What are your thoughts on 3rd party characters in Smash Bros?
What are your thoughts on 3rd party characters in Smash Bros?
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They're fine, but I think Nintendo has a lot of their own characters who would make for great fighters still, both new and old.
hello, i'm just gonna leave this here
direct ANYONE to this post who spout bullshit about guest characters in Smash.
already have a thread about this:
They're fine, so long as they have a very relevant impact on video game history.
Bayonetta, Snake, and Cloud feel like ass-pulls, but the rest are fine.
mario isn't third party you fucking idiot
I miss Snake
Ridley or Fuck off.
In terms of hype level for me it was
Pac-Man > Mega Man > Ryu > Sonic > Snake > Bayonetta > Cloud
Not that I dislike Snake, Bayonetta, or Cloud but I don't really care about them or their games, Bayonetta seemed more like an ad to sell more Bayo 2 copies also. And Cloud is too easy, would have been better and fit the game more to throw in Black Mage. Doesn't help that cloud sucks to play as in-game. I mean he plays competently, it's just unfun to use him.
like who
Care to post more?
I seriously don't understand why the fuck Cloud is here. What the fuck did he do other than appear in the first 3D final fantasy?
He's not iconic in anyway
I'm a nichefag but I stopped expecting them years ago.
Yuyuki Goku could be cool
>Yuyuki Goku could be cool
I'm glad you agree.
>Not iconic
Holy shit, how fucking old are you
FFVII took the world by storm when it came out. Most people's first was FFVII.He's pretty iconic dude. By far the most iconic FF protag ever.
the only reason you would ever say something like this is if you were too young or not alive when it came out.
I'm cool with them as long as they can bring in the hype and not go the PSASBR route.
That and don't overwhelm the roster
Paper Mario, Captain Toad, Dixie Kong, Tetra, Impa, Tingle, Waddle Dee, probably like a dozen more Pokemon if they really wanted, Qbby, Mallo, Dillon, Wonder Red, Excitebike, Chibi Robo, Sakupon, Balloon Fighter / Alice, Bubbles, Ninten, Inklings, Takamaru, Monita, Cross/Rook, and soon Tethu from Ever Oasis. Probably a few others I'm missing.
>tfw you don't give a fuck that Cloud has little to do with Nintendo since you like FF7 and Smash
Cloud being playable was a pipedream for me and I couldn't be more glad that he's in.
He doesn't have arms and is limited to making blocks
>tfw you never played a single FF but bought Cloud anyway cause he looked fun
>tfw he is
So who'll be the next third party to break fan assumptions?
A second Sonic character?
A western character?
An indie character?
I remember seeing a Japanese poster saying that people who want Cloud should go to a mental hospital
A second Sonic character is most likely of the three.
Even with Konami's issues, I'd legitimately be shocked if Simon Belmont isn't in Smash 5.
It's one of those foregone conclusions like Pacman and Megaman last time.
>mfw half of Sup Forums was adamant Pacman had no chance when it was ridiculously obvious
He could also use the various level hazards like spikes, the black blob monsters, or lasers.
Costumes could also be used to give him various other attacks. Like the ninja costume offering him a dash attack or the bunny ears giving him his second jump.
And maybe also those giant blocks he uses to quell the meteor smoke in the first game could be his final smash.
Messi representing both the FIFA and PES series.
Konami's not getting involved with Smash again unless they get to port it to pachinko machines
You have a source to back that up, friendo?
Rayman and maybe Crash since he had success in Japan.
Steve doesn't sound too far fetched considering how much MC has sold.
Well Nintendo did negotiate with Konami to add Castlevania 1 and 2 to the NES Mini
Roster faggotry never changes
This shit is gay post rosters
Its hard to be iconic when you star in 1 game of 14 games then got sent into semi-spinoff hell
James Bond and Mike Tyson
Would Tyson be okay with an ear biting attack?
As much as I want this to happen he's a literally who to literally who's.
Western indie characters have a higher chance then him
I'll never not want him despite how right you are and that I know he has a 0% chance.
So... if those 7 companies came together and made a huge franchise collab, who would be in it?
So who was worse?
The K.roolfags or the Ridleyfags?
Square would never join, but I wouldn't mind seeing Life is Strange represented...
Besides Final Fantasy, if their GO series are any indication, there would probably be Just Cause, Hitman, and Tomb Raider reps.
