This man is trying to save gaming and no one cares. Sad!
This man is trying to save gaming and no one cares. Sad!
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He's trying to sell Xboxes and windows.
Nothing more user.
gtfo shill
By doing what?
>saving gaming with no games
che merda linki porca troia
yeah, no
this man and his corporation was perfectly suited to fuck you in the ass and do everything horrible he could get away with until he couldn't get away with it
they backpedal on every goddamn thing they say so basically nothing they say has value or meaning
fuck shill spencer, fuck xbox and fuck consoles
and fuck steam now im at it
gog is the way to go
Xbox owner have a homoerotic attraction to this guy.
Thank you Phil
Thank you for making more consoles than exclusives for said console
Thank you for charging hundreds of dollars for pretty much the same controller with a different d-pad
Thank you for killing games early in their lifespan like Project Spark and some before they even come out like Phantom Dust and Fable Legends
Thank you for strangling games like Tomb Raider and Dead Rising on your dead platforms just to pad your “greatest lineup in Xbox history”
Thank you for making the millions of Kinects that people bought literally useless, even removing some features.
Thank you for treating some “backwards compatible” games like Red dead redemption and call of duty bigger than some games you invested millions in like Quantum Break
Thank you for raping Rare‘s corpse one last time before they stopped making Kinect games and turned Conker into a down syndrome looking cunt on a piece of shit $2000 pair of goggles
And last of all thank you for playing the nice guy card everywhere you go and for wearing limbo shirts and shit on stage, us gamers amirite?!?
PR balrog
>console retard
>trying to save gaming
Ha!, Oh boy le 4chins are just hilarious today! Have you guys considered a comedy career? You'd be le bomb xD
Sure it's sonygger in here
Thank you salty Gaystation player for your input
>people actually defending microsoft after all the cancer they introduced to the industry
I defend microsoft because theyre the only ones besides sega who are capable of making good controllers
>save gaming
heh good one
Trump pls go.
they should just start making PCs
>what is ds4
A cheap overpriced piece of junk with triggers that break away from being pressed to hard and stick rubber that disappears
I don't know what you expect, THEY ARE RUCKING BUSINESSES. the days of doing it for the players or whatever where over years ago. wake the fuck up so fuck Phil, Bill and ducking gaben pirate everything. and they are still decent games out there, like undertale was one made for us, so you want change stop giving them money so you force change.
>triggers that break away from being pressed to hard
i dont even understand how you could do this. stop mashing your triggers so hard.
>stick rubber that disappears
if it bothers you, you can replace them
I did the ducking auto correct meme
kill me
DS4 gets 10hrs of battery life, based sony just doesn't make games longer than that
4th from the top, second one from the left. What game?
yeah that could be better but how do you want to last anyways? imo 10 hours is fair.
My xbone pad gets 40hrs on a set of Eneloops. If sony just let you use 2AA batteries (you can get 2000mah Eneloops) you can times the DS4 longevity by 4x and be more pro consumer in the process
>you can place them
Is that your argument for the controller being total shit?
Most of those have absolutely nothing to do with Xbox One / Windows 10
I use eneloop pros in my Xbox One controllers, not even sure how long they last because it's usually weeks before they need to be charged.
Mine gets 30hrs on duracell rechargeables.
AA Eneloops is about as good as you can get. I have argued with people on here about how using AA batteries is somehow cheaping out. People honestly try and tell me a sealed, proprietary packs are better.
Duracell is an ok brand but not worth the money. They are the same cells as house brands
AAs batteries is cheaping out however Eneloops are fantastic. The Dualshock 4 has shitty battery life but that doesn't mean all controllers with built in rechargeable batteries have shitty battery life. The dualshock 3 had good battery life and the Wii U pro controller has great battery life. Microsoft could have included a built in li-ion battery that gives battery life as good or better as eneloops and then I wouldn't have to remove batteries to charge them.
>My xbone pad gets 40hrs on a set of Eneloops.
good for you. although, that didnt answer my question. regardless, i'd prefer to have my controller be rechargeable instead of having to buy batteries to have it operate.
>If sony just let you use 2AA batteries (you can get 2000mah Eneloops) you can times the DS4 longevity by 4x and be more pro consumer in the process
there is absolutely nothing pro consumer about having to buy other products just to have the one you bought function(especially in 2016 when even the shittiest of devices come with a rechargeable battery).
According to Google, Tyranny by Paradox.
>AAs batteries is cheaping out
Please explain how following an industry standard is cheaping out.
