Just beat B&W and am slowly entering a depressed state because I've come to realize that a game of this caliber will not be developed anytime soon.
Where were you when gaming took a nosedive?
Just beat B&W and am slowly entering a depressed state because I've come to realize that a game of this caliber will not be developed anytime soon.
Where were you when gaming took a nosedive?
Other urls found in this thread:
Pretty much the same, when I walked inside my bedroom at the winery and saw the stuffed unicorn in the corner.
Feels good/bad man
>waiting for cyberpunk
> Bad writing
> Terrible character progression
> Cliché love story with all girls
> Shitty plot
> Shitty try-hard humour
> Boring as fuck protag
> Terrible VA
> Terrible sound track
> Sub-par, overglorified graphics
> Terrible combat
> Terrible leveling system
> Terrible gathering system
> Boring as fuck main plot
At least some of the side quests can be enjoyable.
I literally just started the game (just about finishing White Orchard) and I already feel as you do.
They did so many things right with this game. So many things that have never been done before or since. So much attention to detail.
Having horses follow roads, being able to haggle, oils applying to number of swings (makes more sense in a realistic way), weapons/armor/herbs selling for more or less depending on who you're selling it to, motherfucking DEFUNCT CURRENCY you can exchange for money at the bank (whoever came up with this concept is a fucking genius).
I accepted TW's combat to be shit and didn't mindit anymore but the final boss was actually alright and I even died a few times because of his bullshit bat attack. Probably you can just run away from it but I chose to dodgeroll it
epic memes right here mate :^) you sure russled my jimmies
What game?
>Where were you when gaming took a nosedive?
When people started to praise derivative trash like Witcher 3 because it has a cinematic story despite the gameplay being ass.
He wasn't wrong about a single thing. Keep up the reaction images though, Polack shill.
There are not so many rpg with good combat. Witcher nowhere near to the bad.
>tell the game combat is shit
Go fuck yourself, dumbass.
>game of this caliber will not be developed anytime soon
FF XV september 30
>If it run at 60 fps and 1080 tho
I don't get how you can enjoy the game when the combats are so bad. I liked rhythm based combat in TW1 tho.
cool story.
> Terrible sound track
Fuck right off, have a (You) anyway.
My thoughts exactly. If the combat is bad like the combat in Bruxo 3 I just give up.
>Where were you when gaming took a nosedive?
I was here in my house when TLOU, Bioshock Infinite, Witcher 3 and other glorified Books/Movies for Idiots were being praised around as high points of the industry, thank you very much.
But back on topic, you're only feeling that because you don't read anything. Just pick up any random book and it's guaranteed to be more interesting than any of these pale imitations of one. Go for the real deal instead of going for the casualized version of it.
> Bad writing
> Terrible character progression
> Cliché love story with all girls
Who cares, that shit is barely in game
> Shitty plot
It's ok
> Shitty try-hard humour
> Boring as fuck protag
> Terrible VA
Again, no
> Terrible sound track
It's generic, not terrible
> Sub-par, overglorified graphics
> Terrible combat
I guess, it's competent
> Terrible leveling system
> Terrible gathering system
> Boring as fuck main plot
You already said that
C'mon user even I don't like this cinematic babys first rpg but you're just wrong
>Star Citizen is vaporware
>Cyberpunk won't come out until fucking 2020 realistically
It's going to be a long time before any vidyakino comes out.
lmao, try 2018.
I don't understand, can't you guys take any criticism at all about your favourite game? It's not perfect it has flaws, calling someone an idiot or casual just points out how buttmad you are that someone would insult your favourite game
What if I told you one can enjoy both mediums without being a cynical asshole.
>m-maybe now they'll see how smart and cool and different I am
Mediocre games get developed all the time, though, what are you talking about?
Worse than the one in the first game. Just like the entire game itself.
I have come to realize those threads are marketing. It's the only Witcher threads we get : mention of blood & wine, then OP saying how it's the only game worth anything and that it has an incredible depth.
When it's just fucking Skyrim.
You're wrong but alright.
I don't know what's worse, the newfaggot redditors or the buttmad autists
I'm absolutely correct though.
>the witcher 3
>comparing to skyrim
the only part of the game which could stand the comparison is Skellige, and even that relatively small part of the game is an infinitely bette skyrim then skyrim ever could be.
They put so many fucking cancer monsters in the B&W place
It's not even hard it just takes so fucking long to kill them
>not playing EDF 4.1
Same exact boat, user.
Played Witcher 3 for the first time, did all the DLC too. Finished it about a week ago.
I need more quality. I'd forgotten what a good RPG actually felt like.