What's the appeal of Sonic games?

I swear this isn't bait, and I'm not an Adventurefag either but what is honestly so enjoyable about the Sonic series?
I saw the Sonic Mania trailer and gameplay, and it looks really good sprite-work-wise with some funky-ass music to boot, but it's hard to be excited for it when I'm not sure if I even like it

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What is the appeal of platformers? There's your answer.

>some funky-ass music

You answered your own question

>What's the appeal of so and so?
Only you can convince you. Go sit down and play and find your feelings.

I've seen a lot of people asking this over this last couple of days, guess the announcements got people interested in Sonic, huh?

But what exactly sets Sonic apart from other platformers that makes it special and makes Sonic Mania hype-worthy?

Speed, good music and boss fights

Imagine Mario games, but FAST, and with more unique platforming and setpieces, and a more abstract/art-deco artstyle.
That just really covers the original 1, CD, 2, 3&K, and now Sonic Mania though.

Gameplay and Physics like these

The feel of learning a level and being able to go fast the whole way.

The momentum.

The aesthetic.

Also for people around 30, the series was tuned to us as we grew up, you got the classic Sonic games when you were a youngling, and by the time you hit your teens Adventure and Adventure 2 were perfect, Shadow may seem edgy and cliche, but when you were 15, watching DBZ and Gundam Wing and the internet was young, he was as cool as sonic was when you were 9.

I keep hearing about the speed aspect but I found while playing that the >FAST was more often than not stopped by a wall or an enemy out of nowhere.
Am I just a scrub who literally needs to git gud?

its scary that someone hasn't played an OG sonic title before, which is what im assuming OP is saying.

all you know is shit tier sonic games.
just play sonic 2, CD or 3 and if you like those games you will def like this new one. there is a reason we are all excited (though, that isn't too hard considering the last 10 years of shit sonic games)

yeah yeah, fuck you, colors and generations weren't enough to make sonic relevant again.

Speed in Sonic games is a reward. On your first time through the stages, before you know them, you'll be forced to take it slowly and come across parts that stop your momentum. When you become accustomed to the stages, you'll find the path of least resistance, and everything will start to flow.

Sonic isn't just hold right to win. You have to work for your speed, bitch.

Speed is what sets Sonic apart from other platformers because in the classics it's used as a reward for players with good reflexes. Couple that with the level design that's meant to be replayed in order to explore different routes to take and it's easy to see why people like the classics and go back to them so much.

see >The feel of learning a level and being able to go fast the whole way.
talking especially about the 2d games. Sometimes I feel like a more panned-out camera would have been better, but in a certain way they are short games meant to be replayed more times. Also CD is pretty weird and has really bad level design decision even for its more exploring-based gameplay still my fav sonic game in terms of music and easthetics
The fast level of S1, S2 until Metropolis Zone, and pretty much all S3&K have much better design, try them.
I actually think the fast level of S1 are the best levels in the series

>panned-out camera

So the only Sonic games you've played are Sonic CD and Sonic Generations? That explains your confusion then, Sonic CD has quite... "untraditional" level design, and Generations' 2D levels are only a poor approximation of actual classic Sonic.

I recommend playing Sonic 1 2 and 3K. You'll still get stopped by walls and enemies out of nowhere on your first run through, but you should hopefully begin to see the appeal more. CD is a great game but I don't think it's really suitable for someone to play as their first Genesis Sonic.

After playing a while you learn to react fast to things.
It's good to keep an eye on what's coming from the edge of the screen, but a lot of it really is gitting gud.
If you're more used to Generation's physics, your at a bit of a disadvantage too. Sonic CD gets pretty bat-shit insane too, and there are a few levels that have stuff that'll slow you down a bit, but it's still my favorite.
All-in-all, it's really about working on getting faster reaction times, and improvising.

