All confirmed leaders of Civ 6 so far

Will Civilization 6 be good?


Cleopatra is the least interesting and honestly least noteworthy ruler they could have gone with. Fuck.

They better give us the options to add more leaders, this roster is shameful

>Hey guys, who should we pick as leader of France?

>Louis XIV, the last great monarch of France!
>Napoleon I., the greatest man since Caesar himself!

Its kind of hard to build up any hype after beyond earth user.

Why is the Japanese one taller than the rest?

He's a big guy.

There has not been a single notable French leader of France. Prove me wrong.

Why'd they make Cleopatra attractive?

>Montezuma is preorder exclusive for x months
>The release state of Civ V/BE
>The supposed current state of BE
yea nah fuck them

t. Corsican nationalist

>hating on best girl

>a leader

I don't hate them, they just don't make sense to be in as 'great' leaders. Why did they remove Ramses and Napoleon?

I'm really hoping Alexios Komnenos gets to be leader of Eastern Rome

He'd give a nice unique flair to the byzzies as opposed to all the comparatively impotent justinian/theodora idolization.

The Sun King

>white cleopatra

They obviously don't want to put the same leaders twice consecutively, no matter how great. Same reason they replaced Augustus and Alexander the Great and most other leaders.

Will based Freddy be back, Sup Forums?

Subtle troll isn't subtle.

>>They obviously don't want to put the same leaders twice consecutively, no matter how great.
Then why are Victoria and Montezuma still there? That's just a bullshit excuse.

>Caterina de Medici

Italianfag in riot.


Louis XIV
Philip II

Better than fucking Joan of Arc. at least medici was a queen.

Because for some civs there are only a few notable and recognisable leaders I guess. Others because they help the female leader ratio and are great, like England. Which is why I said most and not all leaders are getting replaced.

Yeah but at least Joan of Arc was FRENCH. They dont put Joan of Arc as a spanish hero.

Honestly, I don't care much for de Medicis myself, but it's funny how people try to impart conceptions of nationality or race that are perfectly anachronistic to the time periods evaluated.

She was the wife of the King of France. She was French.

No identity cards or birth certificate at the time. Careful study of genealogy of great families that expanded across Europe though. Catherine decedent from the Auvergne Counts, and inherited the title herself.

I'm looking forward to the Gandhi caricature.

Motherfucking Louis XI. You wants smarmy, backstabbing long-time plots fucker, that man was scary.

Yeah pick a French for a French, she was the trade of a marriage of interest. She was not great, not memorable, they just have to put forcibely a female despite history is written by man. The importance of the queen of france is equal to a chair with a good dress on.

>>Because for some civs there are only a few notable and recognisable leaders I guess.
That maybe the true for Montezuma, but Victoria? England has had many leaders, and they chose Victoria is present in ALL of the Civilization games.
>Others because they help the female leader ratio and are great,
Cleopatra was not a great leader, she was a puppet of the Roman Empire.

This art style is super retarded

senpai just wait til all the dlc is out and "golden edition" exists and is on sale for $15

til then play your fave civ game instead of this

>and they chose Victoria is present in ALL of the Civilization games.
She's and a female AND great, so she's pretty much a given. Not a case worth debating imo. She is an example of the female ratio thing I was talking about

>Cleopatra was not a great leader, she was a puppet of the Roman Empire.
I agree, but she is by far the most notable Egyptian leader in popular culture, and is a female so it's easy to see why they picked her.

Also worth mentioning that we might get leaders from previous games in a multiple leaders DLC or something, hinted by the leader ability thing. So it may just be that they just switched leaders for the base game and we'll get some of the Civ V ones in a DLC.

Why they are scraping the barrel of world leaders instead of using the normal ones?

And something i never understood is why they use old leaders for's like using Julius Cesar for Italy

>it's like using Julius Cesar for Italy

You're saying this like it's a bad thing.

well no recent chinese leader has been good so you have to use the old ones

same goes for italians too really

Kinda surprised they went for Tokimune and not Tokugawa for Japan.

Well, if they wanted someone to represent modern China it should be at least Mao... the old ones needed to represent their respectives empires, not a modern concept

Average Westerner doesn't know Japanese emperors anyway.

napoleon bonaparte you stupid american

but Mao was a godawful leader

what's his abilities going to be? starve his own population with mass famine? farms are replaced with steel mills and produce no food?

>american leader
>grossly overweight


Henry IV

>no recent italian leader has been good

Teddy Roosevelt was actually pretty tough user. I'm not sure why people seem to think he's fat.

>and they chose Victoria is present in ALL of the Civilization games.
The hell you talking about? The previous English leader was Elizabeth not Victoria m8.

How do you go from this

he almost unified China and consolidated the power, that's what matters in the end

Vive Henri IV, vive ce Roi vaillant !

to this


Didn't he get shot twice but continue his speach or some bullshit once? That's pretty hardcore.

>pretty tough

he was an east coast fuckboi who spent daddies money on dreams of being a tough guy, he then spent his life advocating war but when his son got domed in WWI he spent the rest of his life crying like a bitch

Why are all (((women))) same?

recently heard they're actually two different Montezumas

If you can have more than one leader by civilization, then I don't see the problem there.

i would love to see hatshepsut

Tokugawa was the leader for the first four Civs until he got replaced by Oda in V. I can see why they wouldn't want to reuse him and move away from the Sengoku era.

