My new gtx 1070 is on the way, what are some graphic intensive games I can get to test its power?

my new gtx 1070 is on the way, what are some graphic intensive games I can get to test its power?

Crysis 2

honestly I can run that at max with my 670, I don't see how that can be any good for stress testing a 1070

Star dew valley and old school runescape.

The question is what do you want? Can you maxout and still hold 60-120 fps?

Downsample from 4k or some shit

Witcher 3 with Hairworks.

Thermal Valley in Rise of the Tomb Raider.

Assassins Creed Syndicate.

Shit, on the last one you'll barely be able to keep 45fps in easy areas.

there aren't many FPS out these days so I guess any genre but sport and strategy is fine
also yes at 60fps, might try what this guy said tho

Which one did u choose and why?

Fallout 4, Witcher 3, SFV and Dying Light.
Could barely play these games with my HD 5770, live my dreams, OP.

You named only one graphically intensive game.

Try Rise of the Tomb Raider. That had issues running on the GTX 980 TI @ 1080p, I think.

FO4 is an unoptimized mess and is primarily cpu-bound

gigabyte Gtx 1070 g1 gaming edition
found it on a italian only site for 450 euros instead of 550
I'm skipping 3 generations so I can't fucking wait, I hope to play Killing Floor 2 with high physix and 60 fps aswell or borderlands 2, or any game with good physix games that require a 970 to run smoothly

actually 2, Dying light and Wtcher 3

It's a CPU issue for most people.

With a CPU that can completely free up the card, a 980ti gets over 75fps.

Dying Light really isn't that bad. A 970 will stay above 60 all day with everything turned up.

considering I have a 670, the jump in performance will be pretty high, couldn't run it at 60 fps with high textures or AA at all

Vanilla? AC: Unity (better than Syndicate imo), Battlefront, RotTR and Arkham Knight come to mind. The best looking games are usually modded. Witcher 3 is probably the best looking one currently. STLM, KNGR's DoF, Uber Fidelity Suite 2 + its ReShade preset as well as an assortment of texture, LoD, and draw distance mods make for a jaw dropping experience. My 980 Ti only holds 55-60fps without hairworks with dips into the high 40s in big cities and with its current overclock it's very slightly faster than any 1070 out there. I'd post screenies but I'm not on my home desktop currently. Watch Dogs with mods also looks good. GTA V has a nice graphics overhaul coming out next month which looks like it'll be worth trying if you're a gfx whore like me. Hope your CPU is strong enough to keep up, my 4670k at stock was too slow in a lot of stuff but seems to hold up fine at 4.6 GHz.

You already made this thread less than 2 hours ago about "your" 1060.
Identical threads were made every day for the 750ti, 980 and 970 2 years.




Should I get it too? I wanna make a gaming pc but I'm worried about problems. This won't have any hardware problems right? Have these early models Bern given a fair shake?

I've a i3570k @ 4.2 ghz, it shouldn't be much of a drawback in any case I heard that only cpu intensive games can be a problem which are most of the times strategy games right?

jokes on you I was asleep 2 hours ago


If you can get it for cheap sure otherwise I would advise you to wait for it to get cheaper, I bought it only because it was 100 euros less than the average market price.
As for problems I only heard the rx 480 had issues at lauch for drivers but that has been fixed, didn't heard anything about other cards.

Imho all the cards that end with 70 are the best
the ones ending in 80 have shit price/performance ratio, the ones ending with 60 are for low budget builds

I have an i5 4790K overclocked to 4.5ghz and an MSI GTX 1070, and I can run dying light at 60fps 1440p or ~100fps 1080p.
Turning on one of the nvidia-exclusive options causes a huge performance hit though, with dips down to ~40fps at 1440p and ~60fps at 1080p.


Can I overclock this one? Does overclocking really matter?

Are people crying about shills schizophrenic? Like I'm sure there are people advertising on here, there was even a dev handing out steam keys to his game this month but people scream shill about literally every new release. Do you really think people aren't going to discuss new video game related stuff on Sup Forums? And is it really so unlikely that people are enjoying new things?

GPU Boost 3.0 means the new cards don't have to overclock much at all, if there's enough thermal and power headroom it'll boost to 1900+ just fine which is where pretty much most people are landing. Highest I've seen was 2160ish and the difference between that and stock boost clocks of 1900-2000 is a couple frames at most since Pascal doesn't really gain much from overclocking.