I swear half of it is nostalgia, which isn't a bad thing. Anyone that played sonic 1,2,3&k, or cd will look at this as a way to recapture some of those good childhood feels. Then modern game are for peps newer to sonic I suppose

Because you could see more of the level, not only in front of you but the possible slopes and direction you could take. It wouldn't work very well due to resolution on a Genesis, but it would be interesting to see it in a modern system. As I've said, it could be actually be shit, I'm just curious to see how it would feel

Yes. We all played sonic as kids where we had time and patience to play the levels over and over again. Now I can clear S3&K in probably like 15 minutes (depending on emeralds) and it's a great stress reliever.

you played the 2 worse 2d sonic games. good job faggot. go play sonic and knuckles you miserable pile of shit

Okay, I think I get it now; being fast is basically the real "endgame" beyond beating the final boss that is supposed to be strived for.
But apparently I also got the worst starter Sonic games with Generations and CD, so which one of the original trilogy would be best?

Sonic 2 is the most linear of the games so it might be the best training wheels of sorts for someone starting out. S3&K is actual the pinnacle of the series though.

The speed and physics. The game rewards you in a brief moment of sensation when you manage to make Sonic go fast just by successfully manipulating the physics like you would in real life.

>that isn't too hard considering the last 10 years of shit sonic games)
Yeah. Lost World, 06, and Black Knight were really bad.

I would say S3&K, with the only problem that it is a big game, so there is a lot to master. But it has the most consistent level design of all.
S2 is shorter, but when you get to Metropolis the game gets very unenjoyable especially every time you want to replay it. In a certain way it's good, you can keep playing the first part, but it leaves a bitter feeling.
S1 is really great in the speed levels, but you have to endure the slow levels whenever you replay it, except if you want to use the level selection to play what you want to play.
In any case you can give a full playthrough of all of them in 4 days and then decide what you want to play more

It's an autistic furfag series, dude

The only people into it are aspies and deranged with crippling loneliness

I personally went in the order of 1, 2, CD, 3.

you forgot secret rings too and unleashed

>A fast platformer is for autistic lonely furfags
Okay, then what makes a moderately slower platformer such as Mario not for autistic lonely furfags?

But both of those were good games

Secret Rings was complete dogshit and worse than 06 by a mile. Not as bad as lost world though.

>But what exactly sets Sonic apart from other platformers that makes it special and makes Sonic Mania hype-worthy?
The pinball-based physics and the level design created for those physics in mind.

I guess it's the lack of small furry animals



Mario's for autistic barafags

I can actually go back and play 06 and not want to immediately kill myself. I can't do the same with lost world or secret rings.

I can do the same with both 06 and Secret Rings. Really, the worst time I had with 06 were the complete dogshit Silver levels and with Secret Rings it'd be the fact that I'd have to complete like 6 arbitrary different missions for each level to progress.

Lost World is absolute cancer though. I agree.

I wonder if Unleashedfag killed himself? Haven't seen him shitposting here ever since Mania was announced.

Autism is autism, you'll have that with everything, they just tend to cling to cutesy things as well as stuff that's cuhhhhrazy coooool.

Sonic 3 & Knuckles is the best game in the entire series, but Sonic 2 is also great, so start with that.

Going fast, earning Super Sonic, GOING FASTER.

Isn't Project 2017 going have boost in it anyway

He hates Generations for some retarded reason, also Classic Sonic is in it, which he loathes.

>tfw no Sonic 4 remake
>tfw no Sonic CD sequel
>tfw no Sonic game with a world map
>tfw no sonic adventure 1 and 2 HD remake
>tfw no sonic generations dlc
>tfw no sonic 25th anniversary collection
>tfw no sonic r 2 with boost
>tfw no sonic 4 episode 3
>tfw no sonic xtreme
>tfw no sonic the hedgehog awakening
>tfw no sonic adventure 3
One day.

Any easy way to find posts from the guy? I keep hearing about him in the Mania threads & am curious on what makes him as bad as people make him out to be.

Yeah the mission shit is what kills secret rings for me since it feels like I'm grinding complete bullshit in order to unlock mediocrity until I unlock the ability for the controls to slowly stop sucking quite as hard.