Like fucking clock work the SDF comes out to white knight for anti consumer practices. I blame iPhones for pushing this proprietary packs thing. You can get a 4pack of AA eneloops with changer for 17 bucks off amazon.
no. i think the ds4 is pretty good. i was just saying that if the wear on the pads annoys him, he can replace it.
>Please explain how following an industry standard is cheaping out.
>the industry standard
Are you fucking with me? It's not the 1990s anymore. Nothing uses AAs now outside of cheap shit, tv remotes, and flashlights. Cameras, smart phones, and other electronics almost exclusively use built in rechargeable li-ion batteries because they are better and don't harm form factor as much as having to include a place to insert AAs.
I bought eneloop pros with the charger for less than 1 of microsoft's stupid play and charge kits which is the best solution given Microsoft's refusal to use li-ion. I had 4 play and charge kits last-gen and they all stopped holding a charge after a few years.
i play on pc. i dont even own a ps4.
>You can get a 4pack of AA eneloops with changer for 17 bucks off amazon
you missed the point. you're still paying money on top of the controller itself just to use it. this is what is anti-consumerist.
You're right.
Can I report this post?
Thanks for Forza Horizon 3 on PC, Phil.
See the thing about standards is they stay standards for a really long time. Please explain to me how a proprietary packs is better than a AA when a single AA eneloop has twice the power as Sonys pack and can be bought cheap just about everywhere
You don't understand the concept of anti consumerism nor why standards exist in every industry.
That battery pack in that DS4, what ya gonna do with it in 5 years when it dies? Toss it in the garbage and buy another DS4? In 20 years when them eneloops die (they hold more per charge and are rated for more charges). What will you do? Just buy some more AA eneloops or whatever brand is out and pop it in and go. It is anti consumer to use proprietary batteries even if it costs a few bucks more to equal the function of a proprietary pack.
By killing the abortion that is the Xbone
>no one cares
Wrong, I love Phil. Most based man in gaming.
MS just needs to start bank rolling better fucking games. Outside of Forza what MS games are looking good? Recore maybe?
I do think he has righted the ship though and will gain on Sony since Sony is only winning from how bad the launch of the bone was
>when a single AA eneloop has twice the power as Sonys pack
you need to stop comparing eneloops to the PS4 controller's battery life, obviously the PS4 controller has shit battery life, that's not up for debate
The Wii U Pro controller though lasts 80 hours on a charge with its built in battery. I'd prefer Xbox One to have a rechargeable battery like that.
Truth, but thats not due to the pack. It's rated for 1300mah that is still 700 less than a eneloop. There is no reason that Nintendo or Sony couldn't make it take AAs and ship it with a rechargeable AAs already installed. Hell MS should ship with rechargable AAs installed.
And the one post brought up cameras, camera batteries on the biggest racket. Sony started updating firmware on some cameras trying to get it to reject 3rd party packs.
>Tfw those all look like boring shit to me.
Is this all PC gaming has to offer?
The same boring First person shooters and strategy games over and over?
Think I'll pass on that thanks.
Sea of Thieves looks so fucking good. I have zero hype for that game before E3 and now I can't wait to play it.
>Sea of Thieves
I was hyped when I thought it was Destiny with pirates but that team work boat sailing shit? That will never work out in real online games
>sea of thieves
>boring shit
I can't tell if you're trolling or if you just have really shit taste
>Dolphin 5.0
>System Shock remastered
>Dolphin 5.0 (Yes I'm pointing this out twice)
Sorry is this b8?
Sorry I'll be playing actual good games like Gravity Rush,Persona 5,Yakuza,Horizon,Nioh,Nier,The Last Guadian,Bayonetta,Zelda and many more while you celeberate the continued raping of Rare with some shitty open world MMO pirate shitfest.
What next you gonna try hyping up Quantum Break some more?
>weeb shit
pick 1 (one) and only 1
>PC cucks so desperate for game they''re hyping up fucking Dolphin 5.0
Dear Pajeet, the amount of $0.03 has been deposited to your account.
Keep up the good work!
Oh, did you assume that I only have a gaming PC? Seriously, fuck the PS4 though. Horizon is the only game coming to it that looks even remotely interesting.
mAh rating doesn't really matter all that much, the PS4's battery is more than 2x the capacity of the Dualshock 3 and battery life is less than half the DS3.
>Sony started updating firmware on some cameras trying to get it to reject 3rd party packs.
Source? I own an a6000 and I have a 3rd party pack I got for free with it.
Including AA support at all means your controller needs to support 2.5v - 3v, and li-ion batteries are usually 3.7v. The play and charge kits suck because they use nicd or cheap ni-mh batteries, li-ion is better.