>playing the Frackin' Universe mod >find a Metallic Moon with abundant resources >go explore >find out it also have ship fuel crystals >decide to set up a base >I'm in the middle of building it >suddenly it begins to rail molten iron that melts everything but metals like Tungsten
Fuck me. Better double the layer of shielding.
Also, Starbound thread. How are you enjoying 1.0.2?
Bugged as it is, the steel melting plane fuel rain was the coolest thing I experienced in the short time I tested out Starbound before going back to Terraria.
Asher Brown
It still isn't great. If they don't have terraria-tier updates to fill the game with content it'll be up to modders to do it yet again. The story is fucking garbage, they shouldn't have bothered with it and should have focused on stuff that actually matters instead.
Jacob Allen
Hopefully they'll be implementing all the removed features in future updates.
Parker Gray
This is so true. It kills some rleplayability. I don't wanna be a fucking Space cadet in charge of getting six chaos emeralds. I wanna be a badass human mech pilot called a Knight that bangs some Florans.
Jason Miller
What is it with the Floran fangroup? They're not even an appealing race.
Ryder King
You take that back. No but seriously Floran, Glitch, Hylotl, Novakid and human are pretty good. Rest are unfuckable furfag trash.
Bentley Phillips
I just started playing and I'm about to quit after the 3rd time I had to go scan for stupid shit and then go through a boring, short dungeon and kill an easy boss.
Rest of the game is pretty dope though. I have fun finding new materials on new planets and building cool stuff and decorating my ship.
Jaxon Nguyen
Say what you want about the game, the music is still god-tier.
so how do I install the FrackinUniverse mod? Do I need a new save? And is the 1.0.0 version enough or does it need to be the latest steam one?
Dylan Scott
What you call the rest of the game IS the game. The main question only serves as to get unlocks.
Charles Wilson
>so how do I install the FrackinUniverse mod? Do I need a new save? Google it and go to the chucklefish forum post about it. Sign up and download the mod from the button in the top right corner. the drop the .pak file into the \mods folder in you install directory. And no, just scroll a bit on the universe map until the new planets and systems spawn. >And is the 1.0.0 version enough or does it need to be the latest steam one? 1.0 works fine I'm using the GOG version.
Cooper Torres
Oh, well that's nice. It's not great to have to go through the tedious main quest to get unlocks but I'll put up with it because I really do find the game to be pretty cool.
Ian Morgan
Does anybody get lag in the game as if they're playing on a multiplayer server? I'm playing singleplayer, but sometimes when there are a lot of enemies they sort of lag as if they have latency problems or something lol
Isaac Hernandez
The game has optimization issues. Devs fixed a memory leak in the latest patches, but it still lags in huge battles.
Ian Robinson
the lag is still pretty bad if your moving really fast from screen to screen the entire world can take some time to load
Josiah Perry
I wanted to like this but the fact that the game is more about running left and right on a planets surface rather than having a big world you can fully explore killed it for me. Plus not needing to build a base gives me no incentive to do anything but planet hop.
Jace Gomez
is it possible to do MP while using steam mods?
James Evans
I looked the problem up in Google and somebody said that he changed a certain option in one of the config files so that the game uses more than 1 of the cores of the processor it uses on default, but that option doesn't seem to appear on my side.
I don't know a fix for it but it's pretty damn annoying sometimes.
Samuel Watson
>mfw I found out all the cool stuff I thought chucklefuck had added for 1.0 was just part of the frackin universe mod I installed before starting because everyone said I should.
William Campbell
maybe if you both have the same mods? worked in Terraria
Julian Reyes
Yes. It actually reminds me of Minecraft. I was bored about a year ago and decided to download the latest version of the game for shits and giggles and it did the exact same thing, I must've played for like 20 minutes to see what they added and that's the only thing I remember because of how idiotic it is. Fucking singleplayer games with lag, what a time to be alive.
Landon Thomas
Is comfy bases not enough of an incentive?
Nicholas Mitchell
Altair is pretty nice too, even though it gets repetitive fast.
