll start a veteran playthrough again once I finish and learn the strategies the game requires of me.

I always had a ranger with the remain stealthed thing so normally got off 2, I thought with the time saving, objective time not going down while concealed and better melee mods this was a great game