I just got my money for refunding Dragon's Dogma. What game do I buy now?

I just got my money for refunding Dragon's Dogma. What game do I buy now?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Refunding one of the best games ever created
What the fuck is wrong with you?


dragon's dogma

How about better taste, or maybe kill yourself?

>What game do I buy now?
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

Try Dragon's Dogma, it's great.

dragon's dogma is fucking garbage, you can't do much worse than that.


Have you ever considered that you put too much effort into fucking with the mods?

>He fell for the Dragons Dogma is great meme
NEVER listen to Sup Forums. Why haven't you learned this yet.

You literally didn't play it enough

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen is suppose to be pretty good, try that one.

First you bump your toe accidentally so it hurts like hell
Then you buy Dragon's Dogma again and stop being such a fucking faggot user holy shit you can even be the little girl.

Naval action

Why does that woman look 12 or younger?

buy a rope and kill yourself

Renegade Ops

Because those are the most attractive and sexually primed females.


Get Dragon's Dogma Online, it's really good. It's like Dragon's Dogma but better in every way.

Just gibe source already. GiB or I report u.

are there any games that let me play as a little girl?

I will also report

I already have


Found the sauce, boys, using my Japanese language knowledge. You owe me:

Dragon's Dogma

dragon's dogma

I don't trust u!!!!

Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen on Steam.

here it is:


nothing on exhentai


Why are the mods so incompetent?

Dwarf Fortress.

The mangaka is 黒のアリス.
Exhentai is shit.

Why would they delete this thread?

I second this.

dragon's dogma


That coloring is awful.

Is there a black and white version?

Becaue it's about porn. The same thread has been made yesterday with a different page from some doujin.

If it was possible, I'd tell you to buy better taste.
Buy a plane ticket to Japan, you will fit right in with your garbage taste.

hidden gem right here

______dragon's dogma dark arisen______

installing now

Several copies of Bad Rats.

It's literally the only result if you search となりの洋ロリ

There's no advising someone with such shit taste

>this thread