Anthony Cox
I fucked up and bought Starbound when it first was available, if I was going to get back into it would I need any mods other than Frackin' Universe?
Ryan Jones
floran fanny cunny
Gabriel Ward
yeah, Minecraft used to have those same lag issues and it had a hard time loading the world which resulted in the "beta/world holes" in the map.
Anthony Rivera
I play it sometimes ago.
What's the point of making land base instead of spaceship base?
Gavin Cooper
It is, both sides should have the mods otherwise you will crash.
Brayden Powell
If I install Frackin will I be able to continue playing my character or will I have to create a new one? He's in The Ark so unless there are changes there it shouldn't be an issue right?
Asher Parker
Land bases have a lot more space available.
Also, different biomes for different bases for different kinds of comfy.
Landon Lopez
If you want to build a base and you love building things then go with the land base.
If it's for functionality and crafting then build it in the ship.
Eli Jenkins
People have been telling me this game isn;t worth 15 bucks unless you have friends. Has that changed? Are there mods that improve that problem?
Tyler Miller
Just pirate the GOG version and judge for yourself.
>a lot more space available. You can pretty much cram all the crafting tables in your starter ship if you build a second floor.
If you upgrade it once then there's almost no reason to ever make a landbase except maybe for storage or for fun.
Adrian Johnson
Well I don't expect it to be as good as terraria. I just expect it to be good compared to most other 15 dollar games.
Is it easy to mod the gog version?
Wyatt Hall
How do I hellavator?
Adam Sanchez
It's easy to mod all versions of this game.
Blake Wright
>figure this works like terraria >build platforms down my long vertical mining shaft. >go back up to drop off supplies >go back down, die from fall damage JUST
Ayden Rogers
starbound has the better build/creative mode because it has more assets to fuck with
theres more room for roleplaying and such
i just prefer terraria because the pacing is just right for me i mean its good to have a built in map generator and biomes are diverse as fuck but its kinda tedious to look for another planet just for mats to upgrade your shit
Ayden Jones
>Also, Starbound thread.
Go to /vg/ you autistic faggot
Jayden Williams
I'm enjoying this allot (not letting myself compare it to Terraria) but fuck this game gives its players zero direction. I'm supposed to be scanning floran shit right now, and maybe I'm supposed to be searching for these crystals too but fuck if I know. All I can do is wander around and hope I run into a floran settlement.
Sad because I remember being super hyped for this and even made a fan trailer that got 70k views or something.
Noah Perez
The old lady tells you what kind of planet and terrain to look for so you should just drive over there, plop yourself down to the planet and choose one of the two directions and go until you find a ruin or a settlement.
Grayson Lopez
Basically what said, don't forget to talk to NPCs too, sometimes they actually give you clues to advance the quest themselves.
Jackson Johnson
Also don't forget to look in every chest/crate/container because they very often have amazing stuff.
Jackson Young
>Explore planets for upgrade modules >Land on this jungle >Gravity increases, I can barely jump >Find an abandoned Apex laboratory >Spookysounds.jpg >Suddenly motherfucking dinosaurs out of nowhere
Literally Jurasic Park
Frankin is a must. Improves the game so much.
How about if you stop doing that? Play the game, geez
Yes, make a mod collection and share it to your friends
Thomas Scott
>playing a different game than Terraria >getting mad that it doesn't work like Terraria
Terrariafags are the worst.
Hudson Fisher
>The story is fucking garbage
This definitely. Every time I have to do story related shit I feel like the game is just hitting me over the head telling me to stop having fun. The best moments so far were always stuff that I found by exploring or building, like digging yourself out of loose silt for the first time or finding an awesome random weapon.
Mason Bennett
>different game It might as well be the same game with how the blocks work. Why they changed how dropping down platforms works makes no sense.
Ayden Carter
Luis Martin
More like 'why do I have to keep tapping the break button to slow down in this game rather than just pressing and holding the break button'
But yeah keep pretending to be retarded.
Jack Gray
Just build fucking elevators.
Colton Rodriguez
Is it possible to find a server running mods to run a new character that isn't full to the brim with RP fags? I just want more content and to make comfy base
Juan Perry
>implying I still need elevators when I reached that point in the game
Xavier Carter
I could make a server if I had the game.
