What does Sup Forums think about cs go ?
What does Sup Forums think about cs go ?
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Sup Forums is thousands of people, WE don't think anything.
i like it. it's fun but i only played it for 20h
thousands of people who don't think anything, that explains a lot.
muh esports shit community, but decent gameplay.
Casual shooter with a huge deal of element of luck, fun to play with the Nova and the MAG-7 and make AWP'ers rage.
Totally not fit for a competitive and tactical shooter.
pretty shit game to be genuine
It's CS:S but with matchmaking, which means people spend way less time playing fun goofy custom servers and way more time being shitters on the ranked treadmill.
They're literally spending 100s or 1000s of hours to still be bad at the base game instead of fucking around and enjoying themselves in custom game modes.
I'd play it, but only for minimum wage.
I could never get into how shooting works in that game, didn't really like it a whole lot.
>Totally not fit for a competitive and tactical shooter.
Then how come pro players and teams are consistently good?
You seem like the type of person who thinks everyone cheats. It's pathetic.
>tfw zombie mod is almost ded
greatest shooter ever made
Sup Forums is just casual as shit.
they cheat too
Even memers like flusha are actually good. They don't cheat every frag they ever make.
>CS:GO is 4 years old
Nova/MAG-7 + Deagleā¢ Brand Desert Eagle - Point Five-Oh combo for great butthurt.
UMP-45 can come too.
New sounds are good. Bizon now sounds like it fires Makarov rounds.
Great game to play with friends and shit talk randoms. Becomes real boring once you start to take too seriously.
i havnt played this game in months
all these changed weapon sounds
that clicking shit when low on ammo
kz is fun as fuck
I also thing the accuracy and recoil in the game is absolute shit, but that video is one of the most autistic things I have ever seen.
trash game
Shit community where everyone thinks they are good because they spent $1000 dollars on skins and spent 1000 hours playing hsdm with ak and usp only.
In the end everyone has so much low standards they freak out if someone kills with headshots only or when some player defends bombsite alone vs 5 man rush and kills the whole team consistently (like it was in 1.6).
New sounds are fucking garbage, especially the shotgun sounds, the mac-10 and the low ammo sounds.
Still no option to turn off postprocessing either. The devs are fucking incompetent.
you can be good at this game but the skill ceiling is fairly low
example: two "pro" players walk around a corner with a p90 and spot eachother at the same time. at that point rng will take over because they've both hit the skill ceiling
The only reason I play it is because of the voice chat
You almost hit quads nigga
No. That's not how it works.
Your logic is poor. And most likely, so is your gameplay.
i can't believe i wasted 1100 hours on such a shitty game
>how come professionals are competitive and tactical
I'm sure professional CoD players are competitive and tactical, too, buddy.
spray n pray
dmg 47 wins, wouldn't call it particularly bad
how does it work then? why is my logic flawed?
Absolutely shit. Bullets dont go where I aim
>can't go prone
>can't lean
>cod style gameplay
Yeah, real tactical shooter guys.
insurgency is better in every way
Valve have proven multiple times they don't know shit about their own game. The introduction of the R8 completely confirmed this and the introduction of the clicking reaffirmed it.
The community is worse
If you and a pro were in that p90 around the corner situation, it wouldn't be 50-50.
The skill is mastering the gameplay while influencing all the RNG aspects, which aren't even that big of a thing.
You're a fucking peasant.
The gunplay is awful too.
I compared 2 pros, I know I'm not one
I already said that the game requires a certain amount of skill, but not enough to be a balanced competitive game
I agree in fact the UMPeagle is my go-to buy with armor and nades. I don't honestly tap-fire any AR in my hands anyways... it's like I get the best of both worlds with the UMPeagle buy.
I get to spray all day and get kills with my UMP, and take it nice and slow by holding angles for sweet 1-taps with my deagle.
It's the best part of CSGO
Goddamn just shut the fuck up.
