Why do you have sex with everyone in this game?

Why do you have sex with everyone in this game?

please clarify. im debating whether or not i should buy this

Yes. Even the boys.

Why wouldn't you?

better quesiton: why is the framerate ass?
even better question: why use shitty looking 3D when you can make beautiful sprites?

there are cute and sexy girls in this game.

>why is the framerate ass?

I'm assuming you're on an old3DS?

You get to pop the cherry of a 14 year old.

Her father completely supports you on this endeavor

is it better on the n3DS
fucking nintendo, last time I buy one of their pieces of shit

worst girl

best girls

It's only better on a hacked n3ds, and it really only stops the framerate from dropping, it hardly makes it run better

I want these to be my daughters.

I want to love and protect them and late a night they can jack me off.

Can't wait till i get her

They all fucking die eventually so you've gotta get that shit done quick.

>not fucking exclusively Nagamimi.

You give her the dick at the end anyway.

Must be Muslim.

I just got to the part where my party splits for the first time.

Do I ever control the other party or do I control my first team exclusively throughout the game?

Everywhere I go, I must rape

who /gotallthefreedlc/ here?

Still not as good as DT2 both gameplay and fanservice wise

Please respond.

What is even contained in the DLC?