Really makes you think

Really makes you think

Not really. West and East have different ideas on what they consider "cool" and what appeals to each one.

Wein is awesome, good taste in bait images I guess.

Is Wein the japanese one? From what game is he?

Growlanser 2. Great game, though 4 is probably the best in the series.

>Western character:
Geralt was born with a special power. he was stronger than anyone else in rivia fighting academy. he served in the temeria military fighting many enemys and he is half human half witcher which gives him special magic powers an the best swordsman in the land and is over 100 years old, good at magic and dosnt take shit from any1, pls stop PMing me why he couldn't save foltest fuck you LETHO every1 knows ur a fuking kingslaying fagot

>Japanese character:
Luke fon Fabre was born into a rich and influential family and spoiled rotten. The horrors of war and dangers of ordinary life unknown to him, he is thrust into a role as an ambassador of peace to negotiate a truce between two warring nations. He is betrayed by his most trusted mentor and is soon abandoned by his comrades for his childish outbursts and refusal to acknowledge the disaster that was wrought. After much introspection he attempts to change his way though blindly so; pursuing the concept 'instant gratification' redemption and pointless martyrdom. As he slowly regains the respect of his party and through a long journey he is able to find himself and realizes the capacity of what he can continue to do while still living, and mans the fuck up by the end of his ordeal.

Yeah, he's from Growlanser II. It's a JRPG with a RTwP-like battle system (but more slow-paced and tactics focused). Your positioning on the map matters and there's often side objectives aside from killing the enemies so there battles are a lot more involved than other JRPGs (though it's still easy). There's three different routes in the game and the story is pretty interesting, but you need to play Growlanser I first to understand everything. Wein's a pretty normal guy who graduates from a military academy and aspires to be an elite soldier. He looks like a dork but he generally acts in a mature and professional manner.

Oh, I know what thread this is!

It's an OBJECTIVE CHART thread!


Wein Cruz is none of those things tho, OP.


Whoever chose Wein to put in this image is a fucking genius.

The worst part is that in this very moment, there are people on this board who not prefer the left one.

Fucking normies.

>open minded

I meant right.



Kek, I love these.



>Mass Effect 3

Man, what shitshows they turned out to be. I remember looking forward to Versus XIII at one point.


Not even out. Already having a faggy attitude.




please post more objective charts

and is there an eastern version of Op's pic?

>(still impressive)




Those were my most OBJECTIVE CHARTS. I'll post some more, but they're not as OBJECTIVE.

Feel free to post more OBJECTIVE CHARTS.

>Geralt was born with a special power.

And he stumbles out of the gate.

This one is pretty good.

>implying excel 95 wasn't the most terrifying game of all time bitch man.

I love these threads.

Satoshi Urushihara is based as heck to be honest.


>2012 was 4 years ago

i recognize guts and griffith but who's the chick in the middle?

Take this one with a grain of salt guys.

I hate that artist. He never made a sequel to Front Innocent.


i lol'd


making a realistic battle simulator would be 95% trying to figure out who is where and doing what and 5% actually giving orders



>Keeps a secret diary with "I HATE VIDEO GAMES AND I NEVER PLAY THEM" written on every page
Sounds like Sup Forums


I lol'd too hard

The demos and stage presentations have been awful.


really makes you think

That's not Guts and Griffith.

PS: The Japanese probably have the highest visual IQ on the planet. They can actually create symmetry and contrast in a culture that actually promotes beauty as opposed to the moralisms of more verbal IQ oriented cultures.

Not a troll image desu.

or to get to the point, the contrast between "dark rugged" and "light fair" is far far from original to Berserk.


control tower simulator actually sounds like it could be pretty fun. especially if the game threw some 9/11 tier disasters your way.


Hold up, somethings wrong with this picture.

It's being entirely positive, what the fuck

Seriously though, what exactly is this?

>Gran Turismo
wait really?


Something called 'Evil Heart', not really sure. Just had it saved in my Satoshi Urushihara folder.


He blew the entire series budget on episode 1.

>hating on fable
fuck off right now!!!

>The future
>Mass Effect 3
>Ni No Kuni

>various game modes
i can think of throwing it ... and catching it?



only nostalgia fags think fable was great

its definitely decent and worth a play through though

fable 2 and 3 are hot garbage.




Was doing so well untill the last line.

Fable is okay for what it is. I replayed it like 10 times in a row when i was younger.

>Choppy MSPaint Rescale

beating someone up with it
dropping it on someone
what else?

Throw it to knock other rocks
Juggle it
Spin it
Throw it at sea so it skips on the surface

I already gave way more game modes than D3


>Geralt was born with a special power
No he wasn't.

>anyone else in rivia fighting academy
No he wasn't. He isn't even from Rivia. He uses the name because 'he has to be from somewhere' as he doesn't know exactly where he's from.

>he served in the Temeria military
He did not. He was a mercenary trying to earn enough gold to buy a farm.

i totally agree for fable 1

I thought it was the hottest shit when I was younger

then I played it like 2 years ago and said, i can go without playing that ever again.

Justin Sweet is the shit.


carving it too. but that requires paid DLC.


Has to deal with actual morally ambiguous and complex situations where you can't really see where good and evil lie, and you have a say in all this. He's a simple man by design.

>Luke fon Fabre
Overdesigned character that is maybe not completely bidimensional, but almost. His banal role in a plot that just throws stuff at him for "epic tweest" purposes has to be overblown with a pompous description that actually puts more thought and effort in his situation than the original writer ever did, just like every anime fan-fic ever written.

So western characters are weak useless pieces of shit while japanese characters are actually worth something?


>not using a rock of the same type for free

Stop getting brainwashed by capitalists.

xDDD : the thread

Geralt is literally a special snowflake that got an extra dose of the usual mutagen because he was resistant to the negative side effects.

wtf i hate this thread now


What the fuck is with Asian TV shows and movies having their characters acting overly expressive? There's no subtlety.

Bang two rocks together rhythm game
Throw it the farthest contest
Throw it accurately contest
Heavy rock lifting contest
"find the rock" contest
"Don't drop the rock" contest
Hot potato
Literal hot potato with bonfire dlc


I prefer the Manly Death series, although they did start going downhill with the Heterosexual Warfare franchise imo


the Growlanser games are actually pretty fucking boss for JRPGs

more freedom & story divergence than most WRPGs


as far as i remember it's just luck whether you live through the initiation or not
just because he got lucky and he's the best in swordfighting doesn't make him a special snowflake. Just because you aren't the brightest book on the shelf doesn't mean he can't be one. That said i disliked every single witcher book as the character itself isn't that interesting