Was it a good game fampai?

Was it a good game fampai?
Can it stand its ground as compared to giants like Mario 64 or Galaxy?

I take it as no

best mario after galaxy

Sunshine is trash.

its bad. if it defined ur childhood then I'm sorry

What it lacked in gameplay it made up in beautiful and comfy areas. I love it.

people in Sup Forums praise Other M and we have shitheads like Cody calling you "Pretendos" for not liking a shit-tier Nintendo game nowadays

should be no surprise faggots here will be praising Shitshine

the definition of GCNostagia

way better than galaxy

I've watched some videos of it, and I don't remember anything about this game

it left no impression on my

I got to 119 shines, and just decided to say fuck. I'm always anal about getting 100 percent

It's legitimately mediocre, unfortunately there's tons of dummies that think Sup Forums is a hate machine and shits on everything but they actually start getting defensive if you explain why

I've played every single Mario platformer.

Yes Sunshine is fucking great and is quite possibly my favourite game of all time. It improves on many things from 64 and even does things better than the Galaxy series. I don't think it should be compared to the 2D Marios though.

Setting : sunshine > galaxy > 64
Gameworld : sunshine > 64 > galaxy
Ost : sunshine = 64 = galaxy
Levels : Galaxy > sunshine > 64
Control : Galaxy > 64 > sunshine

Its a really comfy game to finish but after that the way to 100% just uncovers how actually incomplete it is

the setting is sunshine sucks

just some shitty washout island

I never understood why most people here on Sup Forums don't like sunshine. It's literally 64 2.
It's also way better than galaxy.

Tell me people, why don't you like this game? What makes it that much worse than galaxy and 64? I want legit reasons, because I never heard them from you.

It's a pretty good game and better than galaxy.

It is a good game, there are no bad games in the 3D Mario series. Inb4 "hurrf durrf 3D World".
But it's still the weakest one. The hub world is really disappointing compared to 64's Peach castle. Blue coins out of the ass. Horrible level design, the only good levels are the fluddless ones, which, go figure, are exactly like Mario Galaxy and 3D World. The Fludd helped Mario being more acrobatic but it also controlled far worse than Mario in 64. Terrible and unecessary dubbing.

All in all, it's still a good game. But it only happens to be the weakest 3D Mario game.

Not a Sunshine hater myself but from what I've been able to piece together, the main criticisms seem to be:
>too much FLUDD
>Yoshi isn't an advantage
>blue coins
>red coins

Oh wow, would ya look at that.

sunshine > all the rest

I found on ebay brand new gamecube sunshine bundle hope I will have fun with it

man, i sure do love unskippable cutscenes and bad VAing in Sunshine

FLUDD. cleaning up goop is repetitive and not enjoyable much of the time. the hover nozzle is a crutch and adds little to the game beyond that. the turbo nozzle is fun but rarely appears and only has an elicit purpose twice in the game.

padded with blue coins, which are hidden throughtout the level with no inventory or checklist not even how many had been collected per level. padded with red coins. padded with the same "chase shadow mario and squirt him" mission a dozen times.

gimps the control and movement from 64

most of the worlds suck and aren't fun to navigate for multiple reasons. especially sirena beach


feeling butthurt, Sunshinefag?

It's my favorite after 64. I don't see how people champion Galaxy the way they do when his fucking attack is a spin punch. I didn't even bother with Galaxy 2 after playing Galaxy 1.

>red coins
What the fuck? Why is that a reason? It's in every 3D mario.
>too much FLUDD
Can't understand this. I never had a problem with the FLUDD. It was a pretty cool addition.
>Yoshi isn't an advantage
Why should he be? He is just there to make extra shines with challenges.
>blue coins
This I canunderstand. I myself couldn't 100 the game because of them. BUT I actually think it makes the player to explore the world more and gives the game a bit more difficulty to 100% it.

and i really do love how the yoshi is clunky and super limited on acrobatic movement.

This entire post is literally just opinion. Cleaning up goop is fun, as an example.

