So let's be honest...

So let's be honest, Nintendo recently has been seriously dropping the ball with loads of their announcements and products. They've definitely fallen from the glory days, but what will happen? Is Nintendo the gaming equivalent of a big bank? Is it too big to fail?

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Hate to inform you and put you in shock, but the majority of consumers don't really give a shit about the power of the NX or that they're going more into mobile with Pokemon, Fire Emblem, and Animal Crossing. Normal, everyday consumers just want to play the next Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, etc.

The only people constantly making a big deal out of shit like power, graphics, and the such are just poorfags on Sup Forums who can't afford to own more than one console.

Surely normies care about sik grafix though?

wii sports is nintendo's most popular game

>dropping the ball
All news and announcements from them since E3 were received highly positively

Normies don't go out and buy expensive computer parts or even build their own PCs, they just buy what has what they want or what others talk about.

Look at the start of this generation, Microsoft was shooting themselves in the foot over all the ideas they had for the Xbone, like DRM and always requiring the Kinect to be on and such. They basically paved the roads and laid out the red carpet to Sony's PS4. And Nintendo fucked up by making the tablet of the Wii U the most prominent feature and confusing people as to wither it's a new console or an addon to the Wii.

That doesn't count though, it was bundled with every console.

Sega made serious mistakes that forced them out of the console market, and they used to be the hottest shit since sliced bread, so I can forsee Nintendo failing some day if they don't amp their shit up. It's disappointing too because as a company, their brands are some of the best in vidya; it just wouldn't feel the same playing Mario on Playstation or Zelda on Xbox, whether it be that they're choked in a sea of third party games, would probably have some form of DRM or another, and would never be advertised by any form, hence nobody buys it.

>Don Mattrick fucked the Xbox One over before he left Microsoft
>basically told Sony it's okay to be a scumbag as long as you don't outright tell people you're being a scumbag
>everyone loves PS4 for fucking their consumerbase's wallet because "lol u can share gaems!"
I wish it was possible to pirate the ability to play online.

Honestly the only thing that has kept me from buying an Xbone is the lack of interesting games. I barely bought a PS4, but I got a cheap deal on a new one and decided not to pass it up at the time.

>Normal, everyday consumers just want to play the next Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, etc.
No, Normal, everyday consumers dont give a fuck about Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, etc.

>don't give a fuck about mario,
The most iconic video game character.
20+ years and Pokemon Go's success as well as being just as ionic as Mario.
2nd most popular Nintendo franchise that has fan boys and girls excited for each new installment. BotW being the most talked about E3 game, despite being one of the 2 things Nintendo talked heavily about.

Nintendo has only operated at a loss one year of its existence in the video game industry and that loss was to buy buildings IIRC

>dropping the ball

Wasn't e3, their most recent shit, really well recieved?

ETA till nerds realize no one makes consoles for them

They definitely came away from E3 with a win. They went with just one game, but despite that it was still the most popular booth there and generated a lot of positive buzz on social media.

Good for them.

They're a company made up of amateurs who lucked in to making it big

Prove me wrong. They've shown over the past 5 years that every success is pure luck and when it actually comes time to reading a market and acting accordingly, they fuck up at every turn

>loads of their announcements and products.

>Pokemon GO plus
>Nes Mini


Lack of announcement is pretty much the problem

Mini and Go are hits

NX does not exist


They'll eat up mario party 203945 as usual

There's always a new generation of 5 year old nintenbabbies to take up the mantle of pokemon claret & teal, or whatever obscure shades they use

but all the gaymers xD play it!

You know the NX is coming out right? And its got shit specs, 720p silky smooth rock steady life saving military grade slippery lard 22fps?

I played one at my mother's husband's place duriglng a visit, it's really not good at all. The interface is a clusterfuck of shit, you heed to download all disk-based games to play them, the sign in process is overbearing and tedious, nothing but generic multiplats. The 3DO was a better console.

I found the xbone a massive step backwards from the 360 in terms of its UI. Should've followed the sony route of not fixing what wasn't broken in that regard.

>zelda u is 720p 30fps
"Ill get it on the NX where it will be 1080 60"
>NX turns out to be a potato

I'm pretty sure Zelda is 1080 30.

Won't cartridges reduce pop-ins and fog?



Naw, the types of pop ins for the new zelda are for graphical limitation, not loading times.

Especially since im sure the BotW demo was on the Wii U harddrives
It's actually 720 30 with frame drops

I might just get the NX version then

theres no source in this news baka senpai