With this we can be sure that more stuff than we thought from versus have stuck around...

With this we can be sure that more stuff than we thought from versus have stuck around. What else do you think they kept?

Other urls found in this thread:


The resolution and the framerate

I think they kept everything except Etro's name, and useless Stella.

Have you guys seen new Titan demo presentation at Hong Kong? This girl plays like a pro compares to Matt, lol.
starts at 02:15


The only thing we know that was in versus that isn't in XV is Stella, FNC lore and the original intro, now Luna, it's own lore and a modified intro.

watch PlaystationHK channel for past broadcasts.

There is also youtube link, but quality is bad:


what does his hair look like in the front? is it down his face or like young regis.

High kek

on the right side his hair is slicked back, on the left it's his normal hair

his hair could be just down, he could end up looking like this guy


Who knows. We haven't seen his face yet.

>With this we can be sure that more stuff than we thought from versus have stuck around.

This proves nothng you autist, this was a deal with Roen, they had already confirmed that anything Roen designed would still be in the game, cuz it's under a fucking contract.

His hair probably just wet

also who the fuck designed the character model on the right?

Compare the fucking shoulders, whoever made the suit on the right side has never seen a man wearing a suit before in his life.

>Hong Kong conf
>Tabata confirms secret ending
>Tabata confirms that someone of the main char will die
>show dagger moveset

God, i can't wait anymore.

When he's closer to the screen you can see the hair is curving towards the back from the front indicating he slicked the sides back, plus the top isn't spiky but down, isn't wet either.

left side he's slumping walk, right side he's taking big stride walk

Source or GTFO.

So they are taking his sasuke mode away?

nothing to do with what i said.

Just watch Hong Kong conf you lazy faggot.

>>Tabata confirms that someone of the main char will die

It's Regis and Cor man.

what the fuck is kong conf

I think he's trying to say that his shoulders should slope down more, but that's different for every person. My shoulder line for example is pretty much horizontal.

it's the same suit design, he's just walking more energeticly on right side so he shoulders are higher

Or Luna. Or Iris. Or maybe everyone dies except Noctis. How about that?

>Tabata's characters in CC and T-0 were Zack and Izana
>both died horribly
>his favorite characters in XV are Noctis, Regis, and Ignis
Noctis is a dead man walking.

I'd believe Luna might die if there was a female character of similar importance, but there isn't.

Iris is too irrelevant to be called main character.

Yeah nah, the whole things is framed as a succession. Unless Tabata goes full democracy I doubt it will happen.

I can't imagine this game without someone important dying.

1.Are there alternative outfits for MC or the whole group?
2.How is the combat system compared to something like kingdom hearts 1?
3. How long will it probably be?
4Can you customize your party (healer, tank etc.) or is it an action game?
5.How fluid is the movement (responsitivity, animations etc.)

I dont know anything about this game but loved KH as a kid and played the older FF games (1/2 and some 3d installments)

Thank you

Not everyone speaks ching chong ping pong you donut.

So learn it pleb. Sooner or later China will take over the world.

Yes, for the whole group
It looks pretty different compared to KH1
~50 hours
It's an action game but there's supposedly some kind of customization
The animations are smooth, but it feels a little sluggish as of the last demo they released. It looks better in the videos they've shown off since then though.

1. Yes
2. better, but less responsive, animations are more realistic and it feels heavy
3. 50 hours for main story, 150+ hours for 100%
4. There is some customization but the game is action mainly.
5. There is a free demo, try it yourself.

It feels nothing like KH.


No one has played the full game yet, but KH isn't too far off. Probably a mix of KH and stylish action games.

50 hours for main story, 100 side content according to the devs.

Action game. Party members have some customization but you probably can't go as far as changing their roles.

Game isn't out yet but animations look god tier.

I can't wait for this game anymore.

He very well might. Regis' legacy ended up being pic related and the whole "end of an era" thing is pretty characteristic for FF.