
It's just going to be GZ+TPP in one disc

I personally think no one should have reviewed this game, it's not complete and has no ending

Video game reviews really are a joke though. They cloud your mind and take away all the fun of playing a game with an open mind

>Video game reviews really are a joke though. They cloud your mind and take away all the fun of playing a game with an open mind

I agree, i just don't think incomplete games should get reviews, if you cut out the last 30 mins of a film and release it does that deserve a review? No, because it is not a finished product

Tell that to Konami.

It's surely a bundle with Ground Zeroes and maybe a bit of bonus material and MGO dlc. Konami doesn't have anymore the staff to complete the cut content.

Ground zeroes, the phantom pain, collectors edition dlc weapons and camos, mgo dlc skins and weapons, cloaked in silence dlc and that's it.

Did you rike it?

Yeah you're right, they shouldn't have released it unfinished but then again Kojima did have a ton of time and money to finish and polish it


Tried playing mgo 2 days ago. It's still so broken. Fucking cqcd from 30 yards away. Ghost bullets and dead guys come back to life.

>hurr durr muh cutscenes

there's more than enough game with what we got

It's pretty much complete.
If you didn't like what you got is something completely different.

By that logic Dragon's Dogma shouldn't be reviewed neither because that game was released unfinished too.

Even if it was the complete game it would still not be a good MGS game so why bother

Not the best MGS game but a fucking great game all together.
If any other developer had made this game it would not have received so much hate as it has received just because it was made by Kojima and people expect better.

If there's a ruse, there's no chapter 3 and the only real solitude is in DS

Pic related, new Death Stranding characters that were teased at the singing with Shinikawa after comic con

>Make Metal Gear Great Again.

looks like Viola

I want a Kojima productions shirt

The character with the eye patch looks like snake and the girl looks like Big Boss, what's up with that?

>Big Boss


Snake's teacher was a chick named Big Boss. He defeated her in MGS3 and took in the name Big Boss himself.
I meant his teacher when I said this.

>Dragon's Dogma takes you ON THE FUCKING MOON
>Kojima can't stop taking pictures of his meals and flirting with Joosten by making fun of her in tweets to make another fucking jungle and rehash a bossfight
Nice job, you fucking hack.

her name was just "The Boss"or "the Joy"
you silly willy

>cloaked in silence dlc
explain? Isn't cloaked in silence the quiet mission from the main game?

Oh dear, I made a mistake

Luckily this board is anonymous ey friend?

maps taken from the story mode and put into MGO.
all the maps were fucking horrible and unplayable
and you could pay as quiet.
she sucked

i will find you and stab you

If her name was Big Boss, snake's code name would have been Big Fucking Boss or Biggest Boss because it has to sound greater

Splinter Cell Blacklist was pretty much the same game. That was generally considered "meh" but TPP is considered one of the best games ever.
Outside Sup Forums.

Bestest boss

if they really wanted to milk money out of people they should just release a mgo standalone expansion like portable ops +

Portable ops + was fun as hell though.

>it's just the trailers in 4K quality
>I'm okay with this

Gym Boss

It's just Boss
Naked snake is big boss

I wonder how quickly all of the #fuckkonami nerds will suddenly eat their own words and rush to buy the same game they already own again.

>Eye patch


They could for example add option to choose to do any mission in subsistence mode or the other modes. Clear it up a bit, if it's even possible

The Bossest

>#bborbust fags still think this game has a chapter 3

I rike it

>ignore reviews
>don't look at any media coverage
>buy mgs5
>play it for 200 hours
>most fun i've had in the last decade

it's amazing what making your game 90% gameplay can do.

It was cut.

Girl looks more like Paz/sunny and the eyepatch dude looks like an old raiden

>Splinter Cell Blacklist was pretty much the same game
not even remotely close. Blacklist lacked 100% of what made Splinter Cell so fun. MGS5 had the best gameplay in Metal Gear history.

>it's amazing what making your game 90% gameplay can do.

True that. Especially when it runs as well as MGS5.

it wasn't, it was just a cutscene for nuclear disarmament. this was confirmed, what, 9 months ago?

it's weird playing a game this gen that has no game breaking bugs, and is shockingly responsive. the fact that they made it control even better than Ground Zeroes was nuts.

Chapter 2 didn't end yet. It would be safe to assume the transition towards the third chapter happens after the disarmament cutscene ends.

It would be also safe to assume it's almost fucking impossible getting that thing to happen.

Because MGS fans are stupid

How the fuck can people ignore Kojima's nuke hateboner is a mystery to me.

I'm going to assume it's people that started with TPP and make nukes either to spite, challenge, or raise their PF Rank.