Pros are consistent in their skill and performance. What other proof do you need?
but there is already proof of the exact opposite. first-shot rng and spray patterns have proved to not be suitable for competitive play
you're desperately telling me to shut up because you have no counter arguments
You're right. It's all luck. NiP winning 87 times in a row was RNG and fnatic winning like 5 majors was also just a funky roll of the dice.
you just won't listen will you
a pro player is better than me. way better than most people
but the skill difference from pro team to pro team is really small. a bunch of them have already been detected for cheating, but that's hard to spot thanks to spray pattern
the skill ceiling isn't high enough for competitive play
THE SKILL CEILING IS INFINITELY HIGH. That's why the pro scene exists. And the fact that some are considerably better than others prove that the skill difference ISN'T that small.
You're fucking dumb as shit and you don't understand competitive gaming at all. I don't even know why I'm arguing with you.
Fun game ruined by a pathetic community who cry that everyone better than them cheats, and everyone who misses a shot is a noob and should uninstall.
so basically just like every other multiplayer game.
and I don't know why I'm arguing with you either, considering you spout stuff with no actual proof while I've mentioned the fact that first shot rng and spray patterns are unstable
go ahead, keep typing insults in caps lock, your posts seem way more valid when you do that
what's wrong with the r8? it was op for a week and now it's worthless.
>introduction of clicking?
>That's why the pro scene exists
are you seriously fucking implying that the masses have ANY clue what a balanced and competitive game is? may I remind you that evolve has a competitive scene
>it was op for a week and now it's worthless
that's exactly what's wrong with it
They put their mouse sensitivity real low as the game is watching choke points for 2 mins.
Evolve may have a competitive scene and it's fine. The game is an equation without any agendas. The factor comes in humans trying to master it. And if they deem the game good enough to spend time on it. It's a free country.
The RNG may be present, but the skill is obviously controlling those factors and minimizing it. And if that's where skill is, and it is not to your liking, you are free to fuck off. But don't for a second argue that the game broken and is impossible to be mastered or that there is no skill ceiling.
How broken it was at release shows how little they test or understand their own game.
But the skill ceiling is still there, since no matter what you do, there are scenarios where RNG will completely decide what will happen. If you consider a game with that much RNG an infinite skill ceiling game, you've obviously never player a good competitive game.
when the fuck did I say that the game was impossible to master and that there is no skill ceiling?
I can't take a competitive game with rng seriously, and you had a problem with it and felt you needed to protect it like a drone
you're denying that the rng is a big deal in competitive play even though the evidence is clear
Pros are consistently good and they consistently get frags over other pros.
It's called a pattern.
>I can't take a competitive game with rng seriously
This is your problem. You are an intellectual peon.
The RNG doesn't influence anything at no skill bracket. From silver to professional level.
I'm stupid because I want a competitive game with minor influences from rng?
jesus christ
also, why doesn't it influence anything from silver-pro? because you say so? as I've stated multiple times, the evidence is there
>The RNG doesn't influence anything at no skill bracket
>when the video that one user posted clearly showed that the game can fuck you over
do you have brain problems?
a legitimate drone
spouting the same shit with no evidence over and over again
You're not stupid because you want a different game. You're stupid because you're calling csgo broken.
I am not denying the fact that RNG is present. The skill is negating the RNG. It's up to you if you find that fun or not.
But the game has skill and consistency
>th-the game cheats!!!!
I NEVER called csgo broken
I said that the skill ceiling is not high enough thanks to rng
If I threw millions of dollars around to form some competitive scene about the game of hide-and-go-seek, would you still insist that it's a competitive and tactical game?
Just because I have teams of people willing to play for money?
The skill ceiling is infinite. You dumb fucking idiot.
You can cry that the game is not to your liking. But at the end of the day, it's just your faggot opinion.
>The skill ceiling is infinite
Do you even understand what this means or do you just really want those (You)'s?
nice "arguments" you fucking drone
>You can cry that the game is not to your liking. But at the end of the day, it's just your faggot opinion.
>What does Sup Forums think about cs go ?
Stop telling me your opinions! B~baka!
DMGs are pretty trash, honestly. I still get called a hacker on my smurf around that rank.
>a bunch of them have already been detected for cheating
Like who? Who has been detected for cheating in any way other than shitty replays off of inaccurate demos and spectator clients? The skill gap from pro team to pro team isn't small. There's a reason that a team like Fnatic was able to utterly dominate the scene for multiple majors. There's a reason that a player like Olof is considered the best in the world.
