Why does Sup Forums like trash?

Why does Sup Forums like trash?

>"Doom is good"
>"Overwatch is good"
>"Witcher is good"

You guys seriously have bad fucking tastes in video games. It pisses me off when I see faggots say this shit

Massive weeaboo detected

Doom is fun, OP. Did you even bother trying to play it or did you make up an uneducated opinion?

I've played all 3 games and they're all fucking trash. Doom is just endless slaughter, Overwatch has shit heroes and shit guns, and the main character of the Witcher is just a fucking faggot, I can't bare it.

I think you're making huge exaggerations over pretty well nothing, and I don't believe you've played any of these three games.


Witcher isn't 'good'.
It's fucking amazing.

maybe video games aren't for you user

>its another "look how contrarian I am, my taste is clearly superior than everyone else's" episode

Because Sup Forums is not only one person, and personal tastes and ways to think are incredibly varied.
Every object in your desk, including your arms (not you, your arms specifically) are a fetish to someone.

Seriously I heard nothing but good things about The Witcher for like 6 fucking months before I was like "alright it can't be that bad I'll pick it up, 60 bucks for GOTY is worth"

I've played 3 hours and I can't force myself to try more. That game fucking sucks dick. It's everything I hate about games. Fuck it sucks.

Please recommend a good game op ;)

>I heard nothing but good things about The Witcher
This means that you've never been on Sup Forums. I am not exaggerating.

Hamtaro: Heartbreak.

Since you have flawless taste, OP, I'm eager for you to recommend a good game. What would you suggest I play?

Well shit. Color me impressed.

>butthurt weeb detected
face it, while jap devs might be cool they still make shitty games, western games are more fun but instead have shitty devs.

Doom IS good
Witcher IS good
Overwatch IS good

You seriously have bad fucking taste in videogames

Dota 2

I don't give a shit about Sup Forumss opinions on games I know your all retards. The good words came from trusted sources who just aren't as trusted sources anymore.

You're a Sup Forums user too.

I like to think otherwise.

It's okay. A bit disappointing that it doesn't even try to live up to 1/2/64 in level design but what it does is fine on its own. Definitely represents a step in the right direction for shooters, considering the slump they've been in.
It's fucking awful, I have no idea how people play it for more than a few hours. Tried to be a TF2 killer but managed to be less entertaining than fucking Dirty Bomb.
>le modem WRPG face

You're right about 2 out of 3 of those anyway.But yeah, Sup Forums's taste has only gotten shittier over the years.

See? a typical Sup Forums user.

What are your amazing tastes then OP?

give us 3 better games of similar genres, OP