Will he ever return?
Monster Hunter
Maybe someday
If only in my dreams.
>Aerial art completely trivializes Najarala's strongest attack
Playing mh3u and nearing the end of high rank. How to guarauntee you steal his buff is a mystery to me. Guess its sonic bombs for life.
Best weapon
It's a really minor thing to complain about, but I hate how gen keeps lighting up the notification symbol to give me these worthless tickets and shit
They should just give you all the tickets through the mail cat or something, christ.
>aerial style trivializers the entire game
Hit the stagger limit while he's singing his buff. If you have a greatsword, level 3 charge will get it almost every time.
I guess they decided that they needed some kind of needless stupid bother for gen
At least it's not advanced quests
>At least it's not advanced quests
I ask you to elaborate on this
Why did they think Aerial was a good idea
Did you not play 4U or just not make it to G rank
>tfw playing longsword and embracing my inner weeb
If this is wrong I don't want to be right
It's more mounting in general ruined the series.
4U was a fucking cakewalk, and online rooms were just 4 people fishing for topples with leap attacks.
I mean it was fun for a while as a GS but it was the day MH died.
best bird. Love how he teaches you about monsters having niche interactions (buff stealing for peck), clearly breakable parts, item interactions, clear start up frames, and really nice openings for beginners.
gypceros and Yian kut Ku are fuck ass worthless monsters who aren't fun to fight. Garuga is cool but having a zero start up frame "run forward" attack as your strongest attack is horse shit.
Bring peco back for mh5 pls
will he ever return?
no he'll never return
and his fate is still unknown (OI OI OI)
I thought you were implying that "thank god gen doesn't have advanced quests"
In MH4U, completed quests with the 'Advanced' prefix could cycle in and out, so if you or your group want to do one that wasn't listed you'd all have to each post a harvest tour and abandon it, and hopefully refresh the list on your end.
The majority of quests in HR7 and especially G3 are considered Advanced. Getting the Rusted Kushala Daora quest in particular was a pain in the fucking dick if you wanted its armor; the arms were used in a lot of Honed Blade clownsuits.
I wouldn't say fuck ass useless.... but I'm not really gonna argue against it and other than that I would agree
where's his asshole
I think that's more or less exactly what I was implying
Fuck advanced quests, I hope the guy who approved that shit was taken out back and put down
Aisha best girl.
Yeah but at least it was a set of maps built around mounting, with only one pole vaulting gimmick weapon.
Monsters were very healthy and G special monsters were fast and tough to mount without a competent team. As a great sword user, mounting on solo quests felt very rewarding, and you could only get more than 2 mounts if you were really persistent about it.
Now I'm playing aerial great sword and nothing matters. I'll be able to solo alatreon without even trying. Nakarkos took 15 minutes solo. This game is boring as fuck, all the fun from challenge has been replaced with fun from CUHRAYZEE stylish execution.
Honestly one of my favorite tri/3U monsters. He was so good.
>non-brown aisha
I think you got the wrong door buddy, Rusted Kush is two blocks down.
>tfw my Vita died before it got an MH port
Nah, aerial trivializes half of it. Adept trivializes the rest.
Aerial is completely broken against flying wyverns, but it sucks against ground ones, like Zinogre. Try using that jump roll to avoid his dash claw attacks, its a fucking nightmare.
Half her art is non-brown, man. All canon sources are inconsistent with one another. This be an official render and it's pretty light.
>dual blades is pretty good
>aerial dual blades is ridiculously good
>Oh what's this art Wolf Paw, I guess I'll try it out
Congratulations! You just hunted a Khezu!
Here, as a reward you get to capture 1 Khezu!
Great you captured the Khezu! Here is your next mission: hunt 2 Khezu!
Oh you did it! Wonderful as a reward for your effort you get a KHEZU MARATHON!
>been playing MHX for like 4 or 5 days straight
>kind of want to go back to 3U instead
Should I? Wii U version.
Why does khezu habe no bg music? For us to appreciate his roars? Why
He also teaches you about breaks affecting the monster with his flints.
From the official art book.
>aerial not good against zinogre
You've clearly not fought zinogre enough. You literally jump right over his claw slam. If you don't have the correct timing window then don't fucking jump at him. I just kill 2 of them with my buddy in 7 minutes, aerial makes the game so easy i fall asleep if im too comfy while playing.
The only monsters I've found slightly easier with adept style are tigrex and khezu, because whole body is a hit box so you're your better off being able to dodge right into them for free damage.