>slow as fuck gameplay
>no interesting movement mechanics
>everyone dies from one shot to the head
>no projectile weapons
>lame and uninspired setting
>community consists of normie children and dudebros
I actually like it.
The competetive mode gives a lot of tension i can't really get from other games, one taps with AK feels great, winning a round when you are the last man alive and there are multiple enemies feels fucking good.
Yeah it's flawed, but there are no other game like it.
It means even the best player at any present moment has a room to improve. If the skill ceiling has ever been met, it would truly be 50-50. And that's obviously not the case. Not even close. And that's at the top level of play.
All the lower brackets like you shouldn't even be yapping.
Olof got stomped by some literally who and raged on stream
I didn't call dmg especially good, but it isn't all bad at 47 wins either
CSGO has more RNG than Overwatch and TF2. It's garbage.
easy money if you make a gambling website
>there is always a chance to miss a shot at a distance
>it cannot be countered
>somehow this still gives more room to improve
Shit game with loads of potential which could be great if it wasn't for the downright retarded mechanics.
Reposition yourself. Don't get into that situation. Take an aim duel and understand the variables more so than your opponent.
Dummy dumb dumbass.
Aim takes 4 seconds(!) to recover after you jump
>Enemy comes around corner
>Have his head in my sights
>Miss all bullets because aim is fucked for 4 secs after jumping
>Get sprayed to death
Yea, there's so much skill involved.
Alright, I'l give this final (You) just because you were able to act so retarded so well.
Don't jump then.
>this game cheats 5 year old line of thinking
absolutely fucking pathetic
Populates gamers with shitty PC's that can't play anything else and doesn't make them upgrade.
CoD4 way better.
I'm a poor fag who build a gaming PC for 1000, will upgrade to 1060 for bf old school $50 a week. Tough for me.
>Game implements jump
>Don't use it to avoid triggering retarded mechanic
Great game senpai
>1000$ on PC
>Still need to upgrade to a 1060
Are you fucking retarded? Did buy a 500$ PSU or what?
Yeah you can whine that you're too casual to control the variables in your favor. Go play some single player games where you just win win win.
Nerf spraying, make tapping a viable playstyle and id go back. Esea or third party clients are the only real way to play.
The aiming could do a lot better in order to not be the same archaic system that has stuck around since the devs had to deal with making the game as a GoldSrc mod, but it's still enjoyable enough once you get everything down. The thing I like the most about it is that it's all about learning the map. What's the longest distance someone can go in X amount of time. Which ways you can properly fire on enemies while rushing out from corners. How to position yourself and your nearby teammates in order to get the best shooting formation. It's not as fun on the Active Duty maps, but it makes the game fast and intense on the Reserve maps where most have design that allow players to move along a dozen different paths.
Never really understood why they made CS so different from other shooters. The economy and nade use is neat but why is the gunplay so fucking retarded? If they didn't want guns to be useful at range why not just give them damage falloff instead of ridiculous levels of spread? Why is moving punished so heavily?
>Not casual
Every normiefag plays this game these days
wtf is with this game? like it doesnt seem as though tagging even works because people i shoot seem to move super after i shoot them but when i get hit i have to hobble for like 2 secs before i can move at full speed
turn up the tagging slow down and maybe it might be back to it's former glory
The toxicity of this thread.
I like csgo but this "skill ceiling is INFINITE!" retard isnt helping its case here
anyone got a link to those cool surf videos from source? had really intricate level design and melodic edm
3 months ago i wouldn't give a shit about it.
But now i play it with my Best friends and I enjoy it.
The game play nicely. there is various game modes .We don't take the game seriously but memorization, team work,various skills like speed, aiming or side steps to avoid too much damages come naturally by mimicking better players .
I Would recommend but only with close friends.
Everything here is true. Face it retards
Movement is a huge part of the game. Just running around and spraying is CoD. In CS:GO however you need to stop for the shots to be accurate, and with this knowing how to side step and prefire corners comes in handy. As for RNG for the "spray n pray" each gun has its own unique spray pattern so you can control the spray of the said weapon.
I've got a thousand hours and I can honestly say it's garbage. Any sense of competition is only possible in LAN games and playing without hacks is the exception, not the rule in LAN games.