Trade welcome.
Parker Perez
>advanced in the game >still dying like a fucking bitch
Landon Nguyen
I sure hope you are merely pretending to be retarded.
Samuel Davis
Besides frackin, any other mods worth using?
Blake Fisher
How do you get the materials for the cosmic furnace
Nolan Scott
What do with empty rooms/general ship improvement?
and why the hell does my crew love hiding behind the flowers in my quarters?
Tyler Hill
The rest of the Frackin mods (Race and Music) XS Mech Every furry race you see Xbaws character extender Skip cinematics Renamon's Invisible clothes Container UI Tweak
Hunter Hughes
What kind of weapons are optimal? One-Handed + Shield? Two-Handed slashy goodness? Staffs, guns and all that weird shit?
Austin Stewart
Homing 2 handed guns are OP Maces are OP too
John Brooks
have not seen either of those kinds of weapons in the game yet
I love maces in games so now that I know they exist in Starbound I am really excited
John Roberts
I haven't really looked into shields but aside from wands, one-handed weapons seem like they're usually not worth your time. I found several decent assault rifles, I especially like the ones that have explosive bullets. There might be better stuff I haven't found though. Used a spear with energy whirl for a while too, it was alright. Wands are pretty much the best if you want to attack shit around corners or through tight spaces. One of the bosses drops a unique two-handed sword and its special ability shoots explosive projectiles downwards, which is cool because attacking enemies below you is usually a pain in the dick with swords. It attacks fairly quickly too so it's pretty damn good.
Carter Jenkins
I don't really know what to do with my Avian ship in general. I originally went with a sort of temple look but now I'm not sure if I like it now.
Gavin Ramirez
best comment, they need good content updates to keep this game afloat, it's currently a very shallow experience.
Liam Nelson
chucklefish can't figure out that S+Space should only phase you through platforms if you hold BOTH keys down not just S
Hunter Rodriguez
How does one set up a moon or asteroid base with oxygen? I haven't tried yet but I'm thinking of doing it.
Does it auto create oxygen when you make a box, can you use a device, or can you just not do it?
James Sanders
I'm pretty sure you can only breathe with an EPP on those. Unless I missed something there's no way to create an atmosphere on a moon or an asteroid.
Hudson Gray
Been working on making a walled settlement with a hilltop castle overlooking the town. Pretty good so far imo.
Connor Thomas
If that's true I'm disappointed a bit. I was hoping to make a moon colony with people on it.
I mean I have a crappy little colony on a barren planet, but I want a new one because that one isn't too great.
John Ward
Can NPCs move in a house even if it's on a moon? I haven't tried but if they can you can do it anyway and not give a shit. I like the idea of a moon colony but the low gravity would make it a pain in the ass to move around for me.
Aaron Miller
it looks awesome, user.
NPCs doesn't care about breath, but your character does.
You can build a space station and live there.
Yes, the NPC doesn't care about oxygen
David Watson
No idea, maybe they already spawn with a breathing pack. Also I kind of like the low gravity.
Jack Long
Cool, didn't know they didn't need to breathe.
Brody Sanchez
I feel like a game like Starbound needs some kind of automation.
That some planets have resources that others don't, even when you might not want to build on the resource planets, makes me feel like some kind of automated mining stations are required. Set up a titanium mine somewhere then go build your main base on a barren/easy planet with no titanium etc.
Wyatt Flores
Maybe Mining crew that you can assign to planets.
Josiah Collins
The most fun Ive had in this game is using the admin tools with my friend and messing with gravity.
Jackson Murphy
How do I destroy the burds? Fuck these burds man. Should I just dump poison everywhere?
James Harris
some user in the other thread said that all the cut content is because of people quitting and tiy not having contracts with them so they lose the rights to use anything made by someone who quits or gets fired or otherwise leaves
Nolan Lee
That's... Fucking stupid. Any source to back that claim?
Christopher Ward
Proof? I mean, mate, qhy would you take random accusations seriously without any proof behind them.