>Being sjw-friendly doesn't sell games
Any game devs or game publishers agree yet?
Being sjw-friendly doesn't sell games
Other urls found in this thread:
>game is sjw friendly ----- people lost interest
>game is not sjw friendly ----- sjws pressure game to be pulled from sale
When will this meme end? Literally NO ONE relevant cares about SJW's.
Mirrors edge catalyst
probably not, because it's not true
You've got spoiled SJW kids that buy expensive shit like Gone Home because they're more familiar with Political correctness, than with gaming, and don't know the real value of money, so they buy that, hoping that could be a nice introduction into the gaming community
It does sell, simply because it's inviting those that don't know much about games into the market
>you gotta buy this game, no it's not like that at all! It's all about character development, and lets you see the true nature of a really strong independent woman
That's just one side of the story.
I hope Trump wins
God fucking damn it every day with this shit.
What was the last SJW drama in gaming? How long ago was it? And yet every fucking day, round the clock there are dozens of threads on here crying about SJWs.
I feel like I'm losing my goddamn mind.
Why not save your anger for when there's actually something happening to get mad about instead of crying about nothing every fucking day? You're turning into feminists who cry patriarchy every day even when NOTHING is happening.
Why are you so angry? OP isn't even angry.
That image needs a funnier name than you gave it.
Didn't she turn into a massive SJW?
>you were never one to nut in her and drive her to make a documentary about it
Lucky bastard
>Turn into
Nostalgia chick was always a feminist and that's basically what all her videos were about.
I think it's worth noting that Toby has never expressed any stupid opinions as far as I know, when someone asks him about his opinion on mayonnaise genderkins or other crap he typically dodges the question. The only people pushing the game as some kind of best game ever because it has certain themes in it are journalists. The fanbase may be awful, but it's still an actual game without shitty narrative pushing
Capcom just removed nipple bumps the other day.
Of course, people like you shouted everyone day, claiming that it has nothing to do with SJWs.
#FE suffered a ton of changes.
But that was blamed on Nintendo. Again, ignoring SJW involvement.
Those stats are far outdated.
Undertale sold 1.8 million.
We gotta do something about this!
The nipple bumps were removed because ESPN are prudes. They wouldn't even let certain costumes be used.
Siege of Dragonspear?
Capcom should make regulation fighting uniforms for the entire cast. Leave the nipples alone.
To be fair here, Undertale was never indented to be a SJW game and it was never confirmed that the protag is a tranny.
Only SJWs and anti-SJWs claim the game to be SJW for arbitrary reasons.
Nintendo no matter what side they leaned on are retards with localisation.
But current one doesn't bode well.
fair enough, but it does happen
and i dare say that it's common enough that they could make games with SJW in mind to pander for sales
see: Harada tweets
just look at ghostbusters, it was super sjw and it flopped
Nintendo have always censored shit because they want to be a family friendly company. Nothing to do with social justice.
>tfw you got undertale on 9/20/2015 before it got huge
All the jap devs
>pandering to people who don't play games
>surprised when they don't buy it
He's right you know. I'm tired of seeing this shit as well
>"i didn't like the changes they made, therefore they are bad"
If taking away "nipple bumps" or changes like the ones FE went through (Wich are not as important as you might think, since they don't affect gameplay, you would know this if you actually played the game) means they suddenly become a bad game then they were bad from the getgo user
Pandering to a demographic in the minority won't sell games.
Certain games will gain from it, such as games that already have an SJW demographic (Bioshock, Mass Effect, The Witcher etc.) but adding SJW shit to a game not played by SJWs is only going to alienate your current fans.
It worked for the best game.
actually I decided to become one because of it
'Social justice' is such a misnomer. It's more like Social envy and spite.
Gone Home came out before everyone realizes how corrupted gaming journalists were, that's the main reason why it got sales. People got suckered into the 10/10 perfect scores.
But after the whole GG shit... gamers don't trust gaming journalists the same way they did before. Hence SJW games like Sunset... which game out after the whole GG shit... sold like shit that the company had to fold.
Got less so towards 2010's with current treehouse, plus how censoring lowered somewhat during last two gens.
Didn't really look like a typical one.
To be honest if you are a big company the amount you'll lose to minor pandering is probably ought-weighed(metaphorically and physically) by the support you might get from tumblrfags and their ilk
how about not pandering at all and just make something that you can feel content with having created
But user if game companies didn't pander we wouldn't have waifu games anymore
>Having a female protagonist instantly casts you as a SJW
wew lad, that's some autism right there.
waifu games aren't pandering, the creators love making waifus and are therefore content in having them made
>you played Undertale before it became a meme and people jaded
I never picked up anything SJW about the game, but I guess people that didn't play the game and cross-browse tumblr know better than me.
So people who make """"SJW games"""" aren't making what they want? They actually want to be making titty ninja games but are being FORCED to pander to LIBERALS when really they want to be making games about schoolgirls killing jews?
