Your GOTY so far?

>Your GOTY so far?

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Probably dark souls 3 since I have played many games that came out this year

Blood and wine was excellent tho



Also not sure why there appears to be this idea that you have to choose a souls game or a witcher game

I love both for different reasons.

edf 4.1 is the only game I played from this year
>inb4 it came out last year

I know it's not technically out until 2017 but whatever. It's still the game I've had the most fun with this year.

>Games Ive enjoyed this year that came out
Xcom 2
FE Fates Conquest

>Games that will be goty contenders
SMT 4 Apocolypse

>Also not sure why there appears to be this idea that you have to choose a souls game or a witcher game

Probably because they have completely clashing design philosophies.
The Witcher is all about the story, but has shit tier gameplay.

Dark Souls is all about the actual gameplay itself, but doesnt present you much of story.

Odin Sphere

Fire emblem fates, kirby robobot, doom and dark souls 3 have been the only things I've liked a lot this year

The Witness.

And only because B&W is just an expansion, and so it can't be GOTY desu

Grim Dawn

Just a friendly reminder Starbound came out this year.

this shit is just so fucking fun


Zero Time Dilemma I guess


MH Gen is pretty good tho so far

Pic related. I've currently got 3 GOTY nominations. Been a very good year, but alot of overhyped trash came out too.

Oh damn I forgot that came out this year. Definitely a contender for GOTY.


Dark souls 3 so far.
Blood and wine was fantastic, but it's an expansion pack, so I can't really give it GOTY, that would be cheating for same game to hold two GOTYs in a row through DLC.
But there is still Dishonored 2 coming and it looks to have really strong chances to beat DaS3 for me.


How many more threads are you gonna post your terrible taste?

>The Witness


>all this indie 2d crap
Why bother with modern games if what you consider good was perfected in the late 80s?

I have high hopes for half genie hero. But then again pirate's curse has been the only Shantae game worth playing so far.

Far Cry Primal was suprisingly fun so that

wow congrats, you have terrible taste

>pls buy our game we worked a few months out of the last 4 years on it

>indie crap at top
>stuff with working drm and games not yet released at the bottom
lel mad povvo

Please dont shitpost user

>Just a friendly reminder Starbound came out this year.
Problem for me is that NMS fills the same niche, even if it's bad it'll do it as well as Starbound

How can you rate games that aren't even out yet? Oh wait you can't, you're just a faggot ass troll.

Mines so far has been DooM. I haven't completed The Witcher 3 yet, so I haven't touched the DLC. I'm 88hours in getting ready for the wild hunt fight gotta go get ciri's stank ass. How close am I to the end?

Furi is cool but way too simple to be GOTY

It's an impressive indie project but I would be salty buying it for 20 bucks

bullet sponge fest, really

acquire damage, pray to rngeesus

heroes of might and magic 3 with that cove faction mod.

I'd like to see any other RPG developer top this in 2016
hint: they can't

If the company is untrustworthy, then their game is instantly not worth praise unless proven otherwise. After all, I'm paying 60 bucks on average for them, I don't see why I should give them the benefit of the doubt.

Like Pokemon Sun and moon, for example. they're just gonna be X and Y with a different coat of paint. Why give that any praise?

It was all shit.

Dark Souls 3.

But the guns aren't fun either to use.

I get it that they're going for the Binding of Isaac style of game with a higher emphasis on bullet hell, but it just isn't well done.

Stardew Valley
Doom 4

It's been an OK year. Not bad, not too many great games.

But the company for No Man's Sky has only made the Joe Danger games before and those were great

>indie games are now considered bad


It's not, but it doesnt mean it's going to be garbage either.

If your position is "it's crap until it proves it's not" then literally every unreleased game should be in garbage tier

Also you gave FNAF World a 5 on your scale, so you are clearly either fucking with us or legit stupid. Your choice.


I laughed pretty hard when she died because I saw it coming a mile away


Haven't played many games this year, but I'd give it to Hyper Light Drifter so far, despite the technical problems.

Probably Dark Souls 3, it's been a pretty disappointing year so far. Blood and Wine was good but that's not a game, i would count it if it was an expandalone but it isn't.



However exclusively indie games praised is a sign of a wanker

Look at Slime Rancher for instance, right now that game has sod all content and paper thin mechanics yet it's ranked high
And playing FNAF World is like huffing shit yet it's above a bunch of good, competently made games

>I'm so indie I shit pink hair dye!

Joe Danger was far from great. It was an average mobile phone-tier ripoff of Excitebike. It was really nothing to speak home about.

>If your position is "it's crap until it proves it's not" then literally every unreleased game should be in garbage tier
If it comes from a terrible company, or a developer known for bad games, then yes that's a reasonable stand.

