Anyone play this yet? If it's as good as the movie they can have my $60 lol

Anyone play this yet? If it's as good as the movie they can have my $60 lol.

Loved the movie, but this looks like a reskin of sanctum of slime... and homie don't play dat

Loved the 2009 game tho

yeah but it doesnt beat the new movie, lol.
the new movie is GOAT. everybody should watch it.

it's shit just like the movie

I doubt it

[yeah go buy it op, it's real good


but the movie was great user, even better then the first. go watch it.

You're fucking trying too hard.


i dont know what you mean. just watch the movie and you will understand how great it is.

It's Sanctum of Slime, but somehow even worse.

Stay far far away.

actually im a Sup Forums nazi, i hate niggers and muslims and am in no way a feminsist, i vote trump and support traditional famaly values. the movie is great, go and watch it.

Lol haha yeah bros I get it haha

Because the movie was bad, so you pretend it is good, haha yeaheh bro lol, I get it, I getcha. We share the same humor us 4channers

what a clever boy you are, impressive.

Sup Forums fuck off


fuck you and fuck that
here is your fucking reply

Saw cam rip of movie. It was pretty good. Most people dissing movie never even seen it or are just brainwashed nu-male alt-right fags.

One of the worst games of all time?

>tfw even the feminazis turned their back on this movie it's so bad

>hating women

Who's this guy again?

The only Ghostbusters game you should play is the 2009 one.

Now fuck off

Paul feig will never work in Hollywood again lol

Quick reminder that any post you see on Sup Forums containing the word 'lol' in all lowercase is an ironic shitpost or off-site normafaggotry

Fuck you, faggot. The 2009 game is the real third movie.

Enraged Enrique

lol triggered


Good. He's a one note hack.

>picture for ants

I can't believe these sjw are shilling right here on Sup Forums...

No argument here. His best work was in heavyweights.

tehehehe, lel sjw boogeyman. XD , #freemilo

Awwwe baby men don't like movie :(

I personally thought the movie was a laugh-a-minute riot. Game is fun, if you like a challenge.

who is milo

You think we'll ever get a game based on pic related?

the game is definitely worth 60 bucks. maybe even more. does not beat the new movie in terms of quality entertainment but its pretty good desu, best game to buy right now. would play again 11/10

Not for at least 12 years

yeah. loved the movie. if you are a real gamer who likes real games you should buy the game too.

Only if HL3 comes out

i played it, pretty good game lol.

It was fucking horrible. Paul Feig pls go

a chocolate drink

Fucking cis babymen. Grow up Tbh


trolling and ironic shitposting was a mistake