This is the worst thing to ever happened to PC gaming

This is the worst thing to ever happened to PC gaming.
Remember to boycott any game using it.

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Sorry, already pre ordered my copy of Deus Ex MD. I'm sorry that you are poor user.

Of course I'm boycotting any game using it, it's not like I can play them anyways.


>implying I can afford vidya in the first place

>I should be entitled to my free games! shit games arent wort paying for even if i want to play them!

Denuvo got cracked i don't know why everyone is sad.

It'll be cracked soon. We just need the master elite programmer to just do illegal stuff instead of his 50k $/month job. XD

Na that chinese whore was doing it for attention. they won't release it.

All they have to do is update their algorithm IIRC

If it makes devs trust PC development, why wouldn't we enjoy it?

if they are putting denuvo in their games, they should also release demo versions as default

i was baffled when heard that id or bethesda was being nice to its fans and extending the duration of the Doom demo

ffs, demo should always be there

They're still the only denuvo game with a demo at all, so that's a good start.

Just buy the games from a reseller and actually hurt their business because that's actually a lost sale.

i will not skip every denuvo. only shit like doom i wouldnt even copygame

>he cannot afford games

Why are you shilling denuvo? I thought you stopped a couple months ago

Are you that desperate for indie developers to use your shit service?

YEAH, because you cant pirate games anymore you fucking twat. Lmao so sad piratefags justifying piracy to steal games.
I hope more and more devs use denuvo so that piratefags can complain more on this board, LEL. Fucking degenerates should just get a fucking job and buy it. LOL, I bet most of you piratefags purchase micro transactions on android games but dont have the money to buy REAL video games, LOL.

I don't pirate games, but I wasn't really going to buy any of the games that use Denuvo in the first place.
Now that there's anti-piracy there's 100% no chance I'll ever buy the games since I don't trust the companies behind them in the slightest.

When it does get cracked I'm going to have such a huge backlog of games to catch up on.

And the added bonus of buycucks getting cucked again as the cucks they are.

>lol still hoping for 3dm cracks

Get real bruh, 3dm'll never crack it. They just busting their heads for nothing, LOL.

Not even close. NOT EVEN CLOSE.
EA/Acti/Ubi triumvirate of evil and kings of casualization is the worst thing ever happened to PC gaming.

They bought up all the good studios, rehashed their franchises into generic trash and then closed them down.


lol denuvo is the perfect drm, it doesn't get in the way of people who bought the game and pirates can't crack it for months after release. if they're poor/uninterested and were never going to buy it they can wait a long ass time for it to be possibly cracked, if they can afford it but were being cheap thieves then they'll buy it so they don't have to wait

i love denuvo games because i buy all my games and it's nice to know pirates can't get the same experience for free

Itt: butt hurt pirates

>doesn't get in the way of people who bought the game
It requires frequent online activation.
And also puts a huge load on the cpu.

i've played denuvo games offline, also that cpu thing is bullshit butthurt pirates make up to slander denuvo

>said there'd be a crack at the end of the month
>no new news or anything

This shit's never getting cracked, poorcucks.

I agree, but I still preordered Deus Ex.
The fucking 120$ edition

didnt 3dm crack return of the tomb raider and just cause 3?

enjoy fifa pirates
fucking toppest of keks, look at all the shit you cant play

Name ONE game worth playing on this list


You realize all the early Denuvo games are now cracked right

The best thing to happen to PC gaming is denuvo.

It's literally caused all you thieves intense asspain. Aww, so now you have to save up your NEETbucks to buy your video games now? Don't like it? Find another hobby.

>what's the problem officer? i'm not stealing this movie, i just sneaked in to the movie theatre to watch it without paying, it's not theft, it's copying. i'm copying the movie to my brain xD

>what's the matter officer? i didn't steal this video game, i simply copied the owners intellectual property without consent xD

I'm glad you can't steal the games you're waiting to play. Buy them or find a new hobby. You are cancer to the industry.

>b-but pirates BUY more games
>i just want to pirate it and if its shit i wont buy it
>i should be allowed to pirate games

Mad Max
I own both of these. Neat.

hope you enjoyed the wait you internet hobo thief

no they didn't if they did, it'd be up in sites like piratebay.

November 11.

Total War Warhammer is fun.

I pirated MGSV.
That's 1 out of 2, not that bad considering we're talking about the "ultimate piracy-killer uncrackable DRM"

>anus probing helps gubermint fight against terrorists, better shove it up!
It makes games run like shit (obfuscation almost always does, especially when it is made by retards), it leaves almost impossible-to-delete residual files and registry entries, and nobody understands what the fuck is that residue for.

>b-but pirates BUY more games
Do you realize this point is true, right?
Many studios have proved that pirates are the main source of revenue for videogame companies, far above regular, non-pirate customers.

>mfw all square enix games will have denuvo
>piratefags cant steal final fantasy xv

i bought all the dlc for warhammer total war and will continue to do so even though it's overpriced just because it sends the message that denuvo works

>Plants VS Zombies: Garden Warfare 2
>origin only
>always online
>denuvo DRM
>buy game
I regret my decisions every time their servers go down for 15 seconds and my 45 minute game is abruptly ended, kicking me to the splash menu.

this was a mistake.

>It makes games run like shit
Except there are plenty of games that prove this wrong, including Mad Max.

Real talk

Steam was the worst thing to ever happen to PC gaming.

