I am Setsuna

So what's the verdict? Hot ot not?

It is average.

>give me an opinion I can't make my own

The writing, plot, pacing etc, turned me off before the 3 h mark.

It's like Evoland that didn't know it was Evoland. That's the best way I can describe it.

It's alright. Lacks a lot of the weird over the top personality 16-bit JRPG had going for it. It's somber in it's story and character. And the music being only piano doesn't always work.

I do hope for something more from them and have them try being actually weird and fun.

>no western Vita release
Fuck you, Square Enix.

Also lacks a lot of features.

Like indicators that tell you which enemies will be affected by your AE, yknow, like in fucking Chrono Trigger.

Also not having enemies randomly run around like spazzes with no relation to the actual combat situation, especially when self-destructing enemies are introduced early on.

It's alright but I strongly dislike having limited skill slots, I feel like I'm missing out on like half of the combo techs because I just don't have the right shit equipped. The dual techs I have found however feel way weaker than just having the two characters use the techs that make up the combo separately. The animations for them are also lackluster, compared to Crono Trigger where each Dual/Triple tech was this amazing display of power.

Yeah it's weird how many things they didn't really have. Like I said I get what the guys are trying to do and honestly hope they learn a lot from this game. Personally my problem is more that if they really are looking at 16-bit JRPG (and I'm guessing PSX JRPG as well most likely) I feel the characters and settings need to be more varied. Setsuna as a whole is very melancholy which I normally can get into but it's not really what I think of when I think of old school JRPG. World is one note of just snow (which might be because of the budget) and the characters are not very colorful.

I hope they fire their writers and hire new ones, because the first 5 minutes basically made me actively reject Endir, and not care about the plotline for the next 2 hours because it didn't involve me actually identifying with anyone or actually being allowed to make the plot-driving choices simply because the first 10 minutes are completely over the place, you aren't given any time or opportunity to connect with a character (but plenty to reject them) and they mix fake choices with But Thou Must or simply making the character that you normally choose for choose by himself, most of the time when it comes to the most reprehensible or important choices.

If I'm not interested or invested any other character that comes at me with some dialogue or conflict falls flat as fuck because I don't give a shit already. Not to mention they were so ridiculously dumbed down and cliche in their writing and overall plot without the slightest hint of self awareness.

Thus Evoland that doesn't know its Evoland.

Another big gripe is that Spritnite is specific to characters. Couldn't it have at least been specific to a kind of Archetype of character instead? So maybe I can't put magic on melee-y characters, but at least I could put Melee-y abilities on a variety of characters that fit the archetype and customize my party a bit, rather than everyone being stuck with "their" stuff, and Endir being all over the place because of the need for him.

I didn't reject anyone personally but I can see why you would. I don't really know what went wrong but it feels like they wanted to make a old school JRPG and instead of trying to fill it with weirdness and joy everyone is just pretty bland. I just want to know what they are going to do next and if they actually learn anything from this game. Because I so want a return to the weird campy WTF JRPG of the 90's. And this game feels like they wanted to make this game as safe as humanly possible in the worse possible way.

>have to find a "save spot" to save the game

Giving the player maybe 15 fucking minutes to connect with someone is just writing 101. That, and being CONSISTENT about whether you are in control of a character/their choices or not, especially when it comes to hugely morally important choices, should be fucking expected of anyone who legitimately gets paid for writing.

You can save on the Overworld Map any time. Game does a shit job of stating this.

"Mobile trash" tier.

Didn't occur to me before, but due to the quite limited aesthetic and barebones, often lifeless soundtrack it actually kinda almost fits with the limited resources you'd expect from a mobile cashgrab.

Can I hug him?

Can I lift that dress and see his penis?

It's okay. Didn't really like the tech system and would have preferred if they'd had simply just given us all of the skills from levels since certain items are obnoxious to get.

Like everything involving kill with exact hp damage or anything to do with shadow damage.

Yeah, fuckers didn't even bother to give us a digital release.

The only thing they werent bland and generic on was the tech system, and it just wasn't very good.

Pretty much sums up the game.

Its indie shit so I'll just wait for Sony inevitably to throw it up for free because there cheap fucks.

He probably hasn't played the game yet which is why he's asking

The ending was stupid and I don't even know why they did that choice when it didn't mattered at all.

It made me feel like I was playing FFX all over again with a few twists.

Except this time they cut out a lot of the filler so you basically don't get to use everyone until the ass end of the game. I'm at like the second part of the last lands and I don't even have the last character.

It's good. It could have been great, but i really like it. It's got that campy charming 90s JRPG feel to it. I like the music, reminds me of SNES chiptunes. Combat is amazing, hopping in and out of battle with no transition feels like sex. The creative things they did with ATB and enemy placement are refreshing.

However being all snow sucks ass, same with the limited enemy types.

>walking through the last lands
>encounter with three totally not behemoths
>nuke all of them with one triple tech
>they all counter with meteo and I get a game over

This is why I never really want to do anything except nuke people with that one group paralyze and stun combo.

Which character is your favourite?

>Get Blowbeat
>Get Passive that refunds MP
Congrats you won the game.

AoE techs are too good.