>one year later
>expecting anything other than what we already got with all the dlcs and GZ on one disc

Don't hype yourselves up, faggots, you'll only be let down with no hope for a future, just like Quiet when she expected to be brought back to mother base after mission 45, only to be let down and deserted and heartbroken.

>still memeing this

Get with the times grandpa, the new hot meme is that ishmael isn't big boss

>still thinks it's memeing to tell the truth

>lying about memes

How low will you sink?

I recently obtained a decent computer and it seems that Phantom Pain isn't cracked

Is this true? I only found GZ

"Truths Other Than The Ones We Tell Ourselves."

It was Naked Snake

or rather"A harsh truth is less damaging than a tender lie, and the worst lies are the ones we tell ourselves."

Keep telling yourself that ishmael is big boss. He's not.

He's __________Huey__________

He was supposed to, apparently. What a clusterfuckian nightmare.

____________________For you.____________________

>Ishmael was real
>Volgin was real
>Volgin was kept alive by his anger or some shit
>Big Boss wasn't being haunted by his past
>The Cobra Unit were powered by parasites
>Skull Face tailed behind you in MGS3 and "cleaned up messes"
>Ocelot in general
>taking massive damage doesn't cause you to see fucked up colors except in one cutscene and the cut content


It's pretty janky but I love the crazy levels of cross-over fanservice it has.
>you will never dress up your Mother Base soldiers as Gurluko mercs or Arsenal Tengu

its cracked

He's either another phantom or big boss

We still don't know what happened to Morpho or the other delta soldier guy in the helicopter

Makes u think

I really want it to be "TPP with one more year in the oven", but deep down I know that no amount of polish can fix the underlying, fundamentally bad design.
And either way, we all know in reality it's going to be just a GZ+TPP bundle.

>There’s various costume packs, building on an already huge set of cosmetics, and addons for Metal Gear Online, but nothing that would be worth shelling out extra for.
>but nothing that would be worth shelling out extra for.
Alright, these guys are cool.

the cut content was never made you delusional fuck
and it wouldn't save this shitheap anyway just accept that it sucks and get on with your life god damn

which version is the best one

I'd buy if there's a Solid Snake MGS2 and Old Snake costume.

There he is

the ideal customer

I really dont think the cut content even fucking matters, oh boohoo you dont get to have a rehashed bossfight and then napalm an island in a cutscene. The story still makes perfect sense because you still have mantis and eli togther. And no other conflicts. The only reason you people want thecut chapter 3 is purely because it was cut. It wasnt cut because they didnt have time to finish it it was cut because it wasnt fucking needed

I haven't bought MGS5 yet. I just barrow if from my Brother.

Anything you'd like to share with the rest of the class, user?

>mfw death stranding is Chapter 3, which is a prequel
Hold me I'm not ready

it's a metaphoric game about the development of MGSV

I hope it isn't. I just want MGS to die in peace. They've done all they could for it and MGSV stands as an example that no matter how long another mgs game is in development it just will not live to the hype or expectations.
I want Death Stranding to be another IP on its own. The PT we were promised

>tfw I stopped playing before I got nukes

im scared to get back on, I bet all my resources, copper wiring, and scrap metal has been raided and stolen, fucking niggers this is what happens when you put your base in the ghetto

>underlying, fundamentally bad design.

what dont you like about the design? the missions?

Am I the only one who realized snakes rife? he carried an M4 in MGS2 not an FN

>He knows DS is chapter 3 and a prequel to MGSV starring Norman Reedus as Adam

How did you know? Thought I was the only one

>le cut content meme
when will this shit stop?
cut content wouldn't make anything better
it's as retarded as the rest of the game and has nothing to do with bridging the gap

They stopped using real life firearms after Peace Walker. It's all fictional stuff now. The new MGS3 pachisuro machine has The End using a Renov-ickx instead of the Mosin Nagant.

Sup Forums fill me in on all the shit with MGSV and its cut content, I played a little bit of it and it felt fun, but slightly repetitive. What was it meant to be? Bare in mind I haven't really played any of them

the firearm designs are real, but the names are changed. PW was my favorite gun porn game, especially the rare/prototype shit you would expect from cold war fear


Black Bullet.

Before anyone asks for source.

No one wants to watch this stupid shit but thanks. No one would do stuff like that.

>tfw no blind loli to help

>The repeating missions, even in the main line
>There's little to do between outposts and most areas are just checkpoints
>Open world feels dead. No vehicles convoys or walkers on the free roam despite being mass produced,.
>None of the places, save for the mansion jungle, the Sahelanthropus hangar, and OKB Zero feel like Metal Gear zones
>Lackluster bosses. Quiet and Sahel being the only real fights. The Skulls were more like tougher soldiers.

The gun controls were great, but you can't carry a game as big as Metal Gear with only gun play. The areas and bosses are what made Metal Gear memorable, not the fact that you picked up a FAMAS.