Almost every single problem with modern gaming can be traced back to steam and its shit userbase that enables cancer.

You do know where the fuck you are redditfag?

Try again.

Sure, m8.

>even indie games are staritng to use Denuvo like Inside

I know its a short game but im fucking scared that i cant steal future games ;_;

careful insulting steam around here, it's very popular with neo/v/ and Sup Forumsedditors.

>enjoyed the wait

Did you join the mustard race last years or something?

We spent TWO FUCKING GENERATIONS waiting months, even fucking years to get ports of games everybody else already played

Do you actually, genuinely think waiting 6 months can actually be an issue at all, considering PC has a library of 30 years worth of games?
Be honest, how old are you?

They can't steal what isn't going to be released anyway.

>there are those that imagine steam to be relevant to anything but getting cheap games
>there are those that are literally implying steam has anything to do with the hand-holding, shallow gameplay that is contemporary gaming

im 25 and been pc gaming since the 90s, theres a difference between not having a game released on pc for anyone and not being able to afford a game that is available to anyone with a pc. i want to play games im hype for asap, including ports. you think im not preordering Dead Rising 1 for pc? and i hope that uses denuvo too

Is it worse than Uplay?

Yeah, right, tell me about it.
Dual 660s couldn't lift that pile of shit above 40 FPS. And don't even try to pull "it runs fine" bullshit with JC3. JC3 had slideshows for TITANs and top AMD cards and ate through 12 GB of RAM in an hour, with developers admitting it was Denuvo's leak.

>What is SW: Battlefront
What now?

It can go together with Uplay and probably will. It's not DRM, it's software annex to protect DRM from being analysed and circumvented.


Next you'll be complaining about how badly games runs on your Riva TNT

Dunno, never touched EA's crap after BF3 and never will. I didn't even know it had denuvo too. Does it run as shitty as JC3?

I heard they promised to remove their DRM if their servers will go down. I'm fine with these terms. I was only worried about preservation of games for later generations.

So far the only bad thing I have heard about denuvo is that it makes modding harder but that's about it.

thats right goy, we would never shut down servers for old console multiplayer games nor would we ever lock you out of your denuvo or steam games

It's probably the best performing, best looking game.

I boycott steam games.

Then they shouldn't have lied in system reqs. Thankfully, I don't have it installed and can't give you a fabulous screenshot where Mad Marx eats through 16 GB of RAM while looking like a game out of 2010.

>you are a dirty pirate!
>you haven't played the game!
>denuvo only lags below minimum requirements!

What's your next excuse, little Shilly McShill?

dude stop being a poorfag and upgrade your shitbox to current spec

>there is a difference
What difference? It's still "me, not being able to play the game" and "them, other random people I'll never meet that are already paying it".

Let's say I'm the only person in the world unable to play the game: to me, it wouldn't be different in the slightest.
Waiting that download, waiting that shitty port, waiting that crack, waiting that translation, waiting that emulator to work well, waiting to get a new pc to be able to run that particular new game. This hobby isn't really new to waiting m8, I can't believe you're into this stuff if it bothers you this much

Consoles aren't doing much upgrading, why should I?

First I need our national currency to regain some of its price so that a good videocard stops costing as much as a used car

I'll just buy it on G2A :^)

Everybody else agrees that Mad Max has amazing performance.


the low end performance is shit, better fps on GTAV and other games than JC3 and MM on my laptop.

Have not noticed a memory leak ever though, and I own 3(three) denuvo games.

Too bad it was nothing more than an a batman clone of gameplay.

If you're looking for innovative gameplay in X year, I'm not sure you're going to find a lot of it.

MGSV is still technically a little broken and needs a save file to progress early on, isn't it?

It was like that, but it's fine by now.
I pirated it recently and I never had any sort of provlem, no save bullshit or crashes

mfw mad max ran great on medium high at 45 fps on my 650 ti

What? Mad Max was a re-skin of Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, but with added cars. And ME:SoM was a third-person FarCry with a focus on melee combat.

We're talking about performance not gameplay.

>want to buy game
>has denuvo
>don't want my ssd to die
>don't buy game


>T. someone who never played mad max

Mad Max was very well optimised, ran very well maxed out on my potato gayming laptop.

But yeah, I didn't buy it because of Denuvo in the first place, only bought it when it was "pay what you want" in Humble Jew Bundle.

And that reseller had to buy the original license to begin with. Are you fucking retarded?

That's like saying "Just buy it off of walmart so they won't get my money"

Guess what, moron? Walmart IS a reseller.

Sure. After I buy DOOM.

>Na that chinese whore was doing it for attention. they won't release it.

gee I wonder who is behind this post

>Idiots claiming denuvo is cracked
>Post no links to backup said claims


Wait, don't you already boycott games when you pirate them?

>Haha now you can't play games from a few series that might or might not even exist for much longer! XD
Very good user, very good however

>nigger claims denuvo uncrackable
>got destroyed and shit on months ago


get jobs senpai

>"wahhh why can't i get free stuff"

Really now?

Status is still set at NOT CRACKED

And as far as I know, that reddit page is more hardcore than Sup Forums at looking for pirated games.

>still not providing links

ayy lmao

I would boycott denliterallywhovo games but unfortunately I had no interest in Lords of the Literally Who or that virally marketed sequel to Doom 3

>im 25 and been pc gaming since the 90s
>I'm 25 and have been PC gaming around 26 years.

>still not providing links