>Also you gave FNAF World a 5 on your scale
Stop memeing. FNAF World is not a bad game. Unlike its edgy spoopy jumpscare predecessors, it's a lighthearted short RPG. It's worst crime is being painfully average and not standing out. Also, it's completely free and downloadable without Origin or Steam. So no DRM. I have to at least give it credit for that.

the witcher3 gameplay isn't shit at all
many things can be said about souls gameplay.. i would also call it shit

I think witcher 3 has solid gameplay, not great but definitely better than witcher 1 and 2
And dark souls has good story, just weird storytelling, very unconventional for modern video games but I think it's still there, you just gotta look for it

I wish we could talk about one without involving the other in a shit-throwing contest

"It's the most obnoxious game I've ever played"

Total War: Warhammer

Kirby: Planet Robobot.


>below average tier
I'm triggered.

>inb4 it came out last year
It came out two years ago, actually. 4.1 is just a remaster of 2025.

>Look at Slime Rancher for instance, right now that game has sod all content and paper thin mechanics yet it's ranked high
I thought 6/10 was a fair score. It's a solid game bereft of content. If it had more meat, it would be higher.

>And playing FNAF World is like huffing shit yet it's above a bunch of good, competently made games
seeThe way I see it, because it's not held back by DRM and doesn't cost 50-60 dollars, it's already better than overrated games like Overwatch and Kirby: Planet Robobot, both of which are either casualized esports, or simplified children's platformer, which wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't so damn pricey. Also, 240p is unforgiveable in this day and age.

Where the fuck is this bitch located?
What quest?

>people still reply to this primeval shitposter in earnest

Well, got a few so far
>XCOM 2 despite playing at 15 fps on my toaster
>Under "Guaranteed Replies" Tale (played it this year)
>Blood and Wine

some day I'll get out of my poorfag status and buy every video game under the sun

Also DS3

Momodora. It's been a while since I've had so much fun with a game.

Never heard of it. Can't be that good.

Witcher 3 came out last year, user.
This year has kind of sucked. I guess Rachet and Clank was best game so far.

How the fuck is stardew above average? Its poorly balanced and is lacking content.

>what are hidden gems

That's why it's not higher. But since it's not an edgelord murder simulator, or a cinematic experience, or any of the other major problems in the industry, it gets some leeway.


I dunno. Sounds like something you'd collect in a platform game.

holy shittaste batman

>enter the gungeon

thanks for saving my time

She doesn't have to die.

What's so "shit taste" about it?

Kill urself my man

>love the Witcher
>love Dark Souls
>wanted to play Dragon's Dogma on my 360, but didn't due to shit fps
>haven't bought the games yet
this is gonna be a fun autumn, right?

It's only slightly halfway done and it's still easily the GOTY

Dishonored 2 might beat it, though.

There should be laws against this kind of shit taste.

Enter the Gungeon is actually good, don't pay attention to ACfag

I really don't like dragon's dogma at all and I'm I think it's a bad game, even on pc

The Witcher 3: Blood & Wine

Not a game, but as much content as many full games and absolutely top notch.

Idolmaster Platinum Stars without question.

Meh to be honest i was kinda baiting.

I didnt play TW3, i only played the second one and i felt the gameplay, especially the combat system is so terrible that i stopped playing 2 hours in.

>many things can be said about souls gameplay.. i would also call it shit
I really love souls gameplay though.

I agree with you man. I hated witcher 2 and quit after 10 hours but man I love witcher 3. The gameplay is really much improved and the graphics, dialogues and some quests are excellent. I think I still prefer dark souls 3, but witcher 3 really was a fantastic game


>games that aren't even out yet
Fuck off

>games that aren't even our yet being rated
>all that indie shit
>I don't like the payment model for Hitman so that makes it bad
>Pokemon Go, which shouldn't even be rated, is on the low tier because you're a fatass
Also Miitomo isn't a game you fucking retard

>Come with me
>and you'll be
>In a world of pure assassination


>if you don't like Pokemon Go you're automatically a fatass
Well meme'd, friend.

Dark Souls 3

One of those two. I enjoyed Darkest Dungeon and Gungeon somewhat.

I got dissapointed with Stellaris

And I expect nothing of Xcom 2, was impressed but I still hate the game loop, aka kill all the enemies in the first turn.

Waiting for No man's sky, to see if I can play Predator; Deus Ex 2, Dishonored 2 and Persona 5

And I guess I will try FFXV but I doubt is for me.

No you can dislike it and not be fat, but the fact that you bothered to rate it at all and so low indicates that you're salty because you're fat.

Funnily enough most of the people i see playing the game are fatasses.