Not him but they're both Montezuma I.
It was Civ4 that had Montezuma II.

That said I do find the new Aztecs actually pretty interesting.

Maybe after three years and two expansions

Finland as a civ when?

I'm all for it.

Giving every civ a female leader would mean every civ would also have a male leader. We can finally have a real leader for every civ that way, instead of a pretty face figurehead they used to boost the morale of the men.

>Why make something look good when we can just make it look like a cartoon and use the 'stylized' excuse.

take this with a pinch of salt, but a friend of mine works for 2k games.

The ideology part has been massively enhanced to greater improve the politics of late stage games. You can basically form coalitions with other civs which have a set aim (he mentioned there were seven, but I can only recall a few bits of them) -

one coalition type is military (can't remember the name) - you need to have a certain army size, act aggressively etc, go to war with your new coalition together - or interestingly don't do any fighting yourself but supply troops and money to those fighting

another is peace keeping - this is modelled off nato, again need a decent army, you position troops in fearful city states, pledge to protect etc.

another is peasant - this seems most interesting to me, it is a coaltion of those left behind tech wise - unlocks a lot of different bonuses and takes the game an unexpected direction

there is science, culture and religion

coalitions allow you to win the game as part of a coalition - like a military coalition - everyone wins if as a group you achieve a domination victory

coaltions as well allow you to put pressure on members of your coalition if your powerful - like why let a weak player into your nato coaltion? because they will give you a shit load of stuff as they need protection - but if you treat them badly, they defect and leaves you weaker

anyway, not sure how accurate the above is, but he seemed pretty excited

When it manages to be one in reality.

Civ II had a male and female default for every civilization and it really wasn't a big deal. Had a bunch of mistakes though, like Japan's default female leader being Amaterasu when they had at least a few notable empresses to pick from.

seems weird that not a single of their uniques has anything to do with sacrifices.

>no niggers
Best civ yet

>Ancient Egypt
>Whiter than Roosevelt

WE WUZ and all that jizz but who are these fags to deny me of my brown goddess.

It's kinda stupid, but no worse than some choices in the other games... half of them are ok, the rest are nobodies or married to leader

>tfw your country is stuck having a token female leader

>Philip II
>Louis IX
>Philip IV
>Charles V
>Charles VII
>Joan of Arc
>Louis XI
>François I
>Henri IV
>Louis XIV
>Napoléon Bonaparte
>Charles de Gaulle

Take your pick, from medieval to modern era.

That fucking art style, it's terrible. It went full mobile game.


>Catherine di Medici

Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
What about Napoleon?
Louis XIII?
Joann d'arc?

I'm guessing that wonder that was announced with them took that aspect.
>Implying Cleo was brown

she was greek you dingus
ancient egypt was almost never black ruled

Napoleon came from corsica

user, Egyptians considered white skin beautiful because it meant you didn't work under the sun. That said the dudes were tan but not black.

>implying she was an escaped snownigger

Ancient greeks were not white. I am not saying I wanted an african but to even bring the notion of ancient greeks being white makes you either a retard or a Greek wishing to be called white.

Nice try Baguette

>>Napoleon I., the greatest man since Caesar himself!
Except he was born to Italians and would've been a spaghetti himself if France hadn't bought Corsica a few years prior.

had them in the previous games, time for something new

Designer Ed Beech is a real fan of the European wars of religion, and has already made two board games where de Medici leads the French. Probably bias on his part.

>game has Cleopatra but doesn't have Caesar

You're right, Windwaker looks bad and all cartoons are bad, anime was a mistake and the only true media is film.

>Ancient greeks were not white

This honestly sounds great. A lot of them are just wives of existing rulers, but Civ is already a game of 'What if?". If we can handwave the Americans and English both existing from the stone age onwards, I don't think it's too hard to do the same for why some historical queens might be doing so instead of their husbands.

But that's correct user

I unironically like the new art style

if theodora and boudicca return I'm going to be very disappointed


Nope, they never "switched race" you stupid american retard, they were and are a european people.

Of course they were white just like argentina! Every nation around ancient greece was brown tinted but oh no not the greeks. They put up an ancient white forcefield that blocked bothe the sun and the brownies they were surrounded with on all sides from entering.

>all europeans are white
Are you some kind of sandnigger?
At what point does a guy become white to you?
Greeks were never white. They still aren't.
I doubt you're white.

There's a difference between a good cartoony artstyle and a shit one, mongoloid.

>Every nation around ancient greece was brown
>that blocked bothe the sun
The sun has nothing to do with the race of a human being
>and the brownies they were surrounded with on all sides
They weren't

No "brown migration into Greece" happened

>>all europeans are white
Yes they are, "european" is a racial term.

>At what point does a guy become white to you?
There's no "point" where you "become white", you either are european or you're not.

Each civ should have like 2-3 leaders with different bonuses (nothing too big as I understand it's difficult to make up so many useful bonuses)

For Poland I'd like to see something like Józef Piłsudski (military focus), Kazimierz III the Great or Jadwiga if they want to push this meme (development/research and/or economy focus) and maybe Wałęsa (social focus).

Give me some more propositions.