Just face it, you either take a stance that pandering is fine, or bad. You can't just decide it's one way or another depending on if you like the pandering or not.
user, if your character isnt a white male it's instantly a "SJW game". Haven't you learned anything from those Goobergabers yet?
you're taking it as if waifu games are what people who make games are the most content in creating, i said that waifu games are not pandering because the creators are content in making waifu games
they can choose to make games like endless legend or DOOM if they want to if they are content in making such games then they are not pandering to anyone except themselves which sjw games don't, they are made to not be pandering towards the creator himself
Pandering is the worst crime a dev can commit unless I like it
If I like the pandering then they're based
Anti-censorship on Sup Forums is fighting censorship because of censorship, not how it affects games.
That's silly. The content is "pandering to the dev". They like the ideas expressed in their work, they like the story, etc. These games aren't soulless propaganda written by a random guy who's dead inside. They're written by people who want to express their ideas, however retarded they might be
SJWs and political overcorrectness are here to stay.
i hope they start seeing through the crap, but when you think of it, they're only interested in what sells, not what some nerd like you or me finds cool and artistically profound
all in all i think that doing any sort of art for fulfilling someone else's fantasy instead of your own is pointless,conformist and dumb
i guess the SJW pandering is in a decline then
which is a good thing
I also think i see more anti-SJW content than i did this time two years ago, so i think the world is starting to realize that we can't just accept whomever cries the most
how long will it last?
>how long will it last?
Until the current generation of children grow up and it happens all over again.
what's sjw about it?
How the fuck is the protagonist a tranny? I mean I guess you can't really tell if it's a boy or a girl but I feel like that's for a different reason
You should realize by now that if the protagonist isn't a straight, white, able-bodied, Christian male, then it's SJWs at work.
These cringe crusaders want to launch a holy war on censorship, but ONLY over animu tits. Another game which is coming out soon is having blood censored, and Sup Forums shrugged it's collective shoulders. But the second some cleavage disappears you can be sure these fucking losers will be losing their fucking minds over it. Because they have nothing else. They don't like any games other than their fapbait pandering garbage and they certainly don't have girlfriends to take their minds off their 2D fantasies. It's all they have, so they kick and scream and have absolutely no self-awareness for how pathetic and embarrassing they look. Companies continue to ignore them because they don't lose face with any rational, average person, they just lose the "loyalty" of screeching autistic shutins who will announce a boycott at the drop of a hat, or planned to pirate your games from the beginning. Money is not lost by ignoring these sad sacks of shit.
Every single time something in videogames is censored other than a waifu, nobody gives a shit.
I see these types of bullshit disingenuous replies all the time in these threads, it's the kind of shit I'd expect from tumblr. Even more asinine then shitposting.
No matter how condescending you are, how many arguments you attempt to sweep away and ignore people ARE getting tired of SJW bullshit.
It's funny how easily this can be twisted, and how it can represent both sides of this shitshow. Perhaps the only reason people are launching a "crusader war on censorship" is because the only thing being censored is tits? And yes, it is a difficult thing to argue for because anything involving the defense of sexual content immediately puts you at a disadvantage, especially in the west. But this isn't true, as I've also seen people mentioning the changing or outright omission of certain content in translations, not to mention the entire censorship issue we had with Jack Thomson years ago which had nothing to do with sex.
To me it seems less about "basement dwelling neckbeards wanting their waifus" and more about puritans wanting less sexual elements in games.
Some people can't tell the difference between "androgynous looking for story and relatability reasons" and "special snowflake nonbinary asexual pride pan-demiqueer-kin"
His gender is literally what the player wants it to be and nothing else.
>it has a lesbian couple
>tumblr likes it
>it's indie
>i don't like it
The censorship on #fe was retarded though:
The Target audience was weebshitters who are big into idol culture.
They removed a lot of parts that are prominent in the idolculture and changed it to hip-hop related shit, which has barly anything to do with idolculture.
Also the change from the classical white marriage dress to the standard arabic marriage dress FOR A JAPANESE WEDDING is balls to the walls retarded.
Thankfully I can read japanese well enough and own a japanese wii u, so no issues for me but I can see why a lot of others have big problem with this cancerous "localisation".
Only thing to make it more idiotic was to change "Tokyo" to "New York City".
>these fucking losers
Alison Rapp, chill the fuck out
Overwatch would beg to differ.
If Battleborn isn't a prime example of how pandering towards these politically correct sock puppets makes for a shit outcome, then I don't know what is.
Seriously, it should become a staple in the workplace of the videogame industry. Posters on the walls in a motivational style,
>implying Overwatch sold well because it's "sjw friendly" and not because it's a good game by a popular dev
>The target audience was weebshitters who are big into idol culture.
Somehow they seem to have thought it would just sell well with children instead.
America is on the verge of a race war and Europe is in the middle of a holy war because of SJWs.
>on the verge of war
>implying white people will ever actually do anything
We've gotten too soft. We're largely just going to roll over after Hillary gets elected and the globalists take over.