Agreed on silver too. Shame about that one though; I felt Crisis City was a fairly fun opening stage that gave a decent playground to use his psychic powers, and then every stage after it aside the one blaze mission was complete monotonous dogshit. Didn't help that his entire skillset was so barren that half his game was just stunlocking enemies and instakilling them.

>"Lost world is absolute cancer though, I agree"
You're alright, user.

>Any easy way to find posts from the guy?
I guess check every Sonic thread from the past three(?) months, especially the ones that are related to Unleashed. You should be able to identify him if you see someone defending every part of Unleashed while shitting on the other Boost games, as well as Classic Sonic and it's fanbase.

>sonic autists are legit still fighting console wars

hahaha, fucking sonic guys I swear

Lost your spirit after being beaten by Sony AND Microsoft, nintoddler?

I can understand liking Unleashed's day stages more since they were overall much longer and more difficult on average, but how the hell do you outright hate generations when you like Unleashed?

By being a turbo autist like Unleashedfag, I suppose. I honestly don't get it either.

I'm glad we can agree on some points then. I think Secret Rings had a lot of potential and it is a real shit part on SEGA for not realizing the control scheme was bad and not improving it in Black Knight, essentially making it worse.

We all know 06 is bad but like most bad Sonic games it has those points where you can genuinely have fun for a moment before realizing it's shit. Silver for me just wasn't one of them.

>>tfw no Sonic 4 remake
>>tfw no sonic 4 episode 3
Thank fucking God. How retarded do you have to be to want more Sonic 4 trash?

Sonic 4 episode 3 just for curiosity.
Sonic 4 because Sonic 4 episodes 1-2 were a travesty and need to be corrected.

>Sonic 4 because Sonic 4 episodes 1-2 were a travesty and need to be corrected.
It's better to just pretend it never existed, plus Mania's already doing proper remixes of Classic Zones anyway.

>rather than something with 4 zones and forgettable hd graphics


Here, made a small compiled image with a bit of info we have.

Quick, name a Sonic game idea that will continue Sonic's momentum after Mania and Project 2017.

Nintenfags BTFO without any possibilty to recover, ever.

This is good I'm saving it

Generations 2.

Okay, so we know that Mania's going to be longer than Generations, meaning more than 9 levels, so 10 at the bear minimum. Based on the official Playstation Blog and Taxman himself we know that Sonic 1, 2, 3, & Knuckles, and CD will have remixed stage in Mania. This means that at a minimum 5 out of the potential 10 (or more) stages will be remixes of classic while the rest are brand new ones. At least that's what I hope this results in. Also here's an image for the uninformed.

More Mania games, except with 100% original levels.

Sonic should get guns & become an FPS.

>Mania 2
>A game where the Mania Team are in charge of programming and design decisions but they have the asset creators and sheer manpower of Sonic Team
>Rush 3, now with none of that boat stuff from Rush 2
>The Taxman Sonic 3K Remake

Yeah, I can agree with that. But then again, "X had a lot of potential", unfortunately also describes most of the games for the last 15 years. Almost all of them had some sort of neat mechanic or idea that wasn't fleshed out properly and then got immediately dropped in the next game.

>Team gameplay that lets you switch moveset and gameplay styles on the fly?

Marred by hamfisted level design that forced you to awkwardly switch from one style to the next and weirdly awkward controls that start fucking up when you stop going forwards

>Multiple choice mission objectives and story paths complete with the inclusion of different weapons and even vehicles to spice up the experience?

Hindered by the control issues of heroes getting in the way of the mission design, questionable level design, shit writing on top of that, and clunky missions

>A seeming return to the Adventure style of sonic gameplay with 2/3 of the story featuring gameplay that is reminiscent of SA Sonic with one featuring alternative options reminiscent of Shadow's game, 1/3 of the game being psychic physics fuckery, and a bunch of alternate side characters to use with largely unique gameplay of their own to some degree and upgradeable character moves for the main 3?

