Why is Pokemon GO more popular with girls?

Why is Pokemon GO more popular with girls?

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because it's the last trend on facebook

they are hoping to meet cute poke mon boys

Mobile games are more popular with women, no magic here.

Because it's casual phone shit.

We can assume the 45% under 50k includes the full 22% of 13-17 year-olds.

Who. Literally. Cares.

>there are women who earn $100K+
Jesus Christ, living in a 1st world country and being a female must be so fucking fun


hahaha get fucked slime

>implying people didn't lie about their gender
>implying this even matters because its a mobile game
Why the actual fuck did you even make this thread?

Who cares?

>playing pokemon go in the park
>start attacking a rival gym
>a group of girls walk over and start harassing me
every time

Because girls follow whatever is popularity liked sheep.

Jesus the salaries in the US seem huge as fuck.
Don't you have to pay a fucking for healthcare, insurances, TV Internet and phone ?
Here in France if you earn 2500 a month, you have a good job.
What is the equivalent there ?

>Under 50k

Gutter trash

Is this a porno
asking for a friend :^)

>34% 100k+

Who are these people?

>tfw no this

Because all you have to do is flick a ball and tap the screen, it's much easier for women to understand than regular Pokemon.

Even a retard could play the game with no problems

Seriously, WTF is up with the income demographics? Why would both more people earning above 100k and below 50k each contain far more people playing than anyone earning between that? It doesn't say exactly what it's counting though, but it seems really odd.

Those statistics are weird as fuck, it completely ignores anyone under age 12 which is unlikely to have no-one

>gigantic fad
Gee, I wonder why.

>hot pregnant Mexican bullies me
Nope. That doesn't make me feel good.

I know that feel
Nowadays I'm forced to spoof at home

Are you me?

It's their husbands earning the money.

I have a similar situation, can't leave the house because of the local "no manlets allowed" policy
fuck being 5'11"

Are you sure that's not based on the gender of the characters they choose?

picture is bait.
add 12 year olds and under and it probably cuts everyone else down by well over half.

Fucking manlets, when will they ever learn?

It panders to casuals,candy crush players are like 95% women

It may be GAR-311 but not entirely sure

It's a trendy mobile game that is easy to get into, allows them so socialize, requires no skill, and has cute critters in it. It's everything women want in a videogame, really.

>63% female

And how many of them are actually guys ?

>you have to sign up at "surveymonkey" to be included in the statistics

That isn't a random sample. That isn't how this works. Fuck. God damn it. And shame on all of you for just going along with it. Seems like Sup Forums will believe Fucking anything nowadays. I hate you people.

potentially social videogame with as little videogame in it as possible.
it's perfect

>cellphone game
>it's free
>it's popular

Simple. Girls usually never invest in games that takes a long time to install or that costs money. A free game that they can play on their cellphone and then talk about with other people on FB and Instagram is perfect

It's easy and gives the impression of being a """"""""""""""""gamer""""""""""""""""""

>bot at night
>run around and smack gyms around during the day, soloing gyms

i've never had so much fun in my life

the game never asks your gender or income, so all this information is secondhand

this survey means nothing

Because like most phone shit
>no time investment required
>everyone's doing it
>cute shit
>passive grind mechanics, no active gameplay elements

>tap the screen to win
>so much fun

>roll by group of people training gym
>take over, plop a 2k
>wave when they look around in confusion and continue walkin

if I knew where you live I would fucking break every bone in your body and put you in my cellar as slave

ow, the edge

>girls playing literal garbage
who'd have thought

>Source: SurveyMonkey
>No sample size shown

Totally legit.

t. walkfag

1. Uni students
2. Former uni students who have spent a few years in high paying graduate jobs

> 63% female


That's annually


I've lost fucking 20 pokeballs on this fucking ONE ghastly that has jumped out of my balls 3 times despite me giving it a raspberry, and the fucking majority of these balls have been FUCKING CURVEBALLS FOR NO FUCKING REASON

Every fucking ball a FUCKING CURVEBALL except the few fucking times I figure "hey, maybe I should try to compensate my throw and throw slightly to the side instead of straight forward". FUCKING NOPE. CURVEBALL TO FUCK ALL

Is it not obvious? Women are "gatherers", as opposed to hunters. Pokemon Go is like berry picking in video game form. You collect the pokemon, instead of battling and wearing them down for capture.

>wife works in an office that is 90% female
>all of them, even the management, plays pokemon go
>now she's trying to convince me to play it more and help her take over gyms

When we were still dating, she thought it was weird that I played pokemon until I was 16

>Those throws that slight move to the right or left of the Pokemon despite you aiming straight dead on.
>Those throws that are at the same strength and speed as the ones that succeed but they either undershoot or overshoot.

Casual mobile game is aces for chicks.

I refuse to play pokemon go simply because all the kids who made fun of me growing up for playing past rby are all obsessed with it

>Ages 18-29
Humanity failed. Lets just start killing each other and get it over with

You let them ridicule you for it. Now you're letting them enjoy the series without you.

>he thinks plopping 2k mons in gyms does anything in this broken game

Because women fuck around on their phones more than men, probably.

because most male pokemon fans pick female trainers as a result of wanting to be the little girl and that skews the statistic

y'all dumb

Because mobile as a gaming platform is more popular with girls.

>poor autistic manchildren

Why I am not surprised?

My mother took him $120k gross last year

She works 65 hours a week.

it's like pottery

Because only girls are dumb enough to play mobile garbage

>no source on how the study was done

Because it's on the phone. Girls like phones, is it that hard to believe?

Really makes you think.


I have seen hundreds of boys walking round the street with phones out and never seen a girl, either some boondocks is populated 100 percent with girls glued to their phones or this is factually incorrect or based on "who downloaded this once and didnt start it"

Because girls are a majority in gaming.

Where do you guys get hot pregnant MExican

is ur mum the president

>Why is Pokemon GO more popular with girls?

Because they need to push a narrative. And what better way to use something that has no way of proving you true or false to push one. Now nobody can say you're a liar.

Btw, I've seen way way way more boys playing Pokemon Go than girls. Just go visit any popular pokestop during the day and it's mostly males playing.

>hurr durr the facts contradict my real life experience so it's wrong

>botting a casual fotm mobile game for children and women
>bragging about it
you are even sadder than everyone else playing this game

I'd take real life experience over these internet surveys anyday. Real life experience is more fact than these bullshit surveys.

>not having fun your own way

wew lad

What team do girls play on?

Mexican girls seems to like Pokemon Go


Every girl (about 30 or so) I've met playing Go is in Mystic.

It's popular now and based off of an IP they once shamed, but now they play it because everyone else is.


That's a cute feminine penis.

good heavens is there a source for this material

Who 19.6 here

>tfw phones a brick and can't run it
How am I meant to pick up chicks with my extensive pokemon knowledge now?


Stupid tripfag

Jesus, everything has to have a fucking some romantic fanwank.
I shouldn't expect less, shame on me.

Because it has literally no difficulty, so they can be good at it with no effort whatsoever. Also "lol I'm so nerdy! XD"

a $100 china phone runs it just fine

when you open the item inventory, it bugs out and make you do throw balls. this is REGARDLESS of if you use any item. nice bug eh?

There is

>women play mobile trash
What a shocker.

Because Pokemon is entry level shit like Zelda and Mario.

Because this is a "game" not a real game.