>Another game which is coming out soon is having blood censored
Which game?
She intentionally stopped using birth control so that she could film herself having an abortion.
That seems REALLY unethical somehow. Like it's even got to make a lot of pro choice people a little uncomfortable.
>Le globalists!!!
Here we go again.
>he thinks globalists are a meme
>when the EU exists and Democrats want to have open borders and basically make all of North America into the North American Union
the only pandering to SJW was Blizzard stating that some characters are gay.
And the only legit confirmed gay character is Luccio, who ISNT a stereotypical gay (you know, something left wing liberals hate because gays need to behave like special queer butterflies in public, or else they couldnt say "dont opress them!)
Also the fact that they changed Tracers ass pose to a FUCKING POSE OF A FAMOUS PIN-UP GIRL FROM THE 50's!!
No, Overwatch isnt pandering to them. In fact they are shitting on them hard.
>When the EU exists
Study some history and economics, please,
I have, and the EU has unelected officials bureaucratically running things for countries in the union without their consent. They're the new USSR, deal with it.
isn't that more related to Undertale inheriting Homestuck's retarded fanbase due Toby's previous on it than SJW by themselves?
>Hurr durr I'm comfortably ignorant and misinformed, deal with it
Most Sup Forums post ever made, well done.
Game exists as a commentary on gaming and violence, preaches message of acceptance, forced lesbian couple for the sake of having it, comedy on par with shit you'd see on tumblr and twitter, tries very hard to tug on heart strings and be an emotional cryfest around the end, creator himself very emotional unstable person, made apologies for certain things offending people on tumblr.
That's because no one cares about WoW
>I want my country to be the equivalent of an international airport
>Game exists as a commentary on gaming and violence,
You can literally kill everyone and give no fucks if you want to
>preaches message of acceptance,
It doesn't preach anything, it just deals with things like "friendship" and you got triggered by it. Actually name one time it preached anything.
>forced lesbian couple for the sake of having it,
Name 3 gay couples in games you don't consider "forced"
I bet a million fucking dollars you can't, and it's not because there aren't any
>comedy on par with shit you'd see on tumblr and twitter,
>tries very hard to tug on heart strings and be an emotional cryfest around the end,
So trying to have anything that makes you feel anything is SJW propaganda, okay chum
>creator himself very emotional unstable person,
Source? Even if this is true, this doesn't make the game SJW. You are fucking desperate.
>made apologies for certain things offending people on tumblr.
Oh no how awful. I hate him now because I'm 13.
How does it feel like being the only person in this thread with a brain?
That is a sort of fascinating thing, since fixed-exchange regimes have been tried over and over in Europe and always ended in disaster. But I'm sure the mother of all fixed exchange systems coupled with endless austerity will be fine, and won't cause European unity to disintegrate further.
Nah, it flopped because it cost 60 bucks and was hot garbage.
or maybe you are one of those retards, talking about movies in Sup Forums - VIDEO GAMES?
It's not about the sales, it's about the endless March through the Institutions and Permanent Revolution.
>Capcom just removed nipple bumps the other day.
Blame the right wing moral outrage retards.
They started this.
Usually the sjw-friendly appeals normies more, that's why sell. Still not sjw-friendly and not weeb(like Overwatch. Or Halo. Or COD) sell more than others two games.
so by research you mean you watched that shitty brexit documentary and then watched some sargon videos
well you must be a true soldier of rationality kid
>You can literally kill everyone and give no fucks if you want to
and the game hammers it in how bad that is and the genocide route is a slow miserable grind to drill in the fact that what you're doing is so bad
you are fucking delusional if you think the game is giving you an open ended message on morality just because the choice is there, it's not a grey area either - it expects you purely to be good
Actually, whether something is fun is the subjective part. That the humour is tumblr-tier is not subjective.
>Capcom just removed nipple bumps the other day.
You have to be shitting me.
epic loaded answers, lad
I think Sup Forums are Muslim tier faggots.
>forced lesbian couple
Translation: There is a lesbian couple in the game, therefor it's by definition forced. Then being gay is the only thing I can focus on, even though I claim to not care. My fragile christian sensibilities are so, so hurt.
>comedy on par with shit you'd see on tumblr and twitter,
Translation: I am the fun police, I am the arbiter of what is objective fun. No fun allowed.
>tries very hard to tug on heart strings and be an emotional cryfest around the end
Translation: Emotions other than the hard-on I get when ripping the head off people is confusing and I don't like it.
>it expects you purely to be good
Lots of games berate you for doing the "wrong" thing, even if you literally had no choice.
Go away.
>Game exists as a commentary on gaming and violence,
No it doesn't. Not any more than fucking Deus Ex. It just a lethal and non-lethal path.
>preaches message of acceptance
Or it preaches the opposite. It's a game that's both.
sometimes i wonder
are you faggots aggressively using strawpoll for monetary reasons?
or you just want your daily (you)'s like the attention-whoring frogfuckers from /r9k/