Ridleyfags in the beginning, but then when the Smash poll thing started they kinda died down for some reason and K.rool fags took their place by being obnoxious from then on.
Honorable mention goes to Shantefags who were also insufferable as hell.
Ridleyfags quiet down after being decimated
They could make a comeback like the Genofags
Especially now that the trademark for Eternal Darkness will be abandoned if Nintendo doesn't use it this year.
Hell I'd be surprised if they didn't gave the whole IP away to Dyack considering his recent comments about Nintendo.
That was me.
What are you talking about, Crash is already in Smash
I'm fine with 3rd part characters in Smash Bros. but only if that character has something to do with Nintendo at all like having a big game on one of their consoles and etc.
I mean, I was surprised when Cloud joined the party. As far as I'm concerned, I don't think there's a FF7 game on a Nintendo console (I don't count games that has cloud in it in which he isn't the main character but rather just a optional party member or something like that) and it just made me think that they added Cloud just to promote FF7HD.
>That's true, no other franchises come to mind
Is this guy for real? Does he have any thoughts outside felating his guest?
>Removing characters
Yeah, they could always be changed if they're shit.
Japan likes to stroke its ego, so probably a second Sonic character. So no Banjo, Crash, Spyro, Quote, Shantae, Shovel Knight, etc unless we get really lucky.
And they'll go by popularity too, so expect Shadow the Edgehog before Tails or Knuckles.
>Paper Mario
>Captain Toad
>Dixie Kong
As a replacement Sheik? Sure, why not.
>Waddle Dee
>Wonder Red
>Chibi Robo
>Balloon Fighter / Alice
Add in Lip, Dark Matter, Goku (Yuyuki), Andy, Ray MK III, Mike Jones, Starfy, 2Bigley, K. Uck, and Gwonam.
They make me sad because I know everyone but Sonic will be gone in the next game.
>And they'll go by popularity too, so expect Shadow the Edgehog before Tails or Knuckles.
if sakurai only cared about popularity and nothing else ashley and waluigi would of been playable.
>keeping sonic but not keeping bayonetta even though they're both owned by sega
besides, just because konami went off the deep end doesn't mean the other companies immediately will
Oh yeah and fucking Simon Belmont as the 3rd party char. Not that fucking red headed emo tranny either, this Simon Belmont.
Sakurai usually goes by what's relevant and interesting
>>paper mario
How would Sup Forums react if Kensuke "It's like love. It's like romance" Tanabe becomes in charge of the next Smash?
i wanted snake
This is Sakurai, remember.
If a second Sonic character gets in, it'll be Classic Sonic
God tier: Sonic, Snake
Great: Bayonetta, Ryu, Megaman
Okay: Cloud
Why: pacman
What differences would they have?
Snake was awesome, mega man was cool
Pac was awesome, ryu was alright, cloud is faggot goku fanfic shit, bayo was neat
i would track him down to his house and when he least suspects it leap out from a closet and latch onto him and play his head like a bongo
Eggman please
Bowser JR. has already given the foundation for him
>STILL no new Kirby rep.
Are you fucking kidding me.
Be grateful it's not Meme-Man
>like a bongo
Even if not third party, they should add Dixie Kong already. Not because of a weird fetish, but fetish nonetheless.
Setting that version of Mario so far apart as to actually make him an alternate version and rename him Paper Mario so his gimmick is fully cemented that he's just a piece of fucking paper is a disservice to the series and always has been. It was awful in Paper Jam. If you were a real Paper Mario fan you wouldn't want him in Smash Bros. It would be best if they just implemented some of Mario's moves from that game into Mario's moveset, probably as alternate moves. Like his hammer for a new side-b.
I want to plow Dixie's hairy cunt as she talks to Diddy over the banana phone. Him wondering why she sounds so labored as my superior Homo Sapien penis slides further into her banana split. And this whole time Diddy knows something isn't right, Dixie's late nights at the banana bar, the excuses, the growing apart. Not to mention her short temper. He can't call her on it. Nor would he, but he knows. And that doubt causes him to turn the coconut gun on himself. Because deep down he knows Dixie is happier with me. Donkey Kong would walk in on Diddy at that defining moment, screaming "Little buddy!! NO!!!" But it would be to late. The coconut round would smash his tiny head. No pain, only release. Donkey Kong would sing a song, much like he is accustomed to, hoping it will fix everything like in the show. But it won't. Not this time. The funeral would have a decent turnout. Cranky, his smart ass attitude still shining through even in the wake of this suicide. "I knew that Diddy had a few screws loose" He would scoff ass he looked down at the banana peel coffin. A single tear rolling down his face. Cranky loved him. But he would never admit it. Of course Lanky, Tiny, Funky and the rest of the gang would show. However, Dixie and I wouldn't show. We'd be to busy fucking in the spot where Diddy ended his pathetic life. All the while, joking about how beta he is. As she gave me her anal virginity, Dixie said she didn't like anal, and never did for Diddy. But she would do it for me.