Crushed under the weight of its ambition and released without any of the above being properly completed or even the physics remotely matching what people liked about SA's Sonic.

>Secret rings
As you said, an auto running sonic with a pseudo stat level up mechanic is a great idea for a side game that could be expanded upon, but ultimately it was hampered by the controls and never truly brought to its full potential

It's honestly a tragedy of sorts since virtually all of these games have perfectly good ideas, but either lack the time or the team lacks the skill to pull any of them off.

While I do understand that the remixed zones are good for nostalgia factors, I'm afraid that if half the game is just the same old thing we have played over and over again the game is going to suck.

I wish we could get a completely new 2d Sonic game with completely new zones.

Remixed zones are to bring in casual fans.
What do you think the rest of the remixed zones are going to be?
My guesses are
>Casino Night Zone
>Ice Cap Zone
>Flying Battery Zone
>Stardust Speedway

>mfw the childlike excitement of the last four days has faded
>mfw now all I feel is complete pessimism over the idea that Mania may have more rehash levels than new ones
Please put my fears to rest, based Taxman

That is a fucking travesty

It will probably be 5 remixes to 5 original levels.

What I'm HOPING they'll be:

>Mystic Cave
>Ice Cap
>Lava Reef
>Quarts Quadrant

It has to be 50/50, see:

A boss each act? Could be fun actually.

that's a bit... indoorsy. All of these are cave levels of some variety.

But there's plenty of variety, one's a spooky cave, another one's an ice cave, the other one's a lava cave, and the last one's a mining cave. Plus Green Hill Act 2 will be in a cave too:

Wait is that second game Rush.

Don't fucking tell me they got rid of the fucking slope physics. That shit is what sonic is.

I'm so glad I haven't played a recent sonic game. I think I'd break whatever console I did it on.

Nintoddler fuck off to one of your containment threads

That's the Wii U version of Lost World, the one made by Sonic Team.

Sonic Lost World's physics are laugable

That's Lost World. None of the 3D games have slope mechanics.


>Sonic Team

They should really just die peacefully, in their sleep. I still love them for the old games already. For Sonic's sake.

What physics?

They should stop doing sonic games, I wish there was A new Nights game or Space Channel 5 part 3

>Am I just a scrub who literally needs to git gud?
Yes and no
Sonic CD is a bit different from 1,2 and 3K

In Sonic CD the most fun you'll have is exploring for the Robot Generators and running through the levels is not that fun because the levels are too short if you play them in a straightforward manner...they're made to be explored for the Robot Generators

I wouldn't mind either of those. I just want them to leave Sonic alone.

I'm pessimistic, so I think it's going to be:
>Aquatic Ruin Zone
>Marble Garden Zone
>Sky Sancturary Zone
>Tidal Tempest Zone

I would prefer new zones but if I had to choose, it would be something like
>Casino Night Zone
>Ice Cap Zone
>Lava Reef/Hidden Palace Zone
>Stardust Speedway Zone

>you played the 2 worse 2d sonic games.
That's not Advance 3...or Rush...or Sonic 4

>Sonic and Knuckles
Kill yourself hipster
Sonic 3 and Knuckles(preferably Sonic 3 Complete Hack) or bust

>Sonic 4

>They should really just die peacefully, in their sleep. I still love them for the old games
kekky wekky

There's probably like two members of Sonic Team who were actually around for the old games. I say burn em to the ground

You'd have a point with the original release of CD, but the Taxman remakes give you enough vision to see things coming at high speeds.

>but what is honestly so enjoyable about the Sonic series?
The actual thing I want to know is why Sonic attracts so much more autism than other platformers with mascot characters.

bouncing makes me feel good

Because Sonic is a massive success with a lot of characters

>Not wanting Sega to change the current Sonic 4's name to something else like "Sonic Retro Mix" or some shit with a patch
>Not wanting a Sonic 4 done from scratch by Taxman and Stealth with a bunch of support by Sega with Cuphead-style graphics