You enter the room and Tomoko asks you:

You enter the room and Tomoko asks you:
>user, what games did you play today? Surely you're not some filthy casual trash, aren't you?
How do you respond? Choose your words carefully.

Dying Light

>wanna coop it with friend
>he gets it
>turns out he has x32
Finished Thief 2
Last level was shit, Shipping and Reciving was best.



fuckoff tomoki.

I don't play games when I have to work 10+ hours a day to feed and cloth you and keep a roof over mine and your head.

>able to talk to non-relatives without stuttering and running away
Good joke


>Sup Forums loved tomoko 2010-2011

>Sup Forums hates tomoko "stuttering smelly qt" tomoko

What happened?

I played mgs3 and listened to snake eater on repeat even while I showered
now get out of my house you smelly cunt

I was too busy fucking your cute little friend until she couldn't feel her legs, dick breath.

>tfw you were in a relationship like this
>tfw the only good thing was the sex
>tfw the rest of the day was just drama
>tfw the only thing she was doing all day was play shit online shit
>tfw the sex was fucking good
>tfw i'm better alone

Umaru became the flavor of the month in 2015. Now we have to wait for the next one.

One faggot forced and ruined her

It's kind of sad we will never go back to the days when Tomoko was the queen of Sup Forums and Sup Forums. When Sup Forums would circlejerk over the latest watamote manga chapter.

I played through JSRF again.

Day well spent you filthy fucking whore

all these redditors think that shes smelly

forced what?

Played EDF today. You wanna do some coop?


I heard it was not fun though.

You heard wrong.

>It's a shitskin avatarfag thread

>its a anons being butthurt thread

>what happened

turkish germans

his dick into her cunt

Bitch please, you only play Otome VNs, you are in no position to call somebody a casual

Why would I care what some shitty flavor of the month character thinks of me?

I played some Wildlife Park 2 you cunt. Now call your friend with big tits, I want to fuck