Finding blue coins was also my favourite part of the game but I'll give you the point that there was no checklist for them.
>padded with red coins
Not a criticism. These were always specifically used as a way for you to go to certain platforming segments of the levels. They were fun to get most of the time.
>chase shadow mario and squirt him
Impossible since every level was different.
>gimps the control and movement from 64
It changed it, but definitely for the better. In 64 it was common to have to stand in PRECISE spots to do certain high jumps and Mario would often run off a fucking cliff if you didn't take the time to make him stand still and carefully turn on the spot.

Did you even play 64?

It's good that he was because then there'd be no reason to use Mario. Yoshi had his own advantages (eating enemies, having a bouncy feel, etc.) and Mario had his. As it should be. I honestly can't believe "Yoshi wasn't enough of an advantage" is an actual fucking criticism by you idiots.

Personally I feel it felt a great deal freer than galaxy, which was a great platformer and the logical extension of a 2D mario converted into 3D but couldnt really match the atmosphere of sunshine. Its a better game but I have fonder memories of sunshine.

...all what? 4 minutes worth of cutscenes?

galaxy lets you skip them

Beat it a few days ago. It's a mixed bag, for me at least. I really enjoyed some parts (every "The Secret of" shine, basically all the shines where you had to do platforming to get to them), "Mysterious Hotel Delfino" is really fucking amazing, but some parts I absolutely hated (who the fuck thought it was a good idea to have you chase Shadow Mario so much?), the watermelon shine and "Yoshi's Fruit Adventure" can go fuck themselves


Some Shines are legitimately bullshit difficult but that adds to the game IMO. For example the infamous pachinko level is easy to beat with a lot of practice.

The only hard part of Galaxy for me was the Daredevil Bouldergeist mission. It was mostly style>substance compared to Sunshine.

Sunshine did have its flaws, however, but it still is the best 3D Mario to me.

The fludd shit annoys me. I just wanted a straight up 3d platformer.

Its unfinished as fuck. In order to beat the game, you're required to at least do the chuckster level which is one of the biggest shitshows in mario history. There's only 8 stages. The stages are made with setting and worldbuilding in mind, causing a huge detriment to the actual platforming which is the main point of the game. The blue coins fucking suck and there's no way to know which ones you have. A lot of those optional levels are total bullshit (like the pachinko one). And don't get me started on the fucking yoshi boat juice island thing.

Blue Coins & Chasing Shadow Mario: The Game

>The stages are made with setting and worldbuilding in mind, causing a huge detriment to the actual platforming
Did you even play the game? Literally every fucking level's design has its own elements of unique platforming in mind. That's why levels like the carnival and Noki Bay are so fun to navigate through.
>The blue coins fucking suck
But they don't. They're literally fucking fun to find because to get them you have to really explore every nook and cranny which is heaps fun.
>there's no way to know which ones you have
Give you that one.
>yoshi boat juice island thing
>a lot of those optional levels are total bullshit
Dude, so many of the stars in SM64 were unfun as fuck to collect.

All these negatives people are bringing up seem like small, irrelevant parts of the experience in my memories of the game

Just that one at the beginning

>blue coins
Just there for completionists

>chasing shadow Mario
Like once per zone at most? I don't recall doing it in Noki bay either

For me it's the best 3D Mario game, it's too much fun to platform around Noki bay, pianta village, delfino plaza, gelato beach, pinna park, etc

I love the little Islanders and the subtle details of their setting

I love squirting water on the ground then doing a belly slide on it, I love doing a triple jump into a wall jump into hover nozzle to another ledge

tropical islands setting is GOAT

Noki Bay had a shadow Mario race as well (I think the seventh mission of every world), but I agree.