Granted, I use aerial great sword and since adept is shit on GS, I just switch to DB for adept.
No eyes.
Same reason you don't flinch when it notices you nor do you get the eye effect nor do you get a panic dive.
He never actually sees you.
Like I said, inconsistent. Isn't she also kind of light in the MH Tri cinematic for story mode? It's been a while.
Hunting music plays when a monster sees you. Khezu has no eyes, ergo he can't see you and no music starts. You also used to not be able to dive in the old games because that also depended on the monster seeing you. They decided "fuck it" and let you dive come 4U.
>Kill X for the first time
>Village request pops up
>"Hey I need you to kill X"
Ok, thanks. Thats actually pretty cool, but at the same time not really cool
I will never understand why they thought he was a better choice than gigginox.
Khezu is abnoxious and doesn't even have music. Gigginox is fun, aethitically 100% cooler, and at least registers as a monster that can "see" you and plays theme song.
Why would they let a monster howl 5 times in a row as part of its decision making tree
Peco worst low tier Monster. Same difficultly as Jaggi with the added negative of having to run a mile after it flies away.
As much as this game is stupid easy now, wolfs maw on DB does feel disgustingly cool.
Chalk that one up there with lion's maw III, Brimstone Slash III greatsword
MHX/G is Nostalgia: The Game.
MH5 will bring back the improved monsters, or maybe even have a mostly new set.
Only reason I can think about its because it looks like a flaccid dick
Well I havent fought Zinogre much with aerial stuff because, as you said, its a fucking boring style. You keep using the same move over and over and win, I don't know how the hell you've been using it the whole game.
I started with aerial db but even I got bored of it and just went back to the more comfy guild hammer and striker lance.
Fuck aerial and adept, I'll keep using guild and striker solo and not give a damn about the randoms who dont.
You still get panic dive. I accidentally do it all the time and it makes me very upset since he just spits lightning balls at me whenever I do it.
I don't like Khezu either but you're deluding yourself if you think Gigginox doesn't roar endlessly.
Feeling very nostalgic with all these jump spamming and absolute evasions. The good old days mang.
I don't know Nibelsnarf is legit fucking cancer along with Cephadrome, I consider them worst.
Oh shush, you know what I meant.
Ayo, seeing as this is a general MH thread I got some questions.
Using GS in MH3U to finish high rank village and maybe solo g rank until I get bored.
what's the best raw damage GS I should have by Village 9*
I've ust be using the chief great sword or w/e for a while now.
Remember the good old days? Of fighting khezu? Thats the shit my man
>4U babby
>Find out in high rank that Nibelsnarf eats barrel bombs and then flips over so you can pull out the fishing rod
Oh so that's how you do it
Yeah, nostalgia overload. Jumping around with my mafumofu. Almost cried doing that.
Guild hammer bro here, I like you.
>Kelbi Slingshot isn't blast element
but muh memeshot
i always thought it started as soon as a monster notices you.
when you approach a monster from behind, it will turn around with that exclamation mark and then the music starts, never have i thought it has something to do with seeing.
i find "muh no eyes" to be an incredibly stupid reason to not play music, wich makes a tedious fight even more unsatisfying to do and however came up with this retarded idea can fuck off completely
also in arena quests there is music even when fighting khezu
Nibelsnarf really isn't that bad when he's in a decent map.
But the dunes are just the worst map in the series and ruin the monster.
In a large, flat, open area nibelsnarf is silly, easy, fast, and funny.
In the dunes he's cancer incarnate.
It's also supposed to make it creepier i guess since it likes to crawl in the ceiling without you noticing it noticing you noticing it
After clearing out the low rank requests I think I've hunted enough velocidromes for one lifetime
I've been using it the whole game because everything that isn't endgame is boring and trivial anyways. Nit gonna wate my time trying a less efficient weapon and style on a monster ive fought 100+ times in the past. I'm kind of in the boat of players who have played so much monster hunter that any new game that recycles old monsters is just boring until ~100 hours, when you start unlocking decent elder dragons.
I'm basically using aerial GS until i've made my 1st serious endgame set and then I'm planning to switch to bow and hunting horn, where the real fun is at. I just really want to fight amatsu, grinding to hr 70 will take a whole day less if I just aerial everything.
>solo grimclaw lvl 3
>just kept charging aerial gs
>gendrome kept on getting in the attack blast
>grimclaw and gendrome died together even though gendrome was never directly attacked
>was never paralyzed because all the jumping
>sub 10 minutes no death
Why are you not maining aerial GS again?