>A second Sonic character?
>An indie character?
3rd party characters don't just get chosen at random. So far the "pattern" has been iconic characters from big-name 3rd party companies. It's not about the kind of moveset a character would have, or how many votes they got in the ballot, it's about them representing the company that they're from. That being said, Smash 5 will most likely have Rayman as a Ubisoft rep, or if they really wanted break the glass ceiling again in an attempt to top Cloud, Crash and/or Spyro.
>Balloon Fighter
Villager fills this role with his Up B, taking out Balloon Fighter's shtick
>representing SEGA
Sonic was the most hype
After 06, it was like a light in the darkness.
It's sad that you have a copypaste for this occasion.
she just got in because of the ballot
Eggman would work well, give him both 16 colours with 8 classic and 8 modern based of the chaos emeralds
Eggman Nega colour
>Snake is gone forever
>He couldn't have guns in a T rated game
>Bayonetta can in a E10+ rated game
I'd trade Bayonetta for Banjo and Cloud for Rayman or Crash.
It's shit
They went with a bunch of literally whos that sakurai liked instead of what everyone actually wanted
Yeah, uh huh, she she did
She totally won* that ballot
They go by whichever Japanese companies pay them for advertisement and can fit under "retro" iconography.
Although Bayonetta's case was just for Nintendo's own publisher-marketing. A subtler Corrin basically.
Money is and will always be the main motivator.
Bayo is more of a Platinum Rep. Bayo's crazy combo-based moveset also near-perfectly represents the "Platinum Formula" of gameplay too. And while she might not be iconic, she's the closest thing Platinum would have as a mascot, at least when in relation to Nintendo.
Capcom is the only company to get 2 proper reps because they've just so happened to produce 2 of the most iconic characters in gaming.
She's a shoe in for the next Smash Bros right?
Literally who
>Bozon hyping it all up
>That picture of Sakurai with that Wayforward person
>Constant and obnoxious roster faggotry even in roster faggotry standards
>Ignorance of any arguments against her inclusion
>Ended up with nothing but infamy within the community (at least on Sup Forums)
About as likely as Moomintroll
How angry would Sup Forums be if Tsubasa made it in?
Bomberman or Belmont, purely because of the impossibility of Konami doing something nice these days.
It hurts
Villager also allegedly took Little Mac's gimmick by having his neutral A be boxing gloves.
Imagine a Balloon Fighter whose balloons are ever-present and affect his jumping and air manoeuvrability. Air attacks would be powerful and effective, whereas ground attacks would be limited and difficult to hit with (like an inverse Mac). The balloons could pop, rendering his aerial game less effective, but he could pump up new balloons to get back in the air.
Add in some wind pushes, spike balls, and thunder traps for additional special moves and you'd have a fighter with a unique attack set.
I wouldn't since it means she'd get more porn.
This. When 3rd party 'slots' are concerned, it's not about the character or the franchise in which the character originates from, but the company. Each 3rd party choice has essentially been the mascot of the company they're from.
>SEGA = Sonic
>Capcom = Mega Man (Or arguably Ryu since they're both pretty big)
>Bamco = Pac-Man
>Platinum = Bayonetta
With Konami, you could argue that Simon Belmont could maybe be seen as bigger than Snake, but everyone's saying if Konami ever teamed up with Nintendo for Smash again, there's a damn good chance he'd be their choice.
As for Cloud, Square doesn't really have a mascot character, but their flagship franchise is without a doubt Final Fantasy. So choosing the MC from the most iconic instalment from the series is a given. Note that Cloud's icon in smash is the "FF", not the meteor symbol. He's there representing Final Fantasy as a whole, not just FFVII.
Ignore indiefags, just let them live in delusion.