>the seventh mission of every world

I was playing it just now, why do people here complain about the camera? You have full control over it and its awesome, a very good improvement from the 64's even though it wasnt much of a problem anyways

>Control : Galaxy > 64

it's entirely manual and has issues with walls and other obstructions, whereas 64 had environmental context and often adjusted itself

>it's entirely manual
That's a plus
>has issues with walls and other obstructions
I can only think of that mission on the theme park but other tha that, this isn't an issue
>whereas 64 had environmental context and often adjusted itself
Sometimes thats good, but sometimes it is not, its just better to use Mario camera to have full control of it, like in sunshine

It might have been better if it adjusted itself automatically when there was a wall in the way of the viewer rather than forcing the player to adjust it but I never really had a problem with the camera myself. It's slightly annoying but it doesn't render the game unplayable

Oh you can hate on Sunshine all you want but don't even try to pretend it was worse than the 64 one. That's just straight up bullshit.

>massively reduced movement options

Sunshine was the last good 3d Mario, every game after that has further reduced Mario's list of moves and abilities or replaced them as powerups.

I just played it for the first time a few months ago, it was ok

probably would have loved it if I were a kid

I like Sunshine, but I can't deny that it feels a bit unfinished. It really should have more levels in it, hub + 8 is just isn't enough.

I think they should have cut the blue coins out or at least removed a good portion of them. A lot of them aren't hidden at all so you're basically getting a free shine, then there's others that are hidden so well that finding them without a guide would be very difficult and unlikely. I feel like the ones that have a reason to exist are the ones hidden in plain view but are in places that are tricky to reach.

Its better than galaxy and in hindsight is equal to or better than 64.

Yup, blue coins in general feel like they are only lazy time-consuming filler. I like tight challenges in platformers and scrounging around for fuckloads of coins just isn't that exciting.

Huh. I liked the blue coins. Searching for them and squirting in suspicious areas was fun.

blue coins is the only negative.

Sunshine's problem is that it is VERY unpolished for a Mario game.

To this day, I've never 100% because of how much I don't like collecting blue coins. I think I may try finishing it again soon (Just like some other games I still haven't really 'finished' like Viewtiful Joe on the higher difficulties, Odama, and Rogue Sqaudron II. )

But overall I think the game does have lots of really bright spots. It really is 64-2, and I although I think it can be needlessly frustrating in some ways, there are lots of cool ideas there. I'd say the FLUDD less sections are, surprisingly, some of the best 3D platforming sections in Mario's history. And there are some stand out areas here. Making your way through a haunted hotel by making use of supernatural shortcuts was a lot of fun.

Shit, I think I'm going to play it right now.

>cleaning up goop is repetitive
The cleaning only shows up in the start and almost in the end of the game. It wasn't repetitive.

I've always wondered why you have to go to that shop to turn blue coins into shines. Why not just turn them into shines directly?

in some ways yes, others no. it's less cumbersome but the amount of adjustment it needs far exceeds the former

>bad VAing
Only Bowser had the cringe voice, and that's because we never see Bowser talking with his voice.

Don't you like shopping on vacation user?

for whatever reason i never got around to galaxy 2. its the only significant mario game i've yet to play (significant meaning not mario is missing, mario hotel etc)

Is it as good as the other 3D mario games?

But that shop owner guy is hoarding all the shines while his fellow villagers are suffering.

it's a lot more challenging than galaxy 1, also eschews the unnecessary story bits

I think once the Shine Gate lost the power, it let all the Shine Sprites escape to around all places. The raccoon fat guy found some of them, and he had the idea to sell them, so he picked some of them, and then put them for sale.

Why does he only accepts the Blue Coins is a mystery, though.

Because there are people who value more the money than the love between people. They don't care.

More news at eleven.

64 and Sunshine were significantly better than both Galaxy games

>Why does he only accepts the Blue Coins is a mystery, though.

Maybe the blue coins are foreign currency. The shop owner guy was a raccoon IIRC and the natives on the island were plant people.

Absolutely. It's my personal favorite Mario

If you don't go after all the blue coins, then yes it is a fun game. There are still a few frustrating levels, but for the most part it is good


It's my favorite Mario, followed closely by 64 though that hasn't aged as well as I'd have liked.

Didn't care for Galaxy. Too linear and I hated the motion controls.

One of my favorite games of all time. I think that says enough for it

Better than Galaxy for nostalgia to me

Well, not sunshine thats for sure.