

Silvers dont even bother.

hours dont matter when youre a smurf

I made it to 3rd level to play comp... and stopped there.

>play since 1.6
>silver because I just play comp with my first timer friends
feels good man

What is that supposed to mean? You type like retard.

I need a good shooter that's not cs:go to play from time to time.



spent probably half the time mostly playing casual since I had a toaster that couldn't even run it at a good fps

>judging rank off hours and not wins
I just deranked to GNM with 370 wins, come at me.

half those wins were silver with silver friends not knowing any better

people like you are the reason i stopped playing
ruined the game

mg1 currently, 1400 hours roughly. I only play like 1 MM a month, because its just non stop hacking.
Before rank fixing patch I was LEM.

I prefer community 5v5 less hacking for the most part.

level 3, 14 or so hours?

Idk, friends play it a lot but I just don't understand the appeal.



Have literally no game sense and know about 4 smokes total. I just pick aim fights 24/7

WaW/Blops tactical/realism servers.

MGE, just over 1000 hours. Rarely play anymore, got burnt out but I did enjoy the game a lot. Also never really tried to improve (no aim maps, no smoke practice). I did reach LEM but that was before they re-balanced ranks and I really didn't deserve it.

Game still probably gave me some of the most fun I've had in a multiplayer fps. Getting a solid team to work together and pull out a comeback from a shit talking team is seriously the best feeling ever.

>enemy team has a smurf
>he's carrying hard, shit talking like mad
>they're up a few rounds, about to win
>I run down mid with a p250 on dust2, I 1 tap their sniper on CT side doors
>another CT runs out of lower, I 1 tap him too
>another pops out of cat and I barely get him
>we win the round, I type some cocky shit like "I had to toggle on since you did"
>their top just says "lol"
>I get 3 kills the next 3 round, their team is poor
>we end up getting 15, they go full tilt, their top team kills some random player on their side
>we win, our whole team is talking shit to them, they're all dead silent

Shit's always such a good feeling. No other game has given me such emotional highs.


this game is ass

Silver 4 with a solid 24 or so wins under my belt

someone teach me how to git gud

Im also only level nine so I dont have that prime shit

807, ex LEM, currently Nova 4.
I only play when I can get drops.
I play to hear my teammates scream in anger.
Same reason I play DotA. The anger not the drops.

I was DMG back in 2013 but my brother is telling me that is the same as being Gold nova? Is he right or is he just trying to feel better about being GN3?

but Sup Forums told me the entire game is RNG so skill doesn't matter and I should play Overwatch

MG2, uninstalled a while back because I had no desire to learn spray patterns and stupid shit like that which has no place in a proper competitive game.

Why not?

Uninstalled after getting Legendary Eagle Master.

148 hours

150 hours

cs go matchmaking is infuriating
Silver elite

>tfw my team kept getting steamrolled as I was trying to get past that 10 win bullshit. Every time I got on a roll with players I would hit the 2 win cooldown.

Unranked reporting in

Shit game
t. 230 hours

DMG would probably be like MG1 or gold nova 4 at worst. I was consistently between eagle and LEM and I'm not dead set MGE.

Play, get a feel for the guns, get a feel for the maps, boom.

I grew up playing Quake and Enemy Territory, so the very playstyle of Counter Strike is completely counter-intuitive to me, and learning how the AK works is just boring busy work. Plus, ANY amount of RNG involved kills the competitive nature of the game.

They made it harder to rank up a while back so most people were set back like 4 ranks or something.

How could you even get that far without learning the spread patterns? Shit's not even hard to do, like goddamn.

Sup Forums does have a hateboner for CSGO. Then again a lot of people here play Overwatch and TF2, so you probably shouldn't take what they say seriously.

currently bouncing back and forth between dmg and lem, good times bad times

MG1 - 380H

Started as Silver 1 scrub, now MG1 scrub. I did stop playing for a year or so and dropped to Silver Elite. Yesterday managed to get back up to MG1.

Now I need to git gud

What about Poker?

>How could you even get that far without learning the spread patterns?
By not being shit at FPS games? Sometimes you can headshot pretty easily if you just tap, AWP can carry in certain situations, etc. It's just not very good.

Great fucking example that's totally relatable to the FPS scene, you got me.

Are you stupid? People being good made you stop playing?

Was LEM, stopped playing 3 months ago.

95 hours

>patterns are random

the real issue with the game is pistol rounds and the 1 tap inaccuracy of the AK and the M4. Granted you can use the SG if you want a completely accurate first shot with an automatic.

I thought it was a general observation.