Does the Royal Ludroth remind anyone else of a retarded puppy?
I just dont see the need to make the non-endgame content, which is alreafy boring and trivial, even more boring and trivial.l while you could be learning a new weapon and have some fun.
Well, to each his own.
I've been using it the whole game because might as well. All these gimmicks will be gone in the next game, so I'll fuck around with it as much as I can before being thrown back into the traditional playstyle.
Well, the script in mh3 didn't seem to allow monster to roar more than twice in a row in my experience. Like, Nox does stoo to roar a lot, but never more than twice in a row.
Ever since 4U and the resurfacing of khezu, khezu specifically can
stand still and continously roar 4+ times without any other action in between, as though it randomly selected roar as an attack choice.
Also, gigginox armor gives hg earplugs which is a fucking courtesy considering how often he roars. Khezu armor gives jack dick and looks like ass.
>All these gimmicks will be gone next game
Yeah, keep believing that.
because it literally has one move
>All these gimmicks will be gone in the next game
This is only the beginning
Really? I've had Gigginox scream 4 times in a row for me, on several occasions. Rather annoying but I'd rather deal with that than Khezu. Giggi armor's more badass, anyway.
Its fucking boring, thats why.
I ran a god tier set with azure rathalos gs. Its not the highest raw or anything, but I ran it with hollow jhen set, so handicraft + sharpness, slotted in focus. Gives the sword purple sharpness that almost never goes away, which over the course of a quest, its far more valuable than a high raw that needs sharpening often.
Slime/Blast element was a mistake and the biggest thing holding back 3U from being an almost perfect game in my eyes.
Holy fuck, slime. Why.
Is it just me or are monsters more annoying with moving areas? I've had too many rathalos / rathians limping then changing areas then doing it AGAIN just as I get there and doing it AGAIN shortly after fighting it in another area. It's seriously pissing me off.
Was there a cooldown for area movement in previous games or something?
I see stuff like this posted a lot but aerial seems like either complete trash or a boring snoozefest whenever I try it.
Whatever you feel like man. Open up the forge and see which weapon has the highest raw and good sharpness. Narga and azure rathalos are pretty well rounded swords.
I notice too. Like if a monster is very close to dying, it moves to another area. Usually, youll think "ok, this is it. time to use my last trap for this cap quest!", then itll literally stay in that area for only 5 seconds and then transfer to its real resting grounds while you and your teammates just stare at each other
>hit him until he pops out o the sand
>still fish him out
Half the time you use barrels he just stops and fires a sandblast at it. I tend to glue myself to his face until I hit the stagger limit.
What monster is good for testing weapons on? Like if you can beat that monster with it, that is a good sign.
Guild hammer is the only way to play hammer. The weapon is so well balanced. My first main weapon ever. So good.
Niggas can call it too easy, adapt GL gives me both a ezy full reload and a slam/full burst. Quit nerfing this fucking weapon capcom
High Rank Room:
00 2663 6450 8106
Kelbishitters were cancer in 3u.
How could that weapon provide any amount of fun
Doesn't feel right, bro.
Lifetime GS user, I feel zero satisfaction killing the "hard" monsters of this game by bunny hopping into insta-level 3 repeatedly for 10 minutes.
It don't matter in Gen, can't really be made until HR, doesn't come with Blast element and Awaken isn't in Gen.
I'm considering makign it purely because I have no good rapid bow right now.
When a monster is close to dying they won't stay in a spot long unless they are going to sleep there.
Zinogre is my favorite to bully. Maybe Nargacuga too.
>Implying any monster fight is fun after 10 minutes
Yeah, 3 was nothing like this. Monster would be in an area for ~2 minutes minimum, only exception being the monster flew there and as soon as you get there, you push it over the capture limit and its prompted to limo to safety.
In this game they rarely go directly to their sleep area, they'll attack twice and leave for no particular reason, and fly the opposite direction of where they were going to land.
All the smart mechanics they had to help players capture monsters are replaced by more realistic portrayals of how a wounded animal would behave.
huh, i could see that being a way of looking at it
>implying any monster fight under ten minuted is fun
Two types of players I guess
>needing a kelbi bow to beat a monster in under 10 minutes
Moofy best pet
do i have to host hyper rooms like an urgent to unlock new hyper monsters? Or can I progress in others rooms like normal quests?