Silver elite
28 wins

>can only get 27fps on ultra low and I only have enough space on my desk for my keyboard and maybe half my mousepad
>managed to crawl slowly to GN1 while SoloQ'ing
>suddenly only matches I get are teammates that sit in spawn spinning the entire match and they're always Q'ed together so can't kick them
>proceed to get deranked all the way back to SE
Can't wait to build my first PC designed to actually run games so I can get as far from shitter ranks as I can.

Any good online FPS games still left? Don't say Overwatch since I don't have money or the willingness to spend 60 euros on it. How is Arma?

200 hrs


470h but cooldown because solo queing with russian retards who kick me every 2 games

>60 euros

68 hours

game gets kinda boring
feels like you need to grind out a lot of hours of practice to get good

I haven't played csgo comp fully in like 3 years

I got sent straight to DMG after my placement matches, won a couple games.

I've got 13 competitive victories.

Last time I played competitive was last summer in 2015, and I was getting matched with eagles and supremes.

Being good at past cs games basically means you can easily jump into CSGO and still be good.

Only problem with CSGO is that aggressive play is not really a good idea so my playstyle is shit in it.

I have 900 hours in csgo but around 850 hours of that is from surfing, haven't surfed since 2014 though cause it gave me bad carpal tunnel.

I kinda miss playing CSGO sometimes but then I look at all these annoying newshitters and I'm glad I left. I remember when this game was considered a failure and was played less than 1.6. I kinda miss that. At least the series was untainted.

Or 40, whatever. Same shit.

Silver 1

>ranks in a game with obvious hackers

What specifically don't you like about GO?

>have a even distribution of players through ranks
>but what if we just send everyone to silver and only let 2% of playerbase rank higher?

ruined game

I can't figure out how to use the ak like everyone else. I used to be good with them in source. I've had plenty of success with a scout and SG. I can't even deag any more.

Gold Nova 2, 900 hours. There is just no way that I'm ranking up these days, as soon as I get to Nova 3 I just derank on purpose to avoid going into hacker heaven.

DMG 47 wins
shit game though

>have a even distribution of players through ranks
That is where you're wrong.

what's wrong wtih rank distribution?

So you're basically making Nova worse by staying in there instead of ranking up because you feel like everything above AK is hacking?
You're a salty bitch.

>Implying that after the update Nova 4 didn't already become hacker territory

the part I really hated the most was when they nerfed the awp so when you're scoped you move like a turtle

the game is just too passive and slow, shit to watch and shit to play

I'm glad they nerfed it, awping is more about skill now than it used to be. Those that can hit the shot can, and those who sidestep after missing die.

yeah, they did dumb it down harshly. I think casuals cried way too hard about the AWP so Valve made it a huge liability. It already has horrible financial repercussions for using it. That plus the way flashes and smokes work now make it much safer to play it slow. I don't hate it but I never had much time spent into 1.6.

The ranking system is pretty much a piece of crap at this point, I only abandoned once, ONCE, then I was demoted instantly.

Everybody I know that abandoned once and lost the next game were demoted immediately as well.

100 hours
Haven't picked up in over a year since I'd have to "level up" to play competitive again.
Overwatch is so much better

Nova 2, highest was Nova 4. 300 hours

You were probably close to deranking anyways, they system is honestly really solid as far as team games go.

I can remember losing like 10 games in a row but kicking ass in each game, only to come back with 3 wins and get my rank up anyways.


800 hrs

Way too much money spent on boxes

unranked, 11 RWS in ESEA with 2.2k hours.

>bell curve

Why does the ranking start at Silver and not Bronze like in most competitions?


>gold 2
>500 hours
I only play surf,zombie and bhop maps , i have about 100 hours in actual competitive matches



Gonna have to put in serious hours to get to supreme, most people are shit at this game, including me.


780 hours

>guns dont have first shot accuracy
dumbest fucking shit ever
I remeber being able to dominate with the scout and cleaning entire teams with it in source but i could not for the life of me use any other weapon and years later i know why. stuid ass spread patters and first shot inaccuracy.

First shot accuracy is more accurate in CS:GO than in 1.6
Bursting is worse though but spraying is much more accurate.

Not sure where source lies though.

tfw used to be dmg
tfw silver elite now

Most guns in source were really accurate on the first shot, the fucking deagle was a goddamn hand sniper.

If I'm a Silver 2, then I don't want to play against an MG2 or LEM. I want to play against other silvers and not people who are obviously too good to be in my skill group.

>tfw surf pvp is dead
I used to be a griver god.

Eagle. Stopped trying months ago.


730 hours

Global Elite


76 hours
easy game,not even trying


Community servers are where the real action is.
A shame a